Incubators Anonymous

Yeah, I know, but it's easier to say "stay out" to someone who is new to incubating than "you can go in, but make sure you do x y and z".

Better to provide accurate information rather than the version we *think* is best for the person. Let them decide.
Hi my name is Blake I'm from Fairbanks Alaska and I just started incubating my first eggs.
4 mixed heritage breed turkeys.

I have one question about each.

Okay so i set all of my BLRW eggs on the same day (the 27th) at the same time and I candled on day 7 which is today. I saw one egg with obvious progress one with maybe some veins and the rest seem just as clear as the day I put them in the bator.
The question is this. All these clear eggs are they just a little behind the progressed egg and might take a little more time or should all the eggs be at the same point by now?
Basically should I crack open the clear eggs and check for fertility or leave them in the bator?

Question for the turkeys which days do I candle them? Like with chickens you candle on the 7th day excreta.
Would turkeys be like the 10th day?

Since you are using shipped eggs I would give the chicken eggs 10 days before taking them out. Sometimes the shipping delays any growth. After 10 days I would call those with no veining clears and remove them. Some people leave them in until the candling on the 18th day when they go into lockdown though. If they don't smell and you don't need the room you can leave them in.

No clue on the turkeys though - perhaps try those at 10 days too?
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One egg hatched under my broody!
Going back out to check for more in a bit. All of the eggs looked really good when I put them under her, but they were shipped, so who knows how it'll end up!

Another one looks like it has pipped further! Yea! (Not sure on the other 3 eggs. Bacteria may have killed them.....but I won't give up too soon!)
One egg hatched under my broody!
Going back out to check for more in a bit. All of the eggs looked really good when I put them under her, but they were shipped, so who knows how it'll end up!
Great! I bet that hen thinks she is supermom!

Another one looks like it has pipped further! Yea! (Not sure on the other 3 eggs. Bacteria may have killed them.....but I won't give up too soon!)
Yay on the baby duck - doesn't look like a runner right now - sort of like a sleeper? I am glad it worked!
No I have hatched a few.... 1 was black with a spot on its head but I had to sell them. She said she would send me pics as it grew. I knew you wanted barred EE to make sex links.... those will be perfect! I need to hatch me some for next spring.
Yes, these will be perfect! It will be great. I ended up with a brown leghorn boy from a few I pullet out of the feedstore "pullet" bin. So the roo will be a brown leghorn, and with these girls, should be super sex-link blue egg layers!

I have one little dark chick with a few spots of yellow. 4 more eggs to go!

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