So we had the horrible storm last night, i let my birds out this morn, earlier than usual because we had to hook up the generator b/c my house is out of power, so it's about 4am. i had 3 turkeys as well that i let out. so i went out around 8 to check the generator and fill the feed buckets- and no chickens, no turkeys, no guineas anywhere. they usually hang out by the coop and under the pines, i finally found one of my female turkeys peeping along the driveway, i look and find her sister under the pine, dead, feathers ripped out and in a sorry state, i picked her up and took her to the burn pile (b/c a viking burial is the best burial) and the sister (i called them Thelma and Louise) can running behind me peeping and now wont leave the spot i found her in. my male turkey is MIA as are 12 of my 16 chickens! my guineas can back, and im mad at them for not protecting the others-how silly of me but i am. and i'm so sad! i feel like i failed =(

just had to share my pain


Give them time some may yet return when they feel the threat (whatever it was) has gone. Keep us posted n let us know when they return. Happy thoughts for safe birdies coming your way!!!!
That is absolutely adorable!!! My kinda coop! Maybe I'll see if my son can make me one o them that Ethiopian looking things t add to "Chicken Country". Lol

I was just " admiring" that thing again. Lol how in blazes would you do that thatched roof???? Everything else looks kinda easy just an extra large tree stump all carved out for the most part. But that roof has me stumped!
That is absolutely adorable!!! My kinda coop! Maybe I'll see if my son can make me one o them that Ethiopian looking things t add to "Chicken Country". Lol

Have you seen the cobb buildings? I think it would be neat to take a class on how to build those types of buildings and it would be fun to do some coops that way. Super cheap and super durable way to build! People actually build whole houses this way.
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I...uh...feel like I'm the only one on here! Lol am I talking to myself? (Nothing unusual there folks)
Guess I'm the only one who doesn't have a job, small children or aging parents t take care of during the day. I'm so bored today!!! Guess I'll go talk to my therapist for a while. Heading out to Dr. Clucks office. Hope I don't feel all "cooped" up in there! Lol ttyl....
We have a lot of large branches down. The biggest one fell on the chicken run fence. There was a little damage but nothing that can't be repaired. I'm in Steuben County. LaGrange County, our neighbor to the west, was hit harder. One of the elementary schools has major damage, there are uprooted trees in both counties, we didn't get power back until late this morning. I am very thankful that we are all safe. There was at least one fatality in our area.
Anyone have storm damage? I had one of my kennel pens moved about 18" or so by the wind. "Mister" was in that kennel with only a plastic dog house for shelter. I went out to see if the dog house had blown over around 130 am and saw that it had moved but was upright. But... I was wrong.

When I went out in the morning it was the kennel itself that had moved. I have a tarp across part of the top and down part of the south side to provide shade and the wind must have caught on the tarp to be able to move it.

We have a pen that is covered with a tarp for the back half. It moved in a few of the storms last fall and early this spring. We have it anchored down now as we are not moving it around the yard this year. instead we are moving smaller pens around the yard.
I...uh...feel like I'm the only one on here! Lol am I talking to myself? (Nothing unusual there folks)
Guess I'm the only one who doesn't have a job, small children or aging parents t take care of during the day. I'm so bored today!!! Guess I'll go talk to my therapist for a while. Heading out to Dr. Clucks office. Hope I don't feel all "cooped" up in there! Lol ttyl....
I'm here for now but getting off soon. I need to take the children to the doc. They have the runs. most likely it is just a floating virus and there is nothing the doc can do. But some family drama is happening this week so off to the docs the kids go to "prove" they have the runs. This is one of those time I wish I had a hillbilly sawed off shot gun carrying neighbor that would just make enough of an appearance that the drama would go away.
I have turkey math again....fighting it.....fighting it.....
Its hopeless, just give in. Then let me know what you got so i can decide if I need any......
I didn't even know there was suppose to be storms. I was on Facebook this morning and my step aunt posted stuff about how we were suppose to get tornados. I hate storms. But then I saw it was posted hours ago. All it did was rain here.
I didn't even know there was suppose to be storms. I was on Facebook this morning and my step aunt posted stuff about how we were suppose to get tornados. I hate storms. But then I saw it was posted hours ago. All it did was rain here.
I'm beginning to think I'm bad luck for you Northern folk - this is the second time in as many weeks that I have ventured that direction (to Purdue) and both times there has been foul weather...........and this is just the beginning as my daughter will be up there starting this fall for school (we were there yesterday for registration, etc), so I'll be back and forth even more, apologies in advance, lol.
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