I DID catch a skunk once in the live trap.
Had to read-up on the best way to release and did so without incident. When we let him out, it was the first time I ever saw a skunk run.
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@ellymayRans - I hope your shingles get better soon, that is absolutely no fun!

Raccoons and Foxes are running rampant right now. I have trapped/shot 6 in the last week (raccoons), the fox I am seeing must be a sly genius. They are coming out in daylight now and that is driving me crazy. I have also noticed my landlord/neighbor's dogs are out and about again. They have been coming around at night, so they can't get to the chickens, and have so far respected the fence. The other night I was around the corner from my driveway and I saw one of the dogs trotting up the road with a 2-3 day old fawn in its mouth. Naturally, it dropped it when it saw me, so I got out and examined it. The dog definitely killed it, there were no injuries except for bites on the neck. I was so livid!!! I texted my landlord, saying that I have noticed the dogs have been out lately and I will be watching for them near my chickens (definitely getting pics on my trail camera) and just FYI, they killed a baby deer. The response I got? "Ok, thanks for letting me know."


I am supposed to be going on vacation at the end of the month and I am terrified to leave for a week. I know I won't come back to what I should have. I've never had to be forced to go on vacation before...
How do yall bond with your chicks? We have 35 and want to make sure that they are all handled and not afraid of us. That being said, the bantam mixes seem to be more skittish than the heritage breeds (RIR, BO and BR). Granted they are all between 4-5 weeks old but it seems like when we vo out the brooders, they run to the opposite side. I am feeding them some scraps and trying to get them to take mealworms from my hand. It just seems like they are not really bonding with us.
Any ideas?
How do yall bond with your chicks? We have 35 and want to make sure that they are all handled and not afraid of us. That being said, the bantam mixes seem to be more skittish than the heritage breeds (RIR, BO and BR). Granted they are all between 4-5 weeks old but it seems like when we vo out the brooders, they run to the opposite side. I am feeding them some scraps and trying to get them to take mealworms from my hand. It just seems like they are not really bonding with us.
Any ideas?

I have 3 sets and each set became skittish around 6 weeks. My bantams also were the most skittish...that's when I put them outside, and every single time for the first few weeks, no exception I would always have treats when I went outside. My BRs and RIRs will still always come running as soon as they hear the door. They follow us around as though we are their mamma hen...however, the bantams are still a work in progress. IF we catch them, they are just as sweet as the others. My RIRs and BRs will actually come to the door or jump on a cooler to look in the house if we aren't outside.
Quote: After another hard look today, there may be 3, possible 4. Its probably too soon to judge. I have over a dozen, DD took a couple extra also.

Quote: I set them at dusk, and yup eggs make really good bait. If I use eggs I crack one and make the rest sticky before I set traps. Mini marshmallow, canned ocean whitefish cat food, sardines, tuna and leftovers, all sorts of stuff. Corn on the cob is good too. I have trapped ducks, turkeys and several chickens. My own barn cat too! My issue is getting outside early to close traps before the birds are active. Possums will grab a duckling for sure or an adult chicken if hungry enough.

Quote: @racinchickins

I've been careful not to put them in the area the chickens can access as I expected the same outcome as you!

I do it a couple ways.
-Part of the yard is fenced separately from the chickens. I can set the traps in that part where the chickens don't go. Good, strong-smelling, meat-based bait draws the critters over there.

-The other way is to only set them at night when the birds are inside for the night then remove it in the morning before you leave for work.
Mine truly free range, so there is no place to put it they can't find where it is still close enough to actually help. I guess I need to stop by the barn on the way to work in the morning and shut the traps up. Although to find the bright side, I do have a better idea with some hens now of what egg belongs to what hen. I have one hen that lays a very elongated egg. I wasn't sure which one it was until I found her in a trap with the egg sitting next to her.

LOL that helps! I like knowing who lays what too. @Leahs Mom is right, set at dusk, close up at dawn.

Where do you take them to release them? I've heard they can find there way back, and don't want to risk that, to each his own lol
Its been documented a male raccoon will travel up to 30 miles to return to his home. DNR also recommends to not release, most won't survive. Its important to also check what current state rules are, releasing may not be legal unless its private property where you release.

Does anyone have Cream Legbar chicks for sale? One of my buyers from last year is looking for some. You can PM me with your name, email and/or phone. THANKS!!!
@racinchickins did keep them, not sure if anyone else does. I don't know how recently our member list was updated, but may have more folks listed.

Wow lol yea I don't think they'd return from that
I trapped a lot a few years and never got anything bad but conabears scare me in that sense
They are really determined animals. Also terribly overpopulated since they no longer have natural predator aside from owls.
I DID catch a skunk once in the live trap.
Had to read-up on the best way to release and did so without incident. When we let him out, it was the first time I ever saw a skunk run.
I have trapped a ton of skunk. One was hit during animal control days, and ugh I got sprayed bad. It was on a busy road, and windy. Best approach is a sheet large enough to fully cover your body, and the animal.. or the trap. Keep it fully extended covering your body and approach the trap/animal. All was well until the gust of wind came, and blew the sheet upwards. Scared the skunk, I got sprayed and ruined about $200 in uniform clothes. Let alone my eyes burned for hours, ugh pretty awful.

@ellymayRans - I hope your shingles get better soon, that is absolutely no fun!

Raccoons and Foxes are running rampant right now. I have trapped/shot 6 in the last week (raccoons), the fox I am seeing must be a sly genius. They are coming out in daylight now and that is driving me crazy. I have also noticed my landlord/neighbor's dogs are out and about again. They have been coming around at night, so they can't get to the chickens, and have so far respected the fence. The other night I was around the corner from my driveway and I saw one of the dogs trotting up the road with a 2-3 day old fawn in its mouth. Naturally, it dropped it when it saw me, so I got out and examined it. The dog definitely killed it, there were no injuries except for bites on the neck. I was so livid!!! I texted my landlord, saying that I have noticed the dogs have been out lately and I will be watching for them near my chickens (definitely getting pics on my trail camera) and just FYI, they killed a baby deer. The response I got? "Ok, thanks for letting me know."


I am supposed to be going on vacation at the end of the month and I am terrified to leave for a week. I know I won't come back to what I should have. I've never had to be forced to go on vacation before...
I am so sorry to hear this.. and I know. I am so afraid to leave the house. Mostly due to my Mom and her falls, but its also due to my flocks and livestock. DH and I rarely camp anymore, and I love to fish. DH insists and I get a parent sitter lol.
Its horrible the dogs are killing fawns. The owner needs to wake up.

How do yall bond with your chicks? We have 35 and want to make sure that they are all handled and not afraid of us. That being said, the bantam mixes seem to be more skittish than the heritage breeds (RIR, BO and BR). Granted they are all between 4-5 weeks old but it seems like when we vo out the brooders, they run to the opposite side. I am feeding them some scraps and trying to get them to take mealworms from my hand. It just seems like they are not really bonding with us.
Any ideas?
I just sit with them, offer treats as you are. Some will just not bond as well as others, its the individual personality just like people. You have good breed choices. I take a milk crate into my grow up pen and sit down on it. Give treats, touch them, talk to them and show them I won't harm them, every day. I am retired so I have a few minutes a couple times a day to do so, same with any other critter I keep. Social interaction and a lot of treats is the way to go.
Well, I see I'm not the only one with predator problems. Over the last month or so I've lost 5 or 6 adult hens and one turkey hen to coons. They tore/dug through a couple weak spots in my coop. They got a couple free ranging in the late evening too.

Then last weekend was my big hit. I'm assuming more than one coon got into my mini barn brooders. Killed 26 of my juveniles I was growing out. Lavender and black orps, Polish, silkies of all colors. I had around 40 in three different pens, now I think I have 12 of those left. Over 30 birds killed in a few weeks. This has been pretty devastating for my future breeding plans. Really put me back a ways. Not to mention the incredible waste of time and money. Most of these were from my own eggs or purchased from breeders. I have been hatching more or less non-stop since Feb, selling off extras and these were supposed to be helping me grow my flocks. This has just been a huge hit to the wallet, and my sanity.

I've caught/disposed of 6 coons so far. 2 adults and 4 younger ones. I had one large coon Thurs night that was caught and then bent up and escaped from my cage.

I'm sorry but I don't feel bad for a second when I head out with the .22 to dispatch them. It's a shame raccoons are so destructive to chicken flocks, they are interesting creatures, and really smart, but they are not getting a second chance from me. Since I've been have these issues I've payed more attention to the local roadkill. It seems like there are hundreds of coons dead on the road. The mild winter last year must have lead to an overabundance of the things this year.

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