Incubators Anonymous

Good to hear you're passing it along. One of the preschool teachers I helped last year talked her district into purchasing a classroom incubator. Now she's spreading it around to the other teachers at the school. She's the specialist on staff, but my number's been added to their speed dial as the chicken "expert." LOL Our county farm bureau has an incubation kit for teachers (free to borrow). Besides the incubator & brooder set up, the kit has a couple binders filled with classroom activities and all the materials to complete the labs. (Everything but the fertile eggs.) You may want to tell the teachers to contact their local agricultural office (educational division) to see what goodies your county has to offer. Of course their are other kits like soybeans, corn, dairy, etc, but the poultry is my favorite.
That is awesome! The teachers out here have to buy all the material to grow stuff or do science projects. It's lame! I've been talking to the principal about donating an incubator to the school, teaching the teachers how to use it, donating fertile eggs when the need them, help educate the children, and I would collect the chicks! I know there are books out there for kids on chickens and hatching but I'm in the process of making the kids a coloring book with info in it that they can keep track of the egg development in. I volunteer at the school all the time. The kids call me miss Cassie or Elaynas "cool" mom lol
I may be in hoarder neighbor just informed me he has 2- 600 egg incubators and 12 styro's he doesn't use......
I would be in HEAVEN and TROUBLE!
Ok. So here's another reason why we hatch our own eggs: BIRTHDAYS! My 4 yr old insisted on making a birthday sign to hang in our coop today . He made another one for the hens who turn 1 yr old tomorrow. I just hope he does as good of a job next week when its my birthday.
My daughter keeps track too! She remembers the chickens DOB better than people though lol
I am an incubator virgin, i was encouraged to buy an incubator for my foster child. we brought it on ebay no instructions. do the knobs on top need to set to same temp. have worked out water channel, it is fan forced eggs need to be turned manuelly. Please help
I think I might need one of those hoodies!

I think they are hilarious, cause I'm soooo protective of all my chickens.

Where can I buy that shirt??? I love it!!
I am an incubator virgin, i was encouraged to buy an incubator for my foster child. we brought it on ebay no instructions. do the knobs on top need to set to same temp. have worked out water channel, it is fan forced eggs need to be turned manuelly. Please help

Some pics of the specific incubator may help. it's very important to set things up & get a stable temp for 8-12 hours (or longer) before putting eggs into it. Most people have a second thermometer to verify what the incubator says.
That is awesome! The teachers out here have to buy all the material to grow stuff or do science projects. It's lame! I've been talking to the principal about donating an incubator to the school, teaching the teachers how to use it, donating fertile eggs when the need them, help educate the children, and I would collect the chicks! I know there are books out there for kids on chickens and hatching but I'm in the process of making the kids a coloring book with info in it that they can keep track of the egg development in. I volunteer at the school all the time. The kids call me miss Cassie or Elaynas "cool" mom lol is the same! I pretty much have to fund anything I want to do with my class
So cool that you donate your expertise to the school
Can you let me know when you have completed the book????? I would love a copy to use with my class
I have a pre-k/kinder classroom.....special education. We hatch every year, count down til hatching day and talk about the process and development...just simplified for the age
They LOVE it!!!

Awesome! That's the age that I'm aiming it towards! Thank you for being a teacher! Not everyone is cut out for it... it takes a special kind of person and patience level!

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