Incubator seems impossible to regulate


In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
First time hatching... Borrowed a LG 9200 from my mom, who hatches her ducks in it. This year she had terrible luck with her eggs but I think it was because she was keeping her humidity too high. Anyway, I had the incubator set up for a couple of days with the temp holding steady at 99.5 according to the analog thermometer inside the bator. I set my eggs in it yesterday. Today I bought a digital thermometer that shows humidity. Put it in a couple of hours ago, just checked and it's showing 109! The analog was showing around 105 so I turned it down a little. It just seems to do its own thing. Any tips?
I think the fste of the eggs will depend on how long the temp wad high. My last hatch my 1 yr old turned my temp up and i did not notice until it was 104. After that i had a terrible time trying to get it restablized. I too was using a 9200. I found that with that bator i had to constantly babysit it. It was exhausting. The best tip i can give is make EXTREMELY SMALL adjustments and then wait for the adjustment to regulate BEFORE adjusting again. Unless of course the temp is sky high. I would then say crack the lid to lower it. That will affect humidity so you will have to monitor that. If you plan on hatching frequently and/or getting a new bator i highly recommend the Hova Bator 1588. I just got it and am using for the first time. My hatch is due Sun and it has been working like a dream. So easy...plug in a basically walk away. I love it!
Thanks for the info. It seems to be regulated today... Hoping it stays that way and no damage was done. The temp was high for a few hours, but I'm not sure how high. Crossing fingers!
Thanks for the info. It seems to be regulated today... Hoping it stays that way and no damage was done. The temp was high for a few hours, but I'm not sure how high. Crossing fingers!

Good luck. If you candle them on day 4-5, you should know whether it hurt them or not. We will hope not.
Mine was high for easily a couple of hours. I ended up with a 40% hatch rate. I had a lot go wrong with that hatch. Temp drove me crazy the entire time. High then low, hot and cold spots even though it was forced air. I was really surprised that I ended up with a 40% hatch. I think that they are sometimes tougher than we give them credit for. "Life will always find a way".

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