Since I had the camera out, I figured it take some pics of the bantam Cochins as well. I lost one of the "silver blue" chicks, but the others are doing great! The silver blue I'm pretty sure is just splash. 3 Roos and one pullet, not very good odds lol. Might sell the mottled roo.










The splash is probably my favorite as far as coloring, but the buff columbian pullet is the sweetest. Their personalities are just great! These are quickly becoming one of my favorites!
It is a live trap. We got ours from Amazon the price was super low the day I was looking with free 2 day shipping. They are at RK as well.

I don't relocate the coon once we trap it though. There is less gore involved when using live trap, and should a cat get caught I'm not out a barn cat.
I understand. That's certainly better than a cruel, torturous trap. I've never heard of a raccoon killing a cat. When I've seen raccoons around the house, the cats are nearby and just watch. The raccoons (and possums) act like they could care less. I know a raccoon can't break into my coop, but the recent visit made me more award about making sure the coop is locked by dark. I think raccoons show up later at night, but I'm not taking any chances.
Since I had the camera out, I figured it take some pics of the bantam Cochins as well. I lost one of the "silver blue" chicks, but the others are doing great! The silver blue I'm pretty sure is just splash. 3 Roos and one pullet, not very good odds lol. Might sell the mottled roo.










The splash is probably my favorite as far as coloring, but the buff columbian pullet is the sweetest. Their personalities are just great! These are quickly becoming one of my favorites!
Sorry about the silver blu. Is the buff looking one a buff columbian?They are cute, I love the mottled. I am going to breed some in the spring, just need to find some hatching eggs to hopefully get more pullets. And I have someone I am ordering black bantam eggs from in the spring.
I snapped some pics of Lavender and her kids tonight. I'm positive Pickles (EE x SLWyandotte) is a pullet, Cricket (EE x SLWyandotte) is a cockerel, Raven (minorca x SL/wyandotte) is iffy, I think maybe pullet, I thought boy forever, but I'm not seeing the boy features I expected to. I thought Pickles was all SLWyandotte until her beard came in :) !
Cricket, I think he is going to be an unusual rooster.
He has a lot of red coming in.

Raven. Small in size. Still squeaks like a girl (cricket has very raspy peep)

Pickles. All girl. Mommas girl. Still sleeps under Lavenders wing on the roost.


The kids and momma. She is a large fowl Cochin, so that's how big they are at 10 weeks. :)

Miss Pickles. Definite muff happening there. I guess Peaches (EE) is the momma of two of them.

The rest of the crew. Gus is their dad, top second from left. The light colored butt in the middle is Peaches. Top second from right is Ravens momma Snickers.
Quote: I have seen pictures of coons hunting in the daytime. Stony on here has killed several during the day but don't look at his pictures unless you can stand seeing red.

I think she was referring to a cat getting caught in a jaw trap rather than the live trap. If it gets in the live trap you just open the door and let it out. But if it is caught in a different trap (by mistake of course) you've lost your cat.

Maybe I understood that wrong?

I was referring to the cat getting in the trap. Lately our trap has been good at catching our barn cats and chickens back when they were free ranging. Today's coon tracks were the first I had seen in well over 2 years. But back when we had a run of coons and other stray annoying animals, we were catching close to one a month or more. The only time I was saddened was when my dad had said that the trapped opossum had given birth after her death. Turned out that once I researched it the annoying opossum babies lived in a pouch much like a kangaroo. Somehow that made it less bad and I moved on. Sure would not want 6 or more of those things setting up home in my yard.

Brad ~ I'm sorry about your blue chick. I like the looks of your splash too. It reminds me of the splash I lost. I really don't like the chick pile either from them being scared or cold. There sure are a lot of things out to get the chicks, from them making a pile, heart issues, predators, and mating injuries.
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Ha! Thanks for the compliment. Photoshop does wonders. The chicken get together was toooo far away:) I'm 35. So I do remember phyllis diller and silkies remind me of tribbles or gremlins. I still say "lets tape it" when I want to record a show, and I think this generation of kids need to be spanked and play outside more. HA! ( can you tell Im not a mother.) lol

Okay here is my mug...

you look like Sandra bullock!!! one of my very favorite actresses!!! pretty!

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