Incuview or Genesis? Which do you like better?


Jun 26, 2018
Easley, SC
I use to hatch a lot of eggs about 10 or more years ago. I bought a Genesis back then when they were new and used it a few times till the element melted the styrofoam. Took forever to get a replacement and by the time I did get it, I was on my way out of hatching so I sold it. Now I'm planning to start hatching again. I was curious which you prefer especially those that have used both. I LOVE the clear top on the Incuview and the fact that it's plastic which would make cleaning it easier than the styrofoam. Do you think one is better than the other? I've read and seen reviews about the hygrometer being faulty and that a separate one should be bought so I plan to do that too for either option. Thanks in advance. :)
Hi! I have the incuview with the humidikit setup and I love it. it is easy to clean up, I do like being able to watch when they are hatching. I have had a couple problems... the digital hygrometer that came with the unit was dead so new battery fixed that, and when I calibrated it is off by 5% I just have that in my notes now since I can't reset it. The issue with my humidikit was quickly solved by the customer service team (some faulty wire) and I've done 4 hatches with it mostly guinea eggs and 1 set of chicken eggs. I don't know about the genesis but I was looking at it as a second incy (I do a lot of shipped eggs and I'm thinking that upright turners may improve my hatch rate on shipped eggs)
I doubt I'll be hatching for a couple months at the soonest. I'm not in a major rush to get one since most of mine are molting or haven't started laying yet.
Be sure to calibrate whichever one you get!
Is it actually possible to calibrate the hygrometer that comes integrated into the bator unit? If so, how do you do it? I have a completely separate calibrated hygrometer that I use because I know that the one in the unit is faulty but if there was a way to measure how 'faulty' it is without a separate unit, that would be helpful to folks.

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