Incubator temps..ambient temp vs.internal temp.


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
Okay, yes, I have been seduced into building an incubator. It was just too easy to say 'yes' when I had nearly all the components (formerly known as 'junk') in my shop. So far, I have the heat source, thermostat, ambient thermometer and a blown out egg filled with gel and temp probe placed inside. I found a fan on ebay and am waiting for it to be delivered this week. In the meantime, I am trying to get the ambient temp and the internal egg temp close to the same but I end up with egg temps which vary between 94* and 102*. I'm thinking this is not acceptable. So, my question is, am I shooting for 99.5 both incubator temp and egg temp or is one going to be off? I really hope instaling the fan will make a huge difference.
Once the eggs have been set for awhile the temp should match I would think.
Maybe do a search for it?

I know there is a water bag test you can do..
That's what I thought.. that both temps should be the same within 1* or so.. I'm just not sure how accurate my simulated egg is to an actual egg. I used aloe vera gel which is denser than a fertile egg, but of course as the egg fills with chick, it becomes more dense as well. I think I will try the baggie of water with a thermo and see how that compares.

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