Haha, thanks! :D It was completely unintentional for them to hatch on Mother's Day, just some good timing! First thing I did yesterday morning was text mom that she got three new 'grandchickens' for Mother's Day. :lol: They are impossibly cute and so, so small! I forgot how absolutely eensy they are compared to regular chicks after the Marans I hatched in March! :love :love

It's all dark and stormy here, so they're doing lots of napping under the EcoGlow this morning. :love I'm sure they'll be up and around for more pictures later. I just can't get enough of these guys!

stormy day nap.jpg
Haha, thanks! :D It was completely unintentional for them to hatch on Mother's Day, just some good timing! First thing I did yesterday morning was text mom that she got three new 'grandchickens' for Mother's Day. :lol: They are impossibly cute and so, so small! I forgot how absolutely eensy they are compared to regular chicks after the Marans I hatched in March! :love :love

It's all dark and stormy here, so they're doing lots of napping under the EcoGlow this morning. :love I'm sure they'll be up and around for more pictures later. I just can't get enough of these guys!

View attachment 1387550
So cute!
First baby is out!! :wee :love :love

View attachment 1385810

Check out the stripes! I wonder how she's going to turn out!

View attachment 1385809

Apparently, she wasn't ready to come out of her shell yet. :lol:

View attachment 1385807
Adorable, awesome pics :love

To all those moms out there.....
Happy Mother's Day!
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Three babies out as of this morning! :wee I think that's going to be it, as the fourth egg appears to have quit. :hmm Not really sure what happened, as I've never had so many quitters from my own girls' eggs. But three babies is better than none, and they are THE CUTEST!! :love :love Not many pictures yet because they're still hanging out under the EcoGlow recovering from hatching, but here's what I've gotten.

Look how tiny they are!! View attachment 1386819

View attachment 1386815

The EcoGlow makes for some adorable shots. :love
View attachment 1386811

...And some grumpy ones, too. :lol:
View attachment 1386813

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. :love View attachment 1386819 :love
View attachment 1386812

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to tag you, @Faraday40 , and I don't think edit-and-tag works. :oops:
just precious!
Been away a few days, Abby our sterile cow had her "bad day" early Saturday morning. As I've mentioned before I will not send my animals out to a butcher. I process our animals myself. I am sad, but also relieved to say she had no recognizable female productive parts, and missing a kidney! :hit what made this hardest is my bull is grieving pretty hard. We moved her as far away from our herd as we could. I've never heard a sound like what he called out and still was until this morning. Moose and Abigail were my 1st calves that thrived and grew up together. My point... animals have feelings, treat them well even if their purpose is food. I am going to miss my Abby but I now understand why she was a weak calf. With a lot of hard work, she grew to 1140+ pounds. Its a hard reality, a sterile cow has no purpose aside from food. My bull had settled down a lot by tonight, we had chin rubs and neck scratches as usual. I guess Moose and I are both missing her.
Met a great person this weekend also! Not a thread member. yet! Very old school traditional folks. Buying all my eggs to establish a colorful chicken flock and eggs. Not concerned about breeds as much as egg color, wants a mixed flock. I am looking for a Maran rooster, NOT aggressive to improve my OE lines. My last OE hen has proven infertile.
Our chicks are finally fully integrated into the main flock. They've successfully learned when the automatic coop door opens and closes, and that they're supposed to be on the INSIDE when it's dark. Such a big bunch of babies!

The greenhouse is done, and I've been feverishly working on my next project, a cob oven.

Other names for the oven are earth oven, or pizza oven, clay oven, but when I finish it should look something like this:

except on a base of concrete blocks that will eventually have a dry stacked stone veneer.

Currently it looks like this:

We dug the footer, added gravel, compacted, leveled, built the block walls, inserted rebar and concrete in the holes in the blocks, built the deck, built the form, and last Sunday we poured the concrete countertop.

This winter, when I was planning this project, in my mind I could've accomplished all of that in two weekends MAX! Either I work slower than I imagined, or I'm a poor estimator because progress to this point has taking me 4 weekends!

Now, the countertop has to cure, I'll take off the forms, wet polish the concrete top, seal it, THEN I'll be ready to start building the oven part!
Our chicks are finally fully integrated into the main flock. They've successfully learned when the automatic coop door opens and closes, and that they're supposed to be on the INSIDE when it's dark. Such a big bunch of babies!
View attachment 1388917

The greenhouse is done, and I've been feverishly working on my next project, a cob oven.

Other names for the oven are earth oven, or pizza oven, clay oven, but when I finish it should look something like this:
View attachment 1388921
except on a base of concrete blocks that will eventually have a dry stacked stone veneer.

Currently it looks like this:
View attachment 1388930

We dug the footer, added gravel, compacted, leveled, built the block walls, inserted rebar and concrete in the holes in the blocks, built the deck, built the form, and last Sunday we poured the concrete countertop.

This winter, when I was planning this project, in my mind I could've accomplished all of that in two weekends MAX! Either I work slower than I imagined, or I'm a poor estimator because progress to this point has taking me 4 weekends!

Now, the countertop has to cure, I'll take off the forms, wet polish the concrete top, seal it, THEN I'll be ready to start building the oven part!
For a moment, I thought your oven was in the run. :gig

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