Incubators Anonymous

Sorry to everyone who is freeeezzzzing out there!!!!!!
75 here in California today...we are so spoiled
Sorry to everyone who is freeeezzzzing out there!!!!!!
75 here in California today...we are so spoiled

Yes you should also be enjoying the flooding on top of the inch thick ice that has not melted and going to freeze again tonight. It was a balmy 42 today and still I am on the frozen tundra.... tomorrow will be another balmy day of 33. Did I mention the water is frozen in all the pens and we have to carry water over the ice to water them? You keep your sunny weather...... go ahead KEEP it! I like my seasons..... but not this much. LOL
Im in maricopa az. Loving the weather here!! I love watching the winter weather on the news with my nice 78 degrees outside here ;) im starting early with my hatching of some ancona duck and blue swedish duck eggs ill be working on getting some english lavender orpington eggs here soon for the hatchalong
There is something not right about nearly 80 in Feb. We were enjoying 50-60's a week ago but this is off the charts bad for here. Bit cold and wet not a good combo.

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