Incubators Anonymous

I don't stack them in the styro, I've heard of people stacking them on the auto turner but I don't know how they do it.

In the Brinsea I put the first layer of eggs in, then wrap some in paper towels and lay them on top of the bottom layer. Not a good thing to do, I'm sure. I can't wait to get a cabinet incubator!
Thanks. I could do the same in my egg cartons. It'd be a pain, but might result in 6 more chicks at the end of the hatch. We'll see how the cartons look when they're filled up. Maybe I'll stop at the dollar store, and see if they have any little baskets that I could suspend. That way, I could remove the basket, rotate the cartons, then set the basket back in place... Hmmm.... If I had the right kind of basket, I could even hatch 2 layers of chicks!!!
I think I'm addicted. I can't seem to stop adding more eggs to my incubator! lol.
I love watching them emerge from their shell.
Nearly 1 chick hatched each day since March 6th. (12 total)

Three sections each with different thermometers.
(Can pack up to 36 eggs! 12x3)

1. ◄ Left: Earliest stages.
2. ─ Center: 8-17 days.
3. ► Right: Just about to hatch (no more turning).

Large container:
1. Clear lid with a black felt sheet to absorb and spread the heat evenly.
2. Inner walls lined with reflective poly film.
3. Outer walls insulated with 1/2" thick poly foam.

Each small container:
1. Sits approx 3/4" above a very shallow pool of distilled+well water.
(≈ water contains activated carbon powder/pellets, sodium bicarbonate,
and H202 to maintain pH/freshness longer.)
2. Has several small holes in it's walls for humidity to reach inside easier.
3. Is filled with bedding (such as fine pine shavings, corn cob, and sand).

Each egg is placed in a coffee filter so that the nasty-goop & baby chick can be constrained/transferred better and easier to the 2nd stage room, where it goes to dry off and eventually wander off in order to find food and water...

• 250W heat lamp approx. 3ft above chamber lid.
• Mirrors on sides to reflect heat.

Temps remain adequately stable (unless lid is opened shortly for candling).

~ Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
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Faraday40, My son in law has lots of chickens including 4 or 5 frizzle bantams. I asked him about that one day and he said his L.F. roosters have bred the bantams before. They have the cutest Bantam Frizzle roo and the next time I incubate or use a broody I am going to grab up their eggs and see what I get. Should be very interesting. Anyway that answers your question, it can happen. Must be the where there's a will there's a way theory.

I want to make sure the temp is right. This is my first day and the eggs have been in about 20 mins. I also have goose eggs in a different incubator that I will be needing this help with. If anyone can assist me with this I would greatly appreciate it. This is my first time incubating and I don't want to screw it up. Thanks in advance
I think I'm addicted. I can't seem to stop adding more eggs to my incubator! lol.
I love watching them emerge from their shell.
Nearly 1 chick hatched each day since March 6th. (12 total)

~ Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
Interesting. There are a few ideas (like the coffee filters & shavings) that I never thought about before. When turning the eggs, do you turn the whole container?

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