How long would you estimate that I have until they will be ready to be outside?

I do have a backup plan for if the coop isn't ready in time, an existing space that I could enclose and use.

Like Quinstar says, about 6-8 weeks, after they are fully feathered.. It is summer, so that should be fine. However, now it is 5-7 weeks, since you already have them coming and they are hatched?
Our first night, the temp dropped to about 40 degrees. We worried, but also had a very secure heat lamp in the coop. They survived just fine.

Building a coop is like retirement, the time to start saving/planning is yesterday.

I've been talking to jchny2000 about her idea for a get-together for the Indiana BYCers. She wasn't able to find a good place to hold it near her house, so I am volunteering to have it at my place.

On Sunday 28 July, my DSO (Significant Other) and I are going to host a meeting of the Central Indiana Poultry Enthusiasts. This is a small club of chicken folk from the general Indy area that meet every other month at the house of one of the members. We admire the hosts chickens and coops, talk endlessly about our birds, and shamelessly steal their best ideas to make our chicks more comfortable (kinda like we do on here!

We'd like to invite anyone from the forum here that would like to come and meet other people as crazy about chickens as we are.

Here are some details and Ideas.

The meeting is usually from 3 to 5 or 6ish. Bring a lawn chair and a snack to share. Drinks will be provided. The DSO loves to cook, so there will be some fun things to eat too. There will be a tour of our coop and run setup and a meet and greet with our chickens and turkeys. We call it a meeting, but it really is just a chance to socialize with other chicken folk.

One of the things that was talked about was a workshop on processing poultry. I am blessed/cursed with an overabundance of boys at the current time. So I would like to propose that anyone interested in this portion of chickendom can show up around 11, and we can put on the workshop then. If you have a bird that needs to have that 'One Bad Day', go ahead and bring it. I can promise to have at least one bird for demo purposes and will probably have more than that if one or two people want to try their hand at it. For those that are not interested in this, we promise to be done and all cleaned up before 3.

Another idea is that if you know someone else who is coming and would like to arrange to swap/sell/transfer birds, that is fine by me. I have a large garage that has never seen my chickens, so I can offer it up as a place to keep birds being swapped so that they can be out of the sun and not kept in a car. Please make your arrangements ahead of time, and only bring birds that are already spoken for.

Our farm is located just east of Mooresville, IN. Which is located just SW of Indy not too far from the airport.

I'm just paranoid enough about things to not want to post my address and phone number on the forum where it is available to anyone and everyone, so what I would like to propose is that if you are interested in coming, please send me a PM, and I'll put together an email to send out to the participants with all the pertinent details.

If you have any questions, or suggestions, send me a note.

Hope you can make it!


My spell checker here promises that if you come, he will be more than happy to entertain you with his cuteness. (Don't tell him that he will be at that awkward age by then....)
I was all set to say we'd be there, but you can't please everyone all the time. We are not big race fans, but we do enjoy the Indy 500/Brickyard 400. Guess what? The Brickyard is July 28th. Don't move the date of the chicken party for me. We *may* be able to get there early and leave early. It'd be impossible to try and get back to our house after the race lets out for 2-4 hours.
Excellent comment! My hat's off to you!

I agree, that was pretty good.
I did some Googling just for curiosity, but couldn't find an exact answer. Possibilities: sickness, coop needs cleaned-- build up of ammonia can cause runny yolks, or salmonella in egg.
Thank you. I looked it up too and was unable to find anything definitive except that it just happens.
CRSelvey~ Pretty Pink Pinafore! Look at Google Image "Chicken Saddle Pattern" just to see different styles although yours looks great. I think this one with "Predators Eyes" is a good idea! What about one with a message for the Rooster: "Warning: Roosters who Rape end up in Freezer Prison!" I guess that might work if they could read.

That's pretty good. I wish they could read because I'm starting to get less warm and fuzzy about my roos. I've been working on the coop and my kids sandbox for the last two days so the chicks have been outside with me a lot. The little hen wearing the saddle is still wearing it, so I guess its working, but she's starting out in such bad shape. I wonder how long it will take for new feathers to show up. Our little chicks (which are actually about full-sized) are inside the garden and the others are outside, so they have been mingling through the fence. Its pretty comical to watch.
Hi Everyone!
This is my first post here, so I hope I'm doing it in the right place?

I'm from NW Indiana, and looking to get a coop with 4-6 chickens in my back yard. I've literally just begun my research, so it will be awhile before it happens. I just wanted to connect with other chicken owners to touch base with.

After some googling, I can tell that I need chickens that will hold up to this crazy weather we have around here. Any recommendations? Also, can anyone local to me tell me WHERE I can buy them? I didn't really want to order them through the mail (when we get to that point).

One last question for the night....I'm not sure if I would be able to start with baby chicks. I would like to, but I'm a nurse, and I work 2, 12 hour shifts a week. From what I'm reading, you can't leave the babies unattended for that long. What would be a good age for me to get them at? I have 3 young kids (9, 7, and 5) so I want to get them young enough that they would be friendly with the kids.

TIA for the tips and advice!
I LOVE your screen name!!!
Buckeye !!!! They have Peacombs, and are the friendliest chicks I've ever seen. Mine are out in any temps don't seem fazzed at at.
I have been hoping to get some buckeye hens too. They sound like really nice birds. Do you breed them? I'm hoping that my husband forgets that he said no more birds by next Spring, lol. I think once they are all out in the coop and he's got to play more golf instead of working on my stuff, his chicken pain and suffering will fade
wow, so i went up to northern indiana to visit family the last 4 days. i am so not readine through the last 200 posts. the 2nd day we were there our older neighbor called. she said" i think your dog got loose and i hear squaking over there" and i said"our dog is with us..." she dropped the phone and ran over. someones dog traveled over a mile and killed 3 of my young chickens. i had always let them out to free range from dawn til dusk. never a problem. when i left for vacation i left my millie pair and black cochin hen in a tractor, my adult BO in their coop with the pop door to their run open, and the bantams/young BO door open with a fence tacked to the walls to make a run. it had jumped through the fence with the young ones.. grrrrrr so mad. people need to keep their dogs HOME!!! i have seen this dog one other time, at night, in the field. i would leave our dog out on a line next to the coops if i knew she wouldnt get pregnant or killed. i will shoot if i see it again.
sorry, had to vent. anyway, nice to see family for a few days. heres a pic of my kids at their grandparents lake house
Crafty Chick, you have some cute kids there. I'm sorry about your chicks
Once again, the great chicken train of 2013 will be running the Friday. I will be traveling from the Ft Wayne area to the Greencastle area. I'm taking a hen to drop off and picking up eggs and chicks from littleameraucanamom and bringing them up north. If you'd need me to take something down south or bring something up north, get in touch.

I have pairs or trio of feather shanked Birchen Marans as well as have decided to part with my rhodebar pair (around 15 weeks old I believe) as well as the day old roo rhodebar. Let me know if you're interested. I can bring these along on the trip.
Bradselig, I waited and waited for you to stop by to finish our coop, lol.
Sorry about your loss crafty chick.People need to learn to lock up or control their dogs that can be a treat to people and their animals.I had a person lived about 3/4 a mile away that had two dogs that came down and would kill multiple chickens and ducks at a time.I told the people and their response was- well we try to tie them up, but they just get loose.So put them in yyour house!hellooo is it that hard to figure out.Some people just get on my nerves.Needless to say their dogs continued to kill chickens and ducks and we told them again theey did the same thing,so we called the sheriff which I have happen to know for years.They still didnt seem to concern but he explained how I could shoot their dogs.No more problemms since then!(or at leasst from those dogs i still have had rodent problems though)I hope you don't have anymore losses.:)

Okay I counted the chicks finally I have 9.:). Sadly no splash chicks though :(, I was looking forward to having a few.But I am going to leave the remaining eggs in until thursday just incase I have some that hatch really late.Crossing my fingers that at if more eggs hatch at least one is a splash.I really want one.I still have 12 eggs left.
When you first said you had a cracked egg, my thought was "oh noooo" like there was something wrong, then I realized that I'm a ding dong and you had something really right!! Congratulations on all your little babies. Even if they aren't splashes, its still pretty exciting that it worked. Fingers crossed for you next time.
Grabbed a quick photo of the run at lunch. We've dug out a foot deep trench to bury the 1/2" hardware cloth. The run will be completely enclosed and the chickens will be able to go under the coop for shade when confined. I'm planning on painting the door as well, just haven't gotten there yet.

Your coop and run are looking great!!!
It would be a long shot, but depending upon how much time you want to spend trying, here is what happened with a peachick that I hatched a few years ago.

This is how Trooper hatched.

These are the "shoes" I built from pipe cleaners.

After about 3 days. Of course, I had to keep putting them back on every time he picked them off.

Trooper now
That is one lovely chicken ,lol!

I've been talking to jchny2000 about her idea for a get-together for the Indiana BYCers. She wasn't able to find a good place to hold it near her house, so I am volunteering to have it at my place.

On Sunday 28 July, my DSO (Significant Other) and I are going to host a meeting of the Central Indiana Poultry Enthusiasts. This is a small club of chicken folk from the general Indy area that meet every other month at the house of one of the members. We admire the hosts chickens and coops, talk endlessly about our birds, and shamelessly steal their best ideas to make our chicks more comfortable (kinda like we do on here!

We'd like to invite anyone from the forum here that would like to come and meet other people as crazy about chickens as we are.

Here are some details and Ideas.

The meeting is usually from 3 to 5 or 6ish. Bring a lawn chair and a snack to share. Drinks will be provided. The DSO loves to cook, so there will be some fun things to eat too. There will be a tour of our coop and run setup and a meet and greet with our chickens and turkeys. We call it a meeting, but it really is just a chance to socialize with other chicken folk.

One of the things that was talked about was a workshop on processing poultry. I am blessed/cursed with an overabundance of boys at the current time. So I would like to propose that anyone interested in this portion of chickendom can show up around 11, and we can put on the workshop then. If you have a bird that needs to have that 'One Bad Day', go ahead and bring it. I can promise to have at least one bird for demo purposes and will probably have more than that if one or two people want to try their hand at it. For those that are not interested in this, we promise to be done and all cleaned up before 3.

Another idea is that if you know someone else who is coming and would like to arrange to swap/sell/transfer birds, that is fine by me. I have a large garage that has never seen my chickens, so I can offer it up as a place to keep birds being swapped so that they can be out of the sun and not kept in a car. Please make your arrangements ahead of time, and only bring birds that are already spoken for.

Our farm is located just east of Mooresville, IN. Which is located just SW of Indy not too far from the airport.

I'm just paranoid enough about things to not want to post my address and phone number on the forum where it is available to anyone and everyone, so what I would like to propose is that if you are interested in coming, please send me a PM, and I'll put together an email to send out to the participants with all the pertinent details.

If you have any questions, or suggestions, send me a note.

Hope you can make it!


My spell checker here promises that if you come, he will be more than happy to entertain you with his cuteness. (Don't tell him that he will be at that awkward age by then....)
Its very nice of you to extend the invite. I hope that I can come too. That's not paranoid, that's just smart, I mean you are giving it out to people who admittedly have least when it comes to chickens!!

I am really sorry about all the losses everyone has been having lately and also happy to see the new additions people are posting.

So I am wondering about my chicks (not really chicks anymore) The other day, Peanut Butter, was all over Muffin like I'd expect from a roo and she cowered all over the garden from him. Yesterday, she (at least I thought) went after him with a vengeance. At first, I thought it was probably normal because they'd take a break and catch their breath. At one point the one who seemed to be ahead of the game tucked herself under the other while resting. They started up again and fought so hard that when I separated them, Muffin had blood coming out of her nose holes (for lack of the real term). Now I'm wondering if they might both be boys or if that's normal for hens and roos to fight so hard. I know I'm going to have to get rid of somebody, but I get kind of squeamish when thinking about telling my kids that a chick has to go. They are pretty attached.

Our coop is moving right along...or it would be if I was out there instead of typing, lol. I think it will be usable in the next two days even if the roof isn't finished yet. Our family keeps telling my husband that its actually for him and not the chickens, but I have a secret, its for me. When its done, I think I will install bookshelves, and lamp and a good chair and move in. It is definitely more quiet than my house which has my dh, 3 kids, a bullmastiff, a cat, and 6 chicks inside. Yep, sounds pretty good.

I hope everyone has a great day today.
Ok here we go again. I quoted but it didn't post my quote. Ugg. So Kat congrats on your order. Its always exciting when you have new babies on the way! I agree with everyone you should probably start on a coop. But do plan first ( even though you wil probably change your mind alot lol) I had mine all figured out. Now that its done there are things I wish I would have done diffrenty but I guess that's all part of it. Everyone else that has babies congrats! I love everyones pictures. And to you that have suffered losses I feel terrible. Iv had my fair share so I no how you feel. I believe my recent problem is a bob cat though last night I heard a commotion and think something tried to snatch our old cat. We live in what I call a lincoln lig cabin we have xs at the corners where the logs cross and stick out. All my guineas roost 1 per log all the way down the side the cat is always on the other side or the roof. What would attempt to snatch a cat off a roof in the middle of th night? It was crazy! My trusty spot light and I seen nothing when I went out but with the fog so thick I could hardly see anything. Also an update for anyone interested. The injured chick is healing quickly. No signs of infection he's still acting like a normal chick and his buddy that was so kind as to stay with him while he's been in sick bay is very good and doesn't pick at him which was one of my worries. Thank you everyone who offered your advice on how to help him. It work and you guys are awesome! With everything going on lately the last thing I needed was for my 6 year olds baby to die.
I'm sending you a pm. I too would not want to post an address.

I plan to bring brownies and a side dish.

Also if anyone wants to learn how but does not have their own rooster, I can bring a young rooster about 11 -12 weeks old now. Maybe it would be tender enough to toss on a grill and share with everyone. I have plenty of them.
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I have a spot picked out for the coop and run, but I need to find a design and start gathering the materials.

If you have more money than time and want something that looks nice, consider getting a storage shed with windows. Then all you have to do is cut a pop door, add nest boxes and roost and a fence. Done.


I've been talking to jchny2000 about her idea for a get-together for the Indiana BYCers. She wasn't able to find a good place to hold it near her house, so I am volunteering to have it at my place.

On Sunday 28 July, my DSO (Significant Other) and I are going to host a meeting of the Central Indiana Poultry Enthusiasts. This is a small club of chicken folk from the general Indy area that meet every other month at the house of one of the members. We admire the hosts chickens and coops, talk endlessly about our birds, and shamelessly steal their best ideas to make our chicks more comfortable (kinda like we do on here!
I will very likely be there.

Unless I get tired of feeding them before then, I will bring 8 or 9 roosters as an offering to the chicken god. They will be 4 months old by then.

I will also bring a couple of canners for scalding water.

Millie (my labrador retriever) is recovering well from her dog attack. The infection is subsiding. She will have a couple of small scars, but otherwise fine.
She went for an ATV run with me several times since then. The ear has risen back up on her head, no longer drooping like it did.
She is MUCH more leary about running up to other dogs wanting to play. If the dog is barking, she gives it wide berth.


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