Incubators Anonymous

Ok, this might sound stupid, but have any of you ever heard of a roo going broody? My blue wheaten Am boy is currently laying on a couple of the girls' eggs, and he's making little cooing noises. What the heck? This can't be normal...View attachment 1201397
Lol, what is he doing?

My old silkie roo used to do this too. I used to have to kick him out of the nest because he would stay there so long lol
He is not broody, he is showing the hens where to lay an egg, because then he is a hero, and they could not figure it out on their own. "Thank you big strong manly rooster! With out you I would be laying my egg in the street!"

It is funny though! he doesn't belong there!


Yeah, that totally seems like something Artie would do...he thinks he's God's gift to hens :lau
Ugh! Dang humidity!! AGAIN! I put my 10 eggs (which all look really good!) into lockdown last night and added some water to up my humidity...well, I guess I was a little overzealous with the water, cuz now it's up at almost 95%! I took a towel and tried to soak some of it up to lower it again (I want it between 70-75%) but Idk if it'll go down quickly enough. I swear, I can't wait til I make my own bator after new year's...this one just bugs me. It's because it's a Farm Innovators, so it's not the best quality there is...I'm also planning on getting a brinsea spot check soon so I can reliably keep tabs on my humidity. Don't know if I told you guys, but my incutherm plus was 28% (!!!) off when I calibrated it at the beginning of this hatch! I need something WAYYYY more reliable than that! I am officially never incubating in winter again. It is really hard here. I live at a pretty high elevation, we're humid in the summer, but it seems very dry in the winter...idk. I'm pretty dang frustrated, that's for sure! :rant

If the FI is styrofoam one, you might try wiping the foam inside too, the foam seems to stay more damp. But I'd guess it's fine by now anyway.

And the Spot Check... Did they make one with a hygrometer? Mine is only a thermometer. I'll have to look into that!

Ok, this might sound stupid, but have any of you ever heard of a roo going broody? My blue wheaten Am boy is currently laying on a couple of the girls' eggs, and he's making little cooing noises. What the heck? This can't be normal...View attachment 1201397
Lol, what is he doing?

Several of my roos will sit at the nest box while the girls are laying, and I had one that did a crazy dance after the girls laid, but I've never seen one actually lay on the eggs! Lol!!

Quail eggs are moved to the hatcher and they're wiggling around!

:fl :jumpy

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