Incubators Anonymous

Absolutely clean your bator between hatches.

Some people go with strong disinfectants that are safe like Oxine

I use bleach - I wipe it out, clean it, then spray a bleach and water solution into it, keeping the surface wet for atleast 20 minutes. Then I wife out the solution, let it dry and then run for a day before sticking the next batch in. The smell wont kill the eggs but may bother you.
Awesom, thank you! I will def have to find something other than bleach tho, me and one of my daughters cant handle the smell, it does something to our throats and sinuses for days after, and it agrivates my son's asthma, I'll def look into something as strong as I can tho :) Thanks so much!
My 2 runner eggs are in LOCK DOWN as of 8:30pm (day 24)!!!!! Is it always going to be this exciting, or is it because it's my first time?
LOL. I was candling them, and at first the one looked like it was just moving and the membrane was stretching into the air sac, but the shadow (it's bill I hope) was in there for a while so I said that's it, lock down humidity up!
LOL. I'm bouncing right now!
LOL. I am PRAYING all goes well, their air sacs seem to still be a bit smaller than they should be
. I am SO EXCITED!!!

Now we wait......

I just love this!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting for turkey poults to do their thiing. 4 weeks is a loooooong wait. To keep busy I need to finish grow out pen for cornish x. They definitely cannot be raised with standard sized birds. It's like GOdzilla stomping thru a city full of chicks. . . . yikes.
My 2 runner eggs are in LOCK DOWN as of 8:30pm (day 24)!!!!! Is it always going to be this exciting, or is it because it's my first time?
LOL. I was candling them, and at first the one looked like it was just moving and the membrane was stretching into the air sac, but the shadow (it's bill I hope) was in there for a while so I said that's it, lock down humidity up!
LOL. I'm bouncing right now!
LOL. I am PRAYING all goes well, their air sacs seem to still be a bit smaller than they should be
. I am SO EXCITED!!!

Now we wait......

Hey!! Snap.. i just put my legbars and BCM's on lockdown same time !!!!
That is not good. I hope that fixes it too.
I think the fan is loose and rattling a bit. It's quieter when I put a brick on the top, to weigh the case down. It seems to be holding temp and humidity well. The top is clear, so it's nice to be able to see all the eggs.

Have you set these before, or are mine the first batch?

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