Mine are all put up at night in the coop as that is where they started to roost for the night. Even when it was really warm and I left the door open for extra ventilation they slept inside in a pile in one nest box!!! Weirdos. My old dog Jacob solved our possum and raccoon issue many years ago. We don't get them anymore! Best hunting dog I have ever known.

Adorable photos of your kitty friend. If I can catch my cat he is getting his flea meds today but I have been trying to catch him all weekend. If I hadn't of hand raised the little booger I would swear he was feral!

LOVE YOUR COOP!!!!!! Can't tell how large the run is but it's really nice. Is the whole tip covered or just part? Mine has a solid roof that slopes down the hill in our yard because we have a big flying predator problem.

^^^Here's another picture, better angle. The entire roof over the run is covered in hardware cloth, 2x4. The next pictures show why:

^^^yep that's a cooper's hawk on our roof, eyeing the girls. I think it was a juvenile, there was no way he could get in. Hopped down and walked around looking for a weakness, found none since we have fort chicken. Looking again, our run is more like 150 sq ft. The coop is 8 feet wide, but the run flares out to 12 feet wide on the side away from the coop, and it is 12 feet away, and the girls can go under the coop also. It's 2 ft off the ground.

Thanks for the compliments on our coop, we love how it turned out also. Did a lot of planning and a lot of research. Got a lot of info from this site, and the public library.
Today I was going down the road and their were 2 turkey buzzards and a hawk in the middle of the road. I have never seen hawks and buzzards hang out before. There were cars coming from bothe directions and they were in no hurry to move.
I have decided to sell one of my black ameraucana pullets. She is not show qualitiy and I personally would not use her for breeding, but that is your choice. She is at the top of the pecking order in her big pen of 4! She is around 6-8 months old and has not started laying, so i am not sure exactly how good her egg color is, but her comb is starting to get red. I can take her to the show in Lebanon on the 19th if you want her. I am asking $10 for her. If you are interested in her please pm me!
DW just called and said she saw another playset converted to a chicken coop on Southport Road West of I-65. She says there is a chain link fence around the yard and a lot more chickens running around than we have. It's spreading.
Wow tonight is not my night for selling eggs! First I was supposed to meet a regular for eating eggs. She changed from our normal meeting spot to dollar general. Well I typically meet her in huntington which is about 15 miles away. I asked which DG since there are 2 in huntington and one in my town of Warren. She said the one closest to me. I assume warren since it is 5 miles away. I assumed wrong.

Now im meeting a customer for quail eggs. Originally going to meet in marion tomorrow morning. She asked if we can do tonight instead. They were from lebanon and were in muncie for another reason. I said thats fine but would have to meet in warren. At the McDonald's right off 69 @ exit 278.

After they call and say they are there I realize they are at a different McDonald's. They are about 20 miles and 2 exits away.

Lets just say im not making any miney on these sales lol. And a waste of a night lol
Wow tonight is not my night for selling eggs! First I was supposed to meet a regular for eating eggs. She changed from our normal meeting spot to dollar general. Well I typically meet her in huntington which is about 15 miles away. I asked which DG since there are 2 in huntington and one in my town of Warren. She said the one closest to me. I assume warren since it is 5 miles away. I assumed wrong.

Now im meeting a customer for quail eggs. Originally going to meet in marion tomorrow morning. She asked if we can do tonight instead. They were from lebanon and were in muncie for another reason. I said thats fine but would have to meet in warren. At the McDonald's right off 69 @ exit 278.

After they call and say they are there I realize they are at a different McDonald's. They are about 20 miles and 2 exits away.

Lets just say im not making any miney on these sales lol. And a waste of a night lol

this sounds like something I would do! Oh well i'm sure you next sales will go better!
Shew! Spent my morning with 17 preschoolers and my afternoon with 10 Girl Scouts..came home late to Husband and kids waiting on ME to cook supper! Good thing I planned ahead!
Didn't get much coop time, Cheesecake and Lenon-pepper have voiced their disapproval with squaks and pecks. And I HAVE to cull out some roosters.
Is that in Decemeber? I have never been to it. I never even been to connersville lol
It's November 23 and 24 this year--usually the first weekend in December, but there's a big meet somewhere else then--Knoxville, I think.

pbirdhaven~ Haha That's pretty cute! Sometimes our cat Lionel carries his stuffed toy mouse to our bed and we find it in the morning.
Speaking of cute, here's our cat, Tiger, who adopted us five years ago. Yesterday, he climbed right in a small box that had arrived in the mail.
Old Salt, Tiger is not dead. He has a smile on his face.

Today, Tiger decided to be part of my Halloween decor. My black cat, Diablo, would have been a better model!

Love the Tiger pics!

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