Surprise before I left for work!

Triplets 1-boy and 2-girls
Doesn't my fam look thrilled I woke them up at 4:30 to come help in the barn, and then I have to leave them to go to work lol.
LOL wow what a fantastic birth, all one doe?

LOL nope unless I getta go too!!!!
If anyone here happens to be interested,

I have three Cream Legbar boys to move on to a new home. They are right at three weeks old now. PM me and I can provide some pics.
45* and beautifully sunny here today!
Hoping to get outside here shortly! We've been stuck in the house for the last week with the plague
I'm SO over being sick and having sick kids!!!

Really last minute but, anyone within an hour of Danville got LF hatching eggs I could pick up tomorrow?
I have eggs. Depending on who lays today, I could have Cream Legbar and will definitely have American Bresse and lots of barnyard mix eggs. Mooresville isn't too far from Danville.
LOL wow what a fantastic birth, all one doe?
Yup all from a 2yo doe, this is her second freshening. All kids are healthy and very large for triplets. She was a tired doe all day yesterday but was a good momma to the babys. Two girls and One boy. We still have 2 more does ready to drop kids anytime. I tell you what between kidding goats and raising chicks and building the pallet coop. I am just about spent. lol but I wouldnt want it any other way
Hi and welcome! LOL @ getting cut off -- I happened to be in TSC over the weekend with my son and husband and he caught me looking at the chicks - just as I was turning to walk away (they didn't have what I was looking for) the sales person came by and asked if I needed any help and before I could even open my mouth he pops off with, "NO - we have all the chickens we need" --- oh, foolish, foolish man..............
Soooo what did you end up bring home?

Had a better day today, Thank God! Over did it on reorganizing and cleaning things up around here. My daughter and Granddaughter have moved in with us so needless to say my chicken room has just been turned back into a bedroom. I had to move two brooders out of the house and into my storage building and then set them both back up again. Then move the Captains bed with trundle out of DH's side of building into the bedroom (after vacuuming, dusting and washing windows), set it up and make the bed. Then moved a Loveseat out of my den and put it in the room so she has seating if friends come over. Oh but wait...the chicken room was also my little Michaiah's playroom (she loves the baby chicks and its a good life lesson for her to watch them grow and change), so I had to move all of her books, craft stuff, toys, babydoll crib and stroller and "kitchen" out of the room. My Den is now her playroom. Oh I also had to remove a chest freezer out of the den and make room for it in my mudroom/laundry Room. Im sitting here in my Lazyboy feeling the back and leg muscles throbbing in protest and content that I only have one big job left to do tomorrow, cleaning the chicken, duck and Silkie coops. but I'll have lots of help with son and his kids are coming for dinner, I will put my three granddaughters to work...LOL.
Been there done that last year... Take a LONG HOT soke in the tub and maybe read some... that's what I did. ALLOT!!! lol

wow I had allot more quotes and they aren't here now I got to go back and get them
Yes, my daughter & I whipped up about 35 of these over 2 evenings right before the first artic polar vortex freeze thingy. We still had a few girls missing feathers on their backs from molt & roos & I was afraid the frigid cold would be too much for their bare skin. We used scrap fleece & cottons to make double layer aprons -- decided to make them for all the girls to help keep them warmer. We had a couple extra & you can see the roos wearing them too!
Wow! 35 is a lot to make in such a short time! I've been looking for scrap fabrics while in hobby craft stores, but most of it doesn't look stretchy enough. Fleece and cottons would be perfect though! I just got the newest issue of Backyard Poultry in the mail over the weekend and they have a whole article on chicken aprons and costumes. Would love to get started on some for my flock!

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