Incubators Anonymous

My chicks are 4 weeks old today and doing well. I posted some pics of them on my profile page. I just wanted to share a couple of them with you guys.
I guess I should have used a darker background. The one on the right is much darker then this picture. Love the markings on it's eyes.
I just love this picture. The chick was stretching out and peeping away. Sending out it's cry for help.

Super cute littles!!
Quote: Well, with the incubators I have capacity for 270 in the sportsman, 42 in each of the hovabators for incubation, (total 390) the hatcher's capable of hatching way more than that in it's 5 trays.

that's chicken eggs. quail could be FAR more. LOL

then I also am getting 3 gqf brooders as well on Monday that will aid my brooding efforts. it can handle 50 chicks for 2 weeks, with extensions for height, can handle 25 for 4 weeks. so hatch 50 every 2 weeks, when they're 4 weeks old move them outside to a bigger pen. I won't probably get that many eggs to hatch in 2 weeks, but we can try. ;)

the goal this year is to NOT sell eggs like I've done every other year, but hatch all I need early on, then let them grow over the summer, switching to free range as soon as they're large enough. in years past I've sold a lot of eggs, then when they go broody, I end up on the short list because then I have nothing to hatch for myself. not this year.
I only have one bator....... it only holds 540 eggs. I can set 180 eggs a week ALL SUMMER! Not going to do that anymore. I just can't keep up with them. My hatcher can hold more than 180 eggs.... maybe 250+ if I push it.
If I hatched for only 13 weeks at full capacity that is over 2000 chicks.....full capacity All year probably 9000.....not going to happen. They do stop laying well....thank goodness.
I have 3 hovabators and now a sportsman 1502 for incubating and another hovabator that's a dedicated hatcher, PLUS a GQF 1550 hatcher now. so total incubating capacity is now more than my marriage could survive. LOL
Just candled again, three survivors will go into lockdown on Thursday. The rest were clear, stopped developing after the first malfunction. Going to be setting 16 Australorp eggs Monday or tuesday, and 30 or so white coturnix eggs Wednesday or Thursday night. Trying to make it so everyone hatches at the same time.

Those three little survivors have me excited again. Nice, dark eggs, huge air cells. Come on little guys don't give up!
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I only have one bator....... it only holds 540 eggs. I can set 180 eggs a week ALL SUMMER! Not going to do that anymore. I just can't keep up with them. My hatcher can hold more than 180 eggs.... maybe 250+ if I push it.
DMRippy, have you got pictures on here of your incubator---I would Love to see it?

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