Alright, I think the time has come to set up a Facebook page and eventually a website for my chicken obsession. The only hard part is coming up with a name! I have a couple that I'm not sure about and would love to hear your opinions! Im also very open to other ideas. Here are a few I've come up with thus far:
Silver Hackle Farms (based from having the Birchen Marans first and plan to always have some sort of silver hackled birds, however does it sound too restrictive?)
Pleasant Plain Poultry (based off of a small practically non existent town that is a couple miles from my house. To me, sounds too generic and boring)
A guy and His Chicks poultry farm(pretty self explanatory lol, but seems more "modern" and fits more of my sense of humor)
Pipd, so sorry for your loss! I honeslty doubt it's anything you could have prevented, so don't beat yourself up about it! Out if all the people you should be the last to start questioning yourself!

Cluck, so glad to see you posting again! Hope to see you more active again!
Alright, I think the time has come to set up a Facebook page and eventually a website for my chicken obsession. The only hard part is coming up with a name! I have a couple that I'm not sure about and would love to hear your opinions! Im also very open to other ideas. Here are a few I've come up with thus far:
Silver Hackle Farms (based from having the Birchen Marans first and plan to always have some sort of silver hackled birds, however does it sound too restrictive?)
Pleasant Plain Poultry (based off of a small practically non existent town that is a couple miles from my house. To me, sounds too generic and boring)
A guy and His Chicks poultry farm(pretty self explanatory lol, but seems more "modern" and fits more of my sense of humor)

I syarted creating my website last night! And started a thread for helping me come up with a name, because I have no imagination lol. I wont make a facebook page until next year though. I hope you pick a name you like!
Alright, I think the time has come to set up a Facebook page and eventually a website for my chicken obsession. The only hard part is coming up with a name! I have a couple that I'm not sure about and would love to hear your opinions! Im also very open to other ideas. Here are a few I've come up with thus far:
Silver Hackle Farms (based from having the Birchen Marans first and plan to always have some sort of silver hackled birds, however does it sound too restrictive?)
Pleasant Plain Poultry (based off of a small practically non existent town that is a couple miles from my house. To me, sounds too generic and boring)
A guy and His Chicks poultry farm(pretty self explanatory lol, but seems more "modern" and fits more of my sense of humor)
CackleBerry Farms.

Yes! it was for you :D my ignorance. What is ADM? Archers Daniel Midland?

What feed mill do you use? There is one in Middlebury that does non-gmo (not organic however) that is supposed to be a reasonable price but I have never priced with them so I can't say what "reasonable" means. So far I've gotten stuff from Honeyville (Topeka) but I'm curious to price the Middlebury feed place.
Yup -- Archer Daniels Midland. I use Foraker Farm Service out in the middle of, I mean Foraker. It's only a few miles from us so it's handy. My most recent feed cost $10.81 for a 50 lb. bag. The highest I've paid this year is $12.69. The price at the feed mill fluctuates with current grain prices. I'd be curious how much even the non-GMO feed costs (a step closer to organic!) What/where is the feed mill in Middlebury? I'm trying to picture it somewhere in my mind, but am drawing a blank. I'm sure I've been past it before.
The journey to Middle Earth ended for the evening, so I had my husband take pics of the duck nest boxes when he went to close up the barn. I also finally got pics this week of the garden boxes and duck run area that someone had wanted to see a few weeks ago.

Alpaca butts & fluffy butts
in the newest area to be fenced in.

The girls all thought I had treats for them when I really just wanted their picture!

These are my raised beds. There are 9 long beds, each with 6 sections. Each section is 4'x4'. The path between beds on the right is filled with mulch, but haven't got the path on the left done yet. I finally finished laying flakes of spoiled hay on top of each section and then put compost on top of that. I ended up going with the spoiled hay since we have it and didn't have leaves to pack the boxes full of. The hay is pretty thick & I'm curious to see how much is decomposed by spring.

I put trellises for cucumbers at the ends of some of the beds.

This is our duck run area we finished the end of October. It was grassier, but it has since got eaten down/trampled. Hopefully there will be growth again in the spring. The area where the ducks are was turning really muddy so we covered it with mulch. I think we still need to add more in some other muddy spots yet.

Just finished building this roof overhang. The door faces west so we always had to shut it when it rained -- everything blows in that door. We want to put another tarp up yet to block the wind/rain/snow blowing directly in. Hopefully we'll be able to leave the door open most of the time since that's how the ducks go in & out.

Bigger views of the duck run.

The back end butts up against the newest pasture area in the pics above.

These are the duck nest boxes. The one on the left has higher sides/back, but they have used the boxes fairly equally.

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