just found this , great to crow with the best in indy.i am new to this also. i have 18 girls an 1 roo.i LOVE this,having chickens .i am on the sw side if indy
congrats on the new layers. I'm still waiting for my first batch of chickens to lay an egg.
How are you planning on hatching the eggs? Will you pen up a broody hen or use a machine? I'm thinking it would be great for my children to see a chick hatch but I don't have a brooding area set up. maybe spring of 2014. I know I don't want to spend the money it costs to hatch the eggs without a hen.

I used to see some several years ago that did a *few* (looked like 2-3 up to maybe a dozen?) eggs for about 20 bucks in the back of magizines, I am thinking about one of these and I found a thread on here where some people are buying fertilized eggs from Trader Joe's and other certain stores and are hatching them, I know of a few Amish stores that carry eggs and have a hunch they are more than likely fertilized.....
Hey everyone! I'm just returning to the world of chicken keeping. Come mid-february I will have 7 new future egg layers and 20 meat birds. I've kept layers before but this will be my first time keeping meat chickens! I'm in Indianapolis btw :)
crazypetlady here on BYC is just south of Fort Wayne and she usually has LOTS of eggs from different breeds. You might contact her if you're anywhere near.

I just had some eggs shipped for my broody from NC and another state but I think they may have had shipping issues and I only got 1 hatch. I wanted to get some hatch mates to try to add to the brood and I got the "new kids" from crazypetlady....she doesn't sell them...she gives them to her friend who does sell. They also have eggs available as do others in Indiana. Now that I have this little experience with shipped eggs, I'd prefer to drive and pick them up if possible!

Here's a photo album and the story if you're interested...

What breeds are you interested in?
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crazypetlady here on BYC is just south of Fort Wayne and she usually has LOTS of eggs from different breeds.  You might contact her if you're anywhere near.

I recently contacted her, but as you mention, she will not sell them. She only swaps them. She was able to refer me to a breeder just across the Indiana/Ohio line who I plan on getting some hatching eggs from. This breeder pretty much only deals with rare breeds of chickens, though.
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If any of my hens go broody, my plan is to let them hatch as many as their little hearts desire! I have a decent sized chicken tractor that I can use to separate them from the rest of the flock for a little while if need be. Other than that, I am planning on building an incubator pretty soon and hatching chicks from that. The kind I'm looking at is very inexpensive as I am on a limited budget right now. I found some cooler based models here on byc that look easy and cheap to make (you can take a look at them here: ). At first I thought it would cost a lot of money for an incubator too, but if you can build it yourself it looks to me like you can make it for a decent price.

That have cheap little incubators at Big R and some other farm stores. They are called Little Giants. The cost is only $45 plus tax you can get the automatic egg turner for it for another $43.
Hi! You can add me to the list. I am in Northwest Indiana. I currently have 25 birds, you can see the full list in my sig. My girls just started laying, so I am hoping in a few months I will have enough eggs to sell and hopefully I will also be hatching mixed breed chicks(all sired by my EE roo) some to keep and some to sell.

Welcome!! and very glad you've joined us!

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