I think one of my adult chickens may have wry neck. I haven't found any really good articles on attempting to treat this. One article said that you can treat them with terramycian, but a different one said to just use polyvisol baby viatmins (without iron). Thoughts? I have used the baby viatmins before, but not for something like this
I have one withy wry neck we increased vitamin E and increased electrolytes also removed iron from diet. The whole time she was able to eat. I did remove her from flock was not seeing improvement. I had to remove a little roo due to ear infection and treated him with antibiotics in water which she was able to get to. He got better she did not so I put both of them back with flock and finally she is doing better. This has been a span of 3 months
I am new to BYC and this board (but I read through the last 10- 15 pages so I am a little caught up). My husband and I are hopefully getting our first chickens tomorrow! A friend's mom is giving us some adult chickens to get us started! And it sounds like she may give us some ducks too! I am excited and nervous because I've never done anything like this before. I am especially nervous about the ducks because I have done a decent amount of reading about chickens, but not much about ducks. She just asked yesterday if we wanted some and I figured since they are free why not? But now I need to do some resarch. We don't have a pond so I think we need to get a kiddie pool. Would a little kids turtle sandbox filled with water be deep enough? We also have an old bath tub that we could possibly convert somehow. Or I could go buy a pool. How often do you need to dump and refill? I am also a little worried about AI, wild ducks wouldn't be attracted to a kiddie pool would they? Sorry, thinking out loud here

Anyways a little info about me. I have 3 little kids - 3.5, 1.5 and 6 weeks. (I'm also worried about the kids and chickens not hurting each other. The kids do really well with our cat, but they are still kids and the cat is very tolerant) I live in NE Indiana near Fort Wayne area.

I'm trying to convince my husband we should go to chicken fest, we'll see how that goes
My youngest was 3 when we got our first day old chicks. I had to watch her close with the chicks but once they were older she was fine. She is now 8 and carries chickens around almost all day. She loves them and knows all their names. If one is sick or hurt she is first to know and brings the injured one to me for first aid. Kids and chickens go great together. Plus the kids learn to be responsible for another living thing. My oldest was 13 when we got those first chicks and he is still not really interested in them. He just seems them as a nuisance and work. I wish I would have gotten chickens when he was little so he would have grown up with them. He is the only one who feels this way and I think it is because he was old enough that he was expected to do the work but he never saw them as fun.
Anybody know of someone in northern Indiana southern Michigan with turkey poults? None of my feed stores are ordering any more or they only can order the meat birds. I'm wanting heritage breeds. But only a few so I can't meet the minimum order at any hatcheries I've seen.

PLEASE HIVE ME SOME IMPUT ON THIS! I don't want to give her something that isn't going help, specifically the terramycian. If I can give her both a one I will. This is one of my favorite birds and SHE ISNT DOING GOOD AT ALL! She is 1 1/2-2 years old so I don't have a clue why this is happening now. This is the closest thing I can match her symptoms up with!

I had a silkie not too long ago about the same age have a severe case. I treated with selenium, poly vi sol and vitamin E per some info I found on BYC. She would straighten up to eat and drink but when stressed by me coming near or othe chickens she would flip her head upside down and proceed to walk in circles backwards. I had her separated for approx a month with no change. I finally put her outside in a small hoop run with 2 other silkie hens and she immediately straightened up and was a happy normal gal!??? I added a roo and she would have little lapses but all and all ate really really well always and drank just fine. One morning I went out and she was dead. I don't know what to think of it but she was my only case and I never felt like the treatment actually benefit her.

I had read it could have been swelling on the brain which would have needed prednisone also but I never tried that.

The BYC member that posted the info was castorpony. Let me see if I can find it again.

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