Incubator was off...


Jul 19, 2016
Burgaw, NC
How likely is it to affect the incubating eggs if the incubator was off for several hours? It was likely about 5 hours that it was unplugged before it was noticed and plugged back in. The air temp read 84 degrees and the eggs felt cool to the touch.

I am so disappointed...I was counting on this hatch to determine whether my new incubator was causing hatch issues or if it was something wrong with my eggs because my hatches have been abysmal this year, and the only difference between this year and last is that I got a new incubator.

Now I'm not sure if I should just throw them all in the trash or what. They were on day 9. I feel like the temp drop is going to affect them too much and my hatch rate will be affected by it, which will completely screw my results and my attempt to figure out what's going on.

Plus, I don't even have a good supply of eggs to replace them with because it's been so hot and rainy here; what few eggs I HAVE gotten from my birds (because many are fighting broodiness and not laying, and others are laying elsewhere because they free range for longer times when it's rained) have been out in the heat and the damp and aren't good choices for incubation.

I'm just so upset. :( Sorry to rant. Have you had your incubator fail? Were you still able to maintain your normal hatch rates if it did?
Thanks for your replies, everyone!

I candled the eggs last night, and had to remove 17 out of the original 46. Many of those were clears, so I think that was part of my problem with my previous hatches. I DO have only one rooster, and 12 maybe he's not getting the job done for everyone all the time.
There are quite a few instances where the incubator was unplugged...ect...overnight and hatch rates were still good. It takes awhile for the core of the egg to reach the low that will kill the embryos. I vote plugging it up...give it a few days and candle to see what happens
After 4-5 hours of no power my hatches have been fine. Even 12 hour outages only served to delay hatch by one day. Hopefully all will be well.

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