I will be back but been on vaca and dealing with SHINGLES!!! But trying to enjoy a little shade and my Tom decided he needed to be In My Face!! Shhheeesh!

I hope your feeling better from the shingles.
And your Tom is quite interesting, is that how they all look or is he a specific breed?
Quote: @racinchickins

I've been careful not to put them in the area the chickens can access as I expected the same outcome as you!

I do it a couple ways.
-Part of the yard is fenced separately from the chickens. I can set the traps in that part where the chickens don't go. Good, strong-smelling, meat-based bait draws the critters over there.

-The other way is to only set them at night when the birds are inside for the night then remove it in the morning before you leave for work.
Quote: @racinchickins

I've been careful not to put them in the area the chickens can access as I expected the same outcome as you!

I do it a couple ways.
-Part of the yard is fenced separately from the chickens. I can set the traps in that part where the chickens don't go. Good, strong-smelling, meat-based bait draws the critters over there.

-The other way is to only set them at night when the birds are inside for the night then remove it in the morning before you leave for work.
Mine truly free range, so there is no place to put it they can't find where it is still close enough to actually help. I guess I need to stop by the barn on the way to work in the morning and shut the traps up. Although to find the bright side, I do have a better idea with some hens now of what egg belongs to what hen. I have one hen that lays a very elongated egg. I wasn't sure which one it was until I found her in a trap with the egg sitting next to her.
I use dog proof, it works great as long as you're not trying to catch and release... Never caught any domestic animal in one

Dog proof? Please help my ignorance...

ETA: I just looked them up.

For me, I'm doing the catch and release but if I had a real problem with them I'd certainly consider those!
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Where do you take them to release them? I've heard they can find there way back, and don't want to risk that, to each his own lol

I go across a river and 2 major highways. Never had one return.

I do know a guy that didn't take his to such extremes as I do. He marked one with white paint because he suspected they were returning. He did have it return. But I always thought he was foolish because he didn't take them far enough to make sure they didn't come back.

I don't mind dispatching if needed, but always felt like the live traps were safer for other animals. Those "dog proof" are a different story though. Never considered them before.

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