@indyshent- he looked like he had a personality like no other! Glad you have a good one. I won't have a roo for a while, but when I do, I hope to have a good one too.
Yeah, he looks really mean and imposing, but he's a mushball with people. It's just the shape of his face. I might just be me, but I think he looks a little less mean now that he's top man and things have settled a little after Mag's demise. he just seems a bit more confident now (still looks mean and imposing, though, when it comes down to it).

I have lots of good roosters--including two cockerels who are shaping up to be swell men someday. One is from Wun Wun over an EE (which means he's huge, tall, quiet and is going to cut a very imposing figure some day), and the other is Mag over a silver-laced Wyandotte (smaller, shorter-legged, also pretty quiet so far). Mr. July (the Sumatra) and the other two Sumatras I've had have all been really good roosters. They have shriller crows than the Brahmas, but are still quite protective of their girls and quietly assume dominance in a flock without any real fighting. They're less imposing and much smaller to the eye, but they really mean business when it comes to protecting their flock and yard from invaders (and they're eye candy).

The Breda, buff Colombian Brahma and Cochin have all shaped up to be excellent roosters, as well. It might just be that they're older and I never got to see the rapacious phase, but I've never seen them chase down a girl or harass her otherwise to get what they're going for. Suave boys. Same goes for the Sumatra so far.
My next tray to hatch I just candled at day 14. Only 2 viable eggs out of 19, am pretty sad. Suspect the temp jumps some days as much as a 50 degree change! All duds went to Momma hog DS, made her night with a warm protein snack.
Dad went for a checkup due to recent mood swings and off behavior.. I insisted. Pacemaker is malfunctioning, causing less blood flow, oxygen and hence some Dementia! He is also dehydrating again, so med changes. I conned him into going because he keeps saying he has headaches.. honestly because he has been hateful. sure sign of heart issues. He has been a total pistol the past few weeks and now we know why. Mom goes tomorrow for her followup on her valve. Note to self, I need to do more of the scheduling, this should have been the same day. The trip to Indy is hard on both of them. Both were in bed by 8pm.
I am taking another hard look at more downsizing. I may be selling my remaining turkeys, some of the chicken breeds I keep. From what Dads Dr discussed today, he will not be driving much longer. Thats going to change things even more here. Will asses what I have and post more info this weekend.
So sorry to hear about your Father.

The weather last year delayed my hatching plans. Every time the temps dropped half of the eggs would not be fertile. I should have gotten a pig to feed. But my cats loved those eggs too.
Which kinds of babies do you have? 
I'm sure my spelling will be wrong but here goes. An Easter Egger (sold as Americana) Buff Orphington Buff Braham and a Rhode Island Red.
One of each, they slept well the first night here but I didn't lol....
Chick Radar Report

Columbia City, IN TSC Store

Good numbers of:

Mystery Duck - variety breeds straight run (all were yellow)
Mystery Bantam - variety breeds straight run (mostly chipmunk, a few dark)
Production Red - straight run
RIR - straight run
Amber Sex-link - pullets
ISA Browns - pullets
Hello fellow Hoosiers I wanted to jump in and introduce myself and my families newest additions.
I just joined today and stumbled into here. Today we just picked up our four babies and I must add we are total newbies to this but have done tons of reading and video watching. We are a bit nervous but have found BYC a tremendous help.
Well not to keep you waiting but here are the little ones..

The chicks seem happy in the brooder I made in our unfinished bathrooms tub. I plugged all holes and placed a layer of carpet pad all the way around the inside and bottom then a few layers of thick plastic finished with cardboard sides and fresh pine shavings. Heat lamp and small roost for fun with fresh water and chick crumble.
This is the first night for them here and I'm sure I won't sleep much.
welcome! BYC is a great resource :)
Hello fellow Hoosiers I wanted to jump in and introduce myself and my families newest additions.
I just joined today and stumbled into here. Today we just picked up our four babies and I must add we are total newbies to this but have done tons of reading and video watching. We are a bit nervous but have found BYC a tremendous help.
Well not to keep you waiting but here are the little ones..

The chicks seem happy in the brooder I made in our unfinished bathrooms tub. I plugged all holes and placed a layer of carpet pad all the way around the inside and bottom then a few layers of thick plastic finished with cardboard sides and fresh pine shavings. Heat lamp and small roost for fun with fresh water and chick crumble.
This is the first night for them here and I'm sure I won't sleep much. ;)

Welcome to you all. I love this place. It's been a great resource for myself as well.
Hey all,
New to BYC and keeping chickens too. Getting ready to build a coop for a small egg laying flock. Finding lots of good stuff on the site, but hard to dial into specifics for our region. Will be nice to get info from experienced folks close to home.
Hey all,
New to BYC and keeping chickens too. Getting ready to build a coop for a small egg laying flock. Finding lots of good stuff on the site, but hard to dial into specifics for our region. Will be nice to get info from experienced folks close to home.

Welcome. New to it myself, only had birds since September, but this has been a great resource and group.

Your coop will be too small, you won't have enough birds, and you still need more ventilation. lol
LOL! Coop size is one of my big concerns along with overwintering the birds. Been reading up on some of that. The ventilation thread is next. I clearly have lots to learn!
Because we don't know the future, I spent some quality time with my sweet Cuddles.
Forgive me for talking about her so often. She's simply very special to me & by writing updates, it helps me deal with my sick hen.

Cuddles walking around the basement & looking to go outside. I know she must miss her flock.

Looking good after spa day! (an epsom salt soak.)

She's not really eating but did peck at some soaked pellets & drank a little on her own. I'm giving some liquids via tube feeding. She's lost weight but responds to her name & hearing my voice. I honestly thought she'd be better or dead by now. Whatever is blocking her is allowing some poop to pass. As you can see in her pics, she still has her personality. Just more quiet & not into eating. Of course THAT is a big part of every Orp's loud, treat stealing attitude.

Below are some of the icky pics.

Here's what her vent looks like. Tight & dry

Here are some poop pics from yesterday & today. It has varied but none look normal to me. Maybe 5-6 poops during the day & 3 at night.

BTW- Thank you for teaching me the trick of how to cover up some of the pics in my posts.
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