Incubators Anonymous

I have a hovabator genesis and an LG. I love the genisis! The lg is my hatcher bc I don't care if it gets dirty. The lgs temp is touchy. I wrap mine with a towel to keep it stable. The genisis i use in classrooms and at home it works fantastic. Even when preschoolers are screwing with it! Lol

How are your bantam cochin chicks you hatched out doing????? Pics????
How are your bantam cochin chicks you hatched out doing????? Pics???? :clap :caf

They are doing great! We moved them to their outdoor home and they love scratching the grass/dirt. They are all snugglers and are so tiny compared to our large fowl! I'll take pictures tomorrow and post them
Dd named them I'll list them off with the pictures lol
What does lock down mean

quote name="mstricer" url="/t/569950/incubators-anonymous#post_7374693"]Hello my name is Michele and I am a incubating addict. I have 4  different settings as we speak. One incubator in lock down with BCM's. Second incubator with Wynette's BCM's, Silkies, Bob whites for a neighbor and a hen that has resigned herself to sit on eggs no mater what happens, still has not hatched any and she's been trying all summer. I just got done with a hatch on Tuesday, another hen hatch 4 and I got 4.


I need to stay away from BYC auctions, they are my down fall, I just have to win.
About three days before the due hatch date, you put the incubator into lockdown.

This means you raise the humidity, stop the automatic turning if you have it, lay the eggs on their sides if they were upright, and firmly close the incubator up, not to open it back up until the hatch is finished.
I also think of it as a "lockdown" to keep to door shut & little hands out. It's so tempting to want to open that door!
Or sitting there, doing nothing overnight. Then you wake up in the morning and BAMMO the last of the hatch is doing this:

Making you just want to RIP them out of the egg so they hurry up and finish because fuzzy butts are stumbling around the 'bator waiting,.

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