Incubators Anonymous

I spoke to a woman the other day and she said that she could hear chirping from day 18/19 and that they hatched on day 21. :idunno
Joined! and thanks!!! =)

Oh, good.  The next thing I need is excuses to keep hatching even though I don't have anywhere to put the chicks.  "Test hatch" is beginning to wear thin....

:woot :weee :jumpy

We're here for you. :hugs

thank u
110 posts!

Just tossing this out there I use activated Oxine. You can use it to spray the eggs or rinse them. I use it in the water in the hatcher, I use it to clean the bator, hatching trays and baskets. You activate it with citric acid.

Out of the THOUSANDS of eggs I have hatched over the last 2 years I have not found bacteria on the eggs to really be enough of an issue to worry about. I almost NEVER clean eggs. I will hatch them dirty or clean. I do find that eggs that have been in wet poop for long periods do go bad. I don't use those eggs to hatch unless I REALLY REALLY NEED THEM. LOL

@Penny Hen I have my first incubator setting around taking up room. It is just a kitchen cabinet. I made an egg tray that holds 96 eggs. It is wired with a WHT and has 2 lights. No turner though. You would have to remember to do that still. It needs work and a top.... but it would be a start. If you want it you can have it. Let me see if I can find a link to it.
I did it!! I candled! Pretty happy, found 23 of 78 clear. I need to report to my breeder that his silkie roo is not doing the job as I took 13/17 out. Luckily all the egg I candled today were freebies. I still have 11 purchased eggs that I will candle Monday.

Someone asked for a candle pic, here it is!

BTW: What do you guys do with the eggs you take out?
There are several ways to get donations like that.

Do some research to see how much the company keeps of the donation first
go fund me isn't too bad it keeps 2.9% that is to handle your payout etc..and any money you raise is yours so if you want lets say 500 and only get 100 you still get the 100 even if you don't meet your goal..i had a friend who's pet needed emergency surgery couldn't afford it got it funded in 2 hrs, people ask for start up costs, medical help pets included..
I did it!! I candled! Pretty happy, found 23 of 78 clear. I need to report to my breeder that his silkie roo is not doing the job as I took 13/17 out. Luckily all the egg I candled today were freebies. I still have 11 purchased eggs that I will candle Monday.

Someone asked for a candle pic, here it is!

BTW: What do you guys do with the eggs you take out?
I boill them, mash them shell and all and feed them to my chicks
I can't wrap my mind around this. Is that a 2 ltr bottle cap or a 20 oz bottle cap?
those caps are both the same size i know because rabbit water bottle 32 oz tops fit on no heated wateres needs just lots of empty pop bottles in the winter and chage out 2 to 3 times a day
go fund me isn't too bad it keeps 2.9% that is to handle your payout etc..and any money you raise is yours so if you want lets say 500 and only get 100 you still get the 100 even if you don't meet your goal..i had a friend who's pet needed emergency surgery couldn't afford it got it funded in 2 hrs, people ask for start up costs, medical help pets included..

Wow! I could have used that a year ago.

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