Had a better day today, Thank God!  Over did it on reorganizing and cleaning things up around here. My daughter and Granddaughter have moved in with us so needless to say my chicken room has just been turned back into a bedroom. I had to move two brooders out of the house and into my storage building and then set them both back up again. Then move the Captains bed with trundle out of DH's side of building into the bedroom (after vacuuming, dusting and washing windows), set it up and make the bed. Then moved a Loveseat out of my den and put it in the room so she has seating if friends come over. Oh but wait...the chicken room was also my little Michaiah's playroom (she loves the baby chicks and its a good life lesson for her to watch them grow and change), so I had to move all of her books, craft stuff, toys, babydoll crib and stroller and "kitchen" out of the room. My Den is now her playroom. Oh I also had to remove a chest freezer out of the den and make room for it in my mudroom/laundry Room. Im sitting here in my Lazyboy feeling the back and leg muscles throbbing in protest and content that I only have one big job left to do tomorrow, cleaning the chicken, duck and Silkie coops. but I'll have lots of help with son and his kids are coming for dinner, I will put my three granddaughters to work...LOL.  :eek:

You go gurl!!!

I'd be interested in going in on the order as well, depending on where you are located. I thought they were all sold out though for the year. I'd want the blue gold partridge brahma.

I want a BLRW pullet pretty badly... So it would be awesome to go in on an order again.
OMG, I don't need more birds!!!!!
Hi All - I'm new to the forum and to raising chickens. I'm in Southern IN near Louisville, KY. So far, I have 4 RIRs, 3 NHRs and a bossy mutt hen. I still want to get BRs and BOs and who knows what else I'll end up with before my hubby cuts me off.
mollys mom ~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread!
Please see page 2428 for more info about our fantastic thread. It's nice to have more southern members!!
Do you know how they cut it down? I'm thinking that stuff is too coarse to use a mower so I was wondering if they have to use a scythe or something.
What we have we cut down with the hedge clippers then burn it. That allows the new growth to not battle the old for sunlight. Best to do it this time of year.
Leah's Mom & ellymayRans ~ We have several types of ornamental grasses. That's where Adeline and Bonbon hid their eggs last winter when they began laying. It's like a giant bird nest. My DH cut them all back last weekend with an electric hedge trimmer and put the trimmings in the mulch pile. Adeline was over at "her" bush afterwards wondering where it went! All of our chickens (and cats) love to disappear into the large ones. They're great places to escape from predators. Ornamental grasses are so versatile -- different sizes, looks, good for sunny areas, good for shady areas, etc. You can plant large types close together to form a "fence." Low maintenance -- just cut them back in early spring, and if they get too overgrown, they can be divided. As far as bamboo, there also are many species, but they can easily get out of hand and take over yards.
I'm going to be grouchy today. Another craptastic Saturday weather-wise! Still NO progress on the run. Can you even believe this? We are at like 38 days until our chicks arrive. I thought we would at least have the wood and have it treated but noooooooo. Maybe tomorrow we will at least *buy* the wood so it can sit in our garage and make us feel guilty for not working on it. You how know these things tend to do.

In other news, though, we stopped by Orscheln in Corydon today. Just me and my pre-teen son. When he saw the chicks he went gaga. He's very excited now, whereas before he was kind of so-so about them.

The only bad side of stopping in is seeing how many filthy & sick chicks were there. It breaks your heart. There was one with such a bad case of pasty butt I wanted to say something, but then once I got looking, there were soooooo many! Very sad!!! And then there were two that I think were goners.

I foresee a time when I can't go to the feed store without rescuing a few, myself. Maybe in 2015. It's just too sad.

I never saw sick chicks at the Orscheln in Charlestown. And if they had pasty butt I don't know if it would have jumped out at me before bc I didn't know what I was looking at.

Is that normal or did I just happen upon a really yucky scene?
leslea ~ Sounds like a yucky scene. I'm kinda surprised that a business would be so negligent since it's so common for people to take cell phone photos of something like that to post on social media. Hopefully, the management hadn't realized the situation, and it wasn't a case of ignoring unsanitary conditions.
As far as your coop, if it's become a big stressor, you could always buy a coop or shed to convert. There are just so many hours in a day!

minmin~ I have been do a lot of shuffling rooms around and spring cleaning-- not to the extent that you have, but I can relate. I don't know how you do everything!! Kids, grandkids, cranky DH, childcare, not to mention chickens and other animals! You should feel proud of your accomplishments.

CrazedChick ~ I remember seeing the plans to make those feeders-- they looked like a lot of work! You did a great job! I am so impressed! I know what you mean about chickens drinking out of a dirty puddle after you give them fresh water!

rasinsemright ~ Your coop is amazing! All of you are wearing me out, just seeing all of the projects people have been taking on.
You go gurl!!!
I want a BLRW pullet pretty badly... So it would be awesome to go in on an order again.
OMG, I don't need more birds!!!!!

Well I'm ordering 3 and 3 with an extra of each getting included and I can only keep 2 of each so, if you want the other 2 blrw you could buy them. But I can only order straight run so I will have yo grow them out to see what I got.
Ok, looks like a have a bit more birds on my hands than I expected!
I have 2 EEs, 2-3 Minorcas, 6 weeks-pullets
1 mixed Maran pullet and a roo from Brad S. 10 weeksish
I was going to try to raise them up a bit longer, but I have my last brooder batch going out in the next couple of weeks and I'm not sure I have the space for everyone.
Pm for price and I can send photos tomorrow to those that are interested.
I'm in Indianapolis.
I just cleaned out the fish tank brooder and I hadn't been home in 2 1/2 days (I had someone take of them for me while I was gone). And my "little chicks" aren't so little anymore! I will have to get some updated pics.
Surprise before I left for work!

Triplets 1-boy and 2-girls
Doesn't my fam look thrilled I woke them up at 4:30 to come help in the barn, and then I have to leave them to go to work lol.
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Surprise before I left for work!

Triplets 1-boy and 2-girls
Doesn't my fam look thrilled I woke them up at 4:30 to come help in the barn, and then I have to leave them to go to work lol.

Congrats on the baby goats!!!

I literally laughed out loud at your comment, the first thing I thought when I saw your picture was "I wonder why the kids don't seem happy?" I guess it's because it was 4:30 in the morning!
Congrats on the baby goats!!!

I literally laughed out loud at your comment, the first thing I thought when I saw your picture was "I wonder why the kids don't seem happy?" I guess it's because it was 4:30 in the morning!

Yes they love their goats but I was heading to work and then had to go wake them up to take over. They also love their sleep.

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