incubator temperature?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Hello everyone, I have a question on incubator temp, We just put some eggs in my father in law's incubator that he brought down for us, he had it set up with a couple eggs from his hens. We put 20 eggs on it last night, mostly easter eggers and wyandottes.

My FIL and I often disagree about animal management, he is an old school farmer and likes to do things the way he always has. He had the incubator (old, all metal, round kind) set at 103 degrees, I think that is too warm and turned it down to 101. Is that still to high? will having it too warm be bad for the hatch?
If it's too warm, they could be killed or develope faster than normal causing early hatches and deformities, a slightly cooler tempature will cause slower developement and cause deformities. They need very specific conditions. Also I assume you are controlling the humidity as well, correct?
Thanks, we got a new thermometer and got the temp perfect. Then yesterday had a middle of the night power outage, I'm thinking my babies are doomed, going to candle on Monday to see if any are developing. Not feeling hopeful since the power was off for over eight hours :(
It's happened to me before and it depends how far along they were, I once had a 14 day old embryo survive 3 days on the kitchen table. It was a long story of how it ended up there, but it survived. Younger embryos have a harder time and can die more easily.
We candled them, didn't look like any made it :( Going to stablize it and try again in a couple days.
Wishing you the best of luck!

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