Was going out t get my tree out of storage building. It's 20* here, I slipped n fell on ice on my concrete sidewalk, took me 20 minutes t get up then another 15 to get into th house...brrrr I'm freezing! I can't imagine how our birds handle this cold so well. I'm stowed up pretty bad rt now, taking pain pill and using ice then heat at 15min intervals. EGADS I feel clumsy! Think my pride is still out there on the sidewalk!
Yikes! Hope you are ok, slipping and falling isnt fun
Thanks M2H, I admit I am a lil tired. But so much to do!
Its melting a bit here too, but tonight it all froze right back up!
Ribeye moooooved in with the Does (goats) today. It was just too fun!
Sugar is a quiet gentle goat, she was a little afraid until she realized "that big thing" is a baby.
She was giving him nose kisses when I left them, what a good girl.
I probably have been out another 10 times to check on them!
Sophie is such a brave lil stinker! She marched right up, danced for him and darted away!
He was playing a little so I think its going to work out just fine.
Bocephus is NOT pleased and quite distressed that his ladies have a new roomie.
He snorted, pawed and stomped well after dark. Get over it Bo!
He is penned 50 feet away to keep the buck odor off my girls, ewww he sure smells like a buck too.
Miss my lil baby Bo, but he has grown to be quite an impressive young buck.
Have 3 new adorable chicks, silkies from Kabs eggs! they are just so precious and sooo fluffy!
Oldest DD has become addicted to silkies and these babies are her Christmas gift.
We will get some pics tomorrow to share.
jchny~ I love your descriptions of your animals interacting. My favorite types of posts are when people talk about their chickens' or animals' behavior. It's so interesting to hear how they relate to one another -- like your calf and your goats becoming friends.
I have had a nice winter, after Christmas it can magically turn to spring on the 26th.
CCCCHICKENS ~ You were the one (during the summer) who kept saying that you loved winter! I guess your memory has been refreshed about how crappy it is. LOL. I'm with you-- after Christmas I am ready for spring. January and February are the worst. This is when I remind myself that I shouldn't complain because I'm luckier than many people who don't even have a warm home.

I'm stuck traveling to Wash DC for the next week for work. At the airport now, thinking this is the only kind of chicken I'll be seeing for a week-Grrr! Miss my girls already.
I would be jealous since DC is a great area, but I heard about all of the cancelled flights and storm-related issues . . . hopefully you won't be stuck for long and can enjoy the city this time of year.
jchny~ I love your descriptions of your animals interacting. My favorite types of posts are when people talk about their chickens' or animals' behavior. It's so interesting to hear how they relate to one another -- like your calf and your goats becoming friends.
CCCCHICKENS ~ You were the one (during the summer) who kept saying that you loved winter! I guess your memory has been refreshed about how crappy it is. LOL. I'm with you-- after Christmas I am ready for spring. January and February are the worst. This is when I remind myself that I shouldn't complain because I'm luckier than many people who don't even have a warm home.

I would be jealous since DC is a great area, but I heard about all of the cancelled flights and storm-related issues . . . hopefully you won't be stuck for long and can enjoy the city this time of year.
lol, I still love winter! I am just excitied for spring, because that is when the incubator is getting started up, everyone sperated into breeding pens, and get ready to start showing again. I dont do much during the winter, just enjoy the snow
Okay, I apparently have run out of luck for the year. I just got a 'red screen of death' on my laptop, which means it is doomed. Everything I have saved to it is gone. Pictures, stories I've written-- including a 40 chapter story I had finally been editing for its final draft!
Kaput. I am so frustrated and upset. There are things on this computer that I have no backup for. And now I only have my phone to work with if I want to check in here!

Sorry, rant over. Just... Ugh!
It is probably not lost. The hard drive inside your computer likely still has all your info on it. Take it to the computer lab at your school and ask them to remove it and check to see if your files are still there. They will attach it to another computer as a secondary drive. They can then do a directory on it and will most likely find all your stuff. You can then copy it to a thumb drive and then copy the thumb drive to a new computer.

They will know how.

Two things I've learned in regards to my computer and computers in general over the course of the morning:

First, like with our own symptoms or those our birds exhibit, Googling computer problems will probably convince you that things are much, MUCH worse than they actually are.

Second, my computer is fine now--all I had to do was plug it into its charger and it booted up like nothing.
Thanks to everyone that quelled my fears as I suffered through a morning of thinking my computer was doomed! I'm okay now!

Posted from my beloved laptop, whose importance to my life I am now very much aware of.
I have a great deal of genealogy information on my computer. It is irreplaceable.

Every week or 2, I backup the Genealogy folder, Documents folder, Photos folder, and several others to a 32 gig SD card which I keep in my pocket. If disaster befalls, I have all my info in my pocket.

If tragedy befalls my pocket, I likely won't care much about any of it. I give my grandson occasional backups by email.

[COLOR=A52A2A]Bonbon laid her First Egg! [/COLOR]:weee

[COLOR=8B4513](photo is from earlier this month--we still have snow) I didn’t notice Bonbon’s egg until they went in the coop at bedtime and it was in a nesting box. It’s actually only a quarter inch smaller than the ones that Nene RIR and Lacey SLW lay. The breeder was correct that Eng. Choc. Orps lay large eggs for bantams. I could tell it was a bantam egg even though I’ve never seen one in real life before. I’m not sure if Adeline has laid yet. I’ve found a couple of larger eggs in the other nesting box the past week, but I assumed they were Lacey’s although she and the others like to go to the box in the garage.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=006400]Leahs Mom[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]~ That Ducks/Fishers story is classic case of people’s fears escalating out of ignorance. Geez. Loved the duck photos-- they always look so cheerful.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=006400]Leahs Mom[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]and[/COLOR] [COLOR=000080]hogster[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]~ Coconut oil is a great after-shower moisturizer for humans as well as chickens. I’ve put coconut oil on my hens’ combs, waddles, and legs/feet before when they've looked dry. It does absorb quickly, and the coconut smell goes away quickly, too. In cold temps, it would be good to moisturize with coconut oil followed a layer of Vaseline, which is thicker and lasts longer as a shield. Then the chickens should get a pedicure. Haha just joking. [/COLOR]:lol:
Horray for Bonbon!!!
Quote: I don't want to just guess, I think 25% would be great. But even 30% is not a lot of moisture. I like the open coop thought LM mentioned too. I think its going to depend on if you are in a hill, trees, flat land as far as drafts and winds too. We are in a valley due to the creek, and have some woods so winds "miss us" some. Everyone;s situation will be a bit different. Going to do some looking online its a very good question! Betcha M2H will be looking too, she always seems to find good info on issues like this

So having my incubator turned off only lasted about a week! Well my cabinet is still turned off, I just loaded up the little giant, with about 40 eggs. I have no will power lol.
Oh my, I don't feel so bad now! I am already planning hatching pekin and all my goose breeds late january! And Really plan on more silkies from kab, and showgirls from you! My DD is just crazy over silkies and she needs to join the forum!

Hope everybody is staying warm! Our critters are snuggled in their straw and packed into their roosts. We are toasty and warm making mashed potatoes and beef and noodles. :) I am anxiously awaiting pics from JChaney2000 of the baby silkies!!!!!!! I really wish spring started next week.
I need a camera SOOO BAD! They are so adorable, can't wait to post! DD fell asleep on me and I didn't get pics tonight

I'm stuck traveling to Wash DC for the next week for work. At the airport now, thinking this is the only kind of chicken I'll be seeing for a week-Grrr! Miss my girls already.
Have a safe trip, I know how traveling for the job is, yuk! I bet they are missing you too.
Bonbon laid her First Egg!

(photo is from earlier this month--we still have snow) I didn’t notice Bonbon’s egg until they went in the coop at bedtime and it was in a nesting box. It’s actually only a quarter inch smaller than the ones that Nene RIR and Lacey SLW lay. The breeder was correct that Eng. Choc. Orps lay large eggs for bantams. I could tell it was a bantam egg even though I’ve never seen one in real life before. I’m not sure if Adeline has laid yet. I’ve found a couple of larger eggs in the other nesting box the past week, but I assumed they were Lacey’s although she and the others like to go to the box in the garage.

Leahs Mom ~ That Ducks/Fishers story is classic case of people’s fears escalating out of ignorance. Geez. Loved the duck photos-- they always look so cheerful.

Leahs Mom and hogster ~ Coconut oil is a great after-shower moisturizer for humans as well as chickens. I’ve put coconut oil on my hens’ combs, waddles, and legs/feet before when they've looked dry. It does absorb quickly, and the coconut smell goes away quickly, too. In cold temps, it would be good to moisturize with coconut oil followed a layer of Vaseline, which is thicker and lasts longer as a shield. Then the chickens should get a pedicure. Haha just joking.
Oh my, congrats!!! Its like waiting to hear about a new baby lol, so exciting!
Glad you posted about the vaseline, thats what my gram would do also.
Was going out t get my tree out of storage building. It's 20* here, I slipped n fell on ice on my concrete sidewalk, took me 20 minutes t get up then another 15 to get into th house...brrrr I'm freezing! I can't imagine how our birds handle this cold so well. I'm stowed up pretty bad rt now, taking pain pill and using ice then heat at 15min intervals. EGADS I feel clumsy! Think my pride is still out there on the sidewalk!
I am so sorry, are you sure u are ok? If you have severe pain or swelling, please see a Dr or go to ER to be checked, fractures hurt forever and take as long to heal.
I am falling almost everyday at some point, its like a skating rink on the driveway. DH put sand on it tonight but now its snowed again, ugh!
My waterfowl think its just wonderful and they still dunk in the water buckets. Goofballs, I had to move the water to the far back side of the waterfowl run.
I had the buckets right by the gate and its now solid ice. more sand there too...
Have so much padding on me with the overalls, long underwear, sweatshirts, flannels, layers upon layers (did I mention, i HATE COLD) it doesn't hurt.
I am usually laughing my head off trying to get up, and so frustrated I just have to laugh it off.
Wow a lot going on in Indiana these days. Does everyone have their trees up? I've bn busy today. Sending pics of what's keeping me busy:
Tomorrow we are hoping. Wanted to wait for Dad to be home, he loves to be the switch-er on-er for the lights!
Ugh, hope the coconut oil helps. My gramma used vaseline i think, i have heard all sorts of ideas.
So, not sleeping, went to bed early and woke up at 2, ugh! Guess where I wound up

Jsummers and I are brainstorming a swap that will fit both of our needs, really excited to work out plans.
She has a few ducks to rehome if anyone is interested, 3 drakes. khaki campbell, cayuga and a hybrid 300.
3 Chinese geese (these are hatched from my flock, they are very sweet friendly geese) and does still have millies available of different ages.
She is working a LOT of hours and hasn't made the forum much recently, downsizing her flock so she can manage them with her free time.
My new pekin drake has really adjusted well, and my oldest duck has attached herself to him like glue, what a flirt!
They are closer in age, he is about a year old, she is just over a year. My pekin are still laying so will be setting eggs next month.
Here is my plan for 2014 as promised:
What did I learn for 2013?
I am sure I missed a lot, here is the major stuff.
I like birds, waterfowl, hooked on BYC.
I learned to incubate and hatch most of the birds I have.
Fermented Food makes a healthier happy bird and other livestock.
Fodder helps keep my livestock healthy and my birds love it too!
Guinea fowl have to be raised with the flock or will attack them, mostly the cocks.
Turkey is the same as guinea, hens will even be aggressive to other poultry.
Lighting, seasons and stress effect egg laying.
So much more. Grateful to have this forum, and our thread!

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