Quote: Thank you, oh my I was terrified. She has a bad bruise from the seat belt but otherwise just angry!
Wow--she was lucky! They always say accidents happen close to home. I know she was worried about driving in Indy at IUPUI. I sure hope the guy is cited for being in the road, in the wrong lane, without his lights on! Who does that? Putting out the trash cans in the road? Did they do DUI testing? Considering a ding in a bumper can cost $1,000 bucks, the damages may cost more than the car's worth, especially with a crunched engine. Even though it's a big hassle to deal with insurance repairs, I know you're so relieved that Cassy wasn't injured. Take care!!
Thank you
she is such a good kid. She was just shocked it happened. She never drives the speed limit and is so careful. Thats a school zone so she was even more freaked out over it.
She drives herself down to IUPUI once a week, rides with SIL to be the other days. The officer said they no longer can place "fault" unless they see it, Insurance co's decide it now! Brad was so mad! I dont know if they tested the other kid. Brad thinks it will be fixed, I hope so. We talked a long time tonight. she is still so very upset over it.
jchny2000 - Thank goodness your daughter wasn't injured! Smart girl to be driving under the speed limit. Too bad about her car; I hope it can be fixed like new again. But better the car than her!
Thats what I told her. She was soo upset over the car, then I knew she really was ok. When she took driver ed, she even drove under, the instructor fussed her over it. I always have too, am a slow poke
but I am who taught her to drive, I slow down at intersections and busy roads. Let the busy people go. Safer to not get in a road rage thing, I am really not in that big a hurry to risk hurting someone.
Kabhyper1 - Oliver the therapy chicken is a delight! Also loved the sight of your alpacas kicking up their merry heels playing chase! We should all be so innocent and free!

Hogster and CCCC..CHICKENS - What good dog stories! I know there was a lot of love shared between you and your dogs. The great dogs always leave our hearts full.

We had a corgi named Lily who was shared by the whole neighborhood. She would accompany the neighbors and their dogs on their walks. She took very seriously her job of escorting all the children to their bus stop in the mornings and waiting with them for the school bus. In the afternoons she was back to greet them on their return. Neighbors hid her when animal control came by. Everyone knew and loved her. Even people we didn't know would greet her by name. I would love to have another dog like her. Good dogs never live long enough.
I would LOVE to have a Dane, they are so loving and sweet. My dad would never leave it alone. I know once it reached full size he would be getting knocked over all the time.
They are just so much fun and a friend for life, exceptional breed.. I am still looking for an aussie, 40 pounds is safe for Dad and Mom too.
Aww, what a story, and he made it through with a long life after. Sorry you lost him. Great danes are great dogs. My parents used to raise great danes, when I was a baby and up until I was 7. My dads last one died when i was 10 or 11. One dogs got hit by a truck and had to have leg surgery, even with her sore legs she still let me climb all over her. That just shows how docile then are. The one that lived until I was 10 or 11, was named cheif. My mom would try and call him in and he would not listen to her. My mom would either call my dad and have him yell over the phone or have my yell for him! They I we had an older girl, her name was chealsy. I dont remember what was wrong with her but she got sick and just got worse and worse until we had her put down. When she was sick I would lay with/on her on the kitchen floor. Tons of more memories with those dogs. The next dog I get will be a great dane.
He did have a good life. My husband always wanted them, since high school. It took him 20 years to find one. I was intimated by their size. But their hearts are so much bigger than their size. Can't help but love them. That's funny about your dad and you having to call him, they could be stubborn. There have been many nights that someone would be laying down on the floor with the danes. We had 2. Sophie we put down after 4 years due to seizures. Nothing like a great dane having seizures. Very scarey. We tried everything for her, nothing worked. When she started cluster seizing 5-6 times a day and having 6-7 seizures at a time, we knew the best thing we could do for her was to put her down. The whole family went, and we cried for weeks. She was our first dane.

Thanks for sharing your dane story. I so love hearing them!

sorry about your dog hogster

Thanks Sally, our danes were so special to us. The best dogs we have ever had!
Today's gathering. My second EE finally laid an egg. Woohoo!!! And it's a green one. I think one of the other's came from the first EE but not blue or green. I was afraid I would have two EE's and no colored eggs.

I think we all feared getting the dreaded brown egg from our EE's, I know I did. Being new to chickens, I figured that would be my luck. Mine lay a light blue egg, 3 greens and a pink sometimes
its more of a lighter shade of brown. congrats on your color!
Hi everyone, so sorry I have missed so many good posts. My youngest DD, thankfully only slightly bruised, was in a bad car wreck Wednesday night.
Been a very busy few days getting a rental car and estimates for repairs. If I missed a question please PM me, and hope to catch up soon.
Welcome to any new members to our thread
Sending prayers her way for a speedy recovery. I am very glad to hear though that she is just bruised. Hope the car will be ok too.

kiniska-- I'm in Louisville visiting my sister. I waved at you as I drove by the sign to English!

Kabhyper-- Cute video! What is the white ball thing that he was excited about? I'm using my iPad, which doesn't work well on the BYC site.

Hogster-- Sorry about your dog, but it sounds like Zeke had a good life. My husband's aunt and uncle had Great Danes for years, but finally decided that they couldn't go through another death since their life spans aren't as long as smaller dogs and they were prone to certain breed-related problems. They loved those dogs. They were sweet.

Danad-- Hoping the treatment works for your dog!
It is so hard knowing they won't live long. But, the love and joy they give you in those short years, to me are to worth it. I don't think there is a better breed dog out there. Love me some dane babies!

Here is what DH sent me after he let me know she was safe.

Oh what a scarey sight to drive up to!

Kabhyper1 - Oliver the therapy chicken is a delight! Also loved the sight of your alpacas kicking up their merry heels playing chase! We should all be so innocent and free!

Hogster and CCCC..CHICKENS - What good dog stories! I know there was a lot of love shared between you and your dogs. The great dogs always leave our hearts full.

We had a corgi named Lily who was shared by the whole neighborhood. She would accompany the neighbors and their dogs on their walks. She took very seriously her job of escorting all the children to their bus stop in the mornings and waiting with them for the school bus. In the afternoons she was back to greet them on their return. Neighbors hid her when animal control came by. Everyone knew and loved her. Even people we didn't know would greet her by name. I would love to have another dog like her. Good dogs never live long enough.
Oh so full, they are so very tender and sweet. Zeke would lay down next to our grand baby on the floor and take baby steps to get down with her. He was such a good boy!

I would LOVE to have a Dane, they are so loving and sweet. My dad would never leave it alone. I know once it reached full size he would be getting knocked over all the time.
They are just so much fun and a friend for life, exceptional breed.. I am still looking for an aussie, 40 pounds is safe for Dad and Mom too.
My mom is a double amputee and blind. Zeke would walk next to her and she would hold on to his collar. He would guide her to where she was going and around objects safely. And she is not a dog person, was afraid of him and his size. He was so careful around her. She ended up falling head over heals in love with him. I was worried about him stepping on her left foot which is half gone, damaging it more. But was more concerned about hitting her prosthetic which she wouldn't feel until too late. But he always went to her left side, her foot. He never barked or moved suddenly. Zeke was already past the pup stage when mom started to have surgery and he became even more calm when around mom. He even stopped the girls from playing around when mom was close. It was always a main concern of mine, and every time he was such a care taker for her. Just love that dog!
He did have a good life. My husband always wanted them, since high school. It took him 20 years to find one. I was intimated by their size. But their hearts are so much bigger than their size. Can't help but love them. That's funny about your dad and you having to call him, they could be stubborn. There have been many nights that someone would be laying down on the floor with the danes. We had 2. Sophie we put down after 4 years due to seizures. Nothing like a great dane having seizures. Very scarey. We tried everything for her, nothing worked. When she started cluster seizing 5-6 times a day and having 6-7 seizures at a time, we knew the best thing we could do for her was to put her down. The whole family went, and we cried for weeks. She was our first dane.

Thanks for sharing your dane story. I so love hearing them!

Thanks Sally, our danes were so special to us. The best dogs we have ever had!
I think we all feared getting the dreaded brown egg from our EE's, I know I did. Being new to chickens, I figured that would be my luck. Mine lay a light blue egg, 3 greens and a pink sometimes
its more of a lighter shade of brown. congrats on your color!
Sending prayers her way for a speedy recovery. I am very glad to hear though that she is just bruised. Hope the car will be ok too.

It is so hard knowing they won't live long. But, the love and joy they give you in those short years, to me are to worth it. I don't think there is a better breed dog out there. Love me some dane babies!

Oh what a scarey sight to drive up to!

Oh so full, they are so very tender and sweet. Zeke would lay down next to our grand baby on the floor and take baby steps to get down with her. He was such a good boy!

My mom is a double amputee and blind. Zeke would walk next to her and she would hold on to his collar. He would guide her to where she was going and around objects safely. And she is not a dog person, was afraid of him and his size. He was so careful around her. She ended up falling head over heals in love with him. I was worried about him stepping on her left foot which is half gone, damaging it more. But was more concerned about hitting her prosthetic which she wouldn't feel until too late. But he always went to her left side, her foot. He never barked or moved suddenly. Zeke was already past the pup stage when mom started to have surgery and he became even more calm when around mom. He even stopped the girls from playing around when mom was close. It was always a main concern of mine, and every time he was such a care taker for her. Just love that dog!

Hogster, now I am in tears after reading your story about your Great Dane, Zeke! What a wonderful dog!
I was wondering what the difference in nutritional value was...I would say better for all of us!!

Depending on what you google here are some of the basics...

Twice as much Omega 3
Three times more vitamin E
Seven times more vitamin A beta - carotene
A third less cholesterol
Six times more vitamin D

Also lutein and zeaxanthin in yolks (antioxidants for your eye health)
Wow. I laid off (get it? laid off) the eggs bc I am goin got the doctor for a check up next week. I suppose I can go back to eating my double egg with cheese sandwiches, with buttered whole wheat bread, in the AM. Eating those, I am not hungry at all until about 1:00. And I eat the breakfast at about 6:15 AM.

Talk to y'all on Sunday evening, GO COLTS!

Please, not 1,000 posts to read thru!!!!!!

I am sad we have had a quite night and morning. I am here to change that.. well until I get my self back to work.

Let's go people..... Too fast loooves reading 1001 posts
Jchny- so glad she wasn't seriously hurt!! It couve been so much worse!! Remind her that a car is just a car and she will have many in her future.;)

Thunder- nice eggs!! Looking like a pretty basket full!!;)

Hogster- so story about you Danes. I've never understood why anyone would want one because they are sooo big but with the personalitys you've described we should all want one!! I has a greyhound, super sweet dogs! They all leaves tracks in our hearts!!
So I am excited about my new broodies and things are looking promising with them all. Orange (the slacker who still ran off for food and water) was sitting on a broken egg (with a hole and was oozing out). Removed the egg and like a fool I cracked it open to see... well I am not too sure... think it was more curiosity to see if it was fertile or not... Well it was...

For those who are squeamish... do not read anymore....

You have been warned.

I guess the egg was fertile and maybe around 3-4 days old after googling for more detailed pictures. I was awed and I guess shocked to see a beating mass in the center of the yolk. It blew my mind to see something so developed without a true form. It continued beating for 10 minutes or so. I felt bad after seeing it but I know the egg was never going to make it. If it was turned upside down the remaining white would have ran out the hole. Would be ants everywhere before long.
Orange had been doing her thing. So I am very hopeful of the others who are putting more effort into it.

Thankfully I am not smart enough to be able to comprehend the workings of cell division and formation. With the image of a beating (heart?) in the yolk still burned into my brain I think it will stay there for a long time.
Moral to this... If the egg is bad, just pitch it don't be curious.
Quinstar, on your coop, I found your album and was looking at how you attached the roof. Did you like your method or are there things you would change? We are just starting the walls after dealing with leveling the floor. DH found decking blocks to avoid digging. Digging would have been easier imo.
Kabhyper1 - Oliver the therapy chicken is a delight! Also loved the sight of your alpacas kicking up their merry heels playing chase! We should all be so innocent and free!

Hogster and CCCC..CHICKENS - What good dog stories! I know there was a lot of love shared between you and your dogs. The great dogs always leave our hearts full.

We had a corgi named Lily who was shared by the whole neighborhood. She would accompany the neighbors and their dogs on their walks. She took very seriously her job of escorting all the children to their bus stop in the mornings and waiting with them for the school bus. In the afternoons she was back to greet them on their return. Neighbors hid her when animal control came by. Everyone knew and loved her. Even people we didn't know would greet her by name. I would love to have another dog like her. Good dogs never live long enough.

that would be fun to have a neighborhood dog, but buses pick people up at their houses and their arent side walks to walk on here so it really wouldnt be the same, plus half the people near me would probably shot it! Lily sounds like she was a great dog. I know what you. Even if they live a long happy life, you still feel as if they die to soon. My parents also used to breed great danes (they stopped after she had a few litters,people were disappointed as they did not charge nearly as much as other pepeole did with their outragious prices!). One time Onix (not sure how to spell her name) had a litter of pups. I was at the most 5. She had one brindle pup all the other were black or black or white. Every time someone would come to look at the pups to pick one, I would hid in the hay loft with him! After several attempts of sneaking the puppy away and claming him as mine, my parents finally gave in and said Icould keep him. He didnt even live to be 6 months old. He had intestine problems that were unfixable and we had him putdown. Of course I was sad, but we were best buddies and had a lot of fun together

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