Doodle doo- Gunchief

Well I have to go get bloodwork today, my DH emailed me and said go the longest wa y because our route is fully flooded out! His company has an in house clinic, so I go there, south of Columbus. We went to MIL last night and it was interesting to see what creeks were flooded and some were not. Our creek was fully t of its banks and we can hear it roaring if we are outside. You forget how much power it has!
Yea ours floods out on the highway on both sides of us so there is no way in or out. Saturday night the fire dept had a hovercraft out rescuing people who had attempted driving through the water and got trapped. The water is out of the highway today. The creek is still bank full but I expect it will go down now.
And now everything is frozen outside. Getting ready to head out and see the chickens. Hoping they were able to dry off last night and not all frozen!
And now everything is frozen outside. Getting ready to head out and see the chickens. Hoping they were able to dry off last night and not all frozen!

my ground is frozen very nicely but my chickens were all good this morning.

On a different note, is anyone traveling by both Warren and Bargersville anytime soon. Brad has a couple of chickens I want but I don't have a way to get to him this time of year. I would be happy to pay gas money for someone to transport the chickens.
Good Mornin' everyone :)
I am wondering if there would happen to be anyone in this forum that's also in or around the Bedford area that would be interested in 6 free Rhode Island Red hens. We're culling these 6 birds out to make room for replacement chicks in the spring. We need to cull them because they have become of age that they are not laying eggs anymore and have become just food burners. I'm trying to find them a home in someone else's freezer for two reasons...#1. I've never butchered a chicken and not sure the proper way to go about it & #2. Our birds hang around long enough to be our "pets" and ,well, you know....

So, if anyone can use them or knows someone in need, please shoot me a message. If it's within a reasonable driving distance, I will even offer to bring them to you live, in trade for you teaching me how to butcher them properly in the future. :)
Good Mornin' everyone :)
I am wondering if there would happen to be anyone in this forum that's also in or around the Bedford area that would be interested in 6 free Rhode Island Red hens. We're culling these 6 birds out to make room for replacement chicks in the spring. We need to cull them because they have become of age that they are not laying eggs anymore and have become just food burners. I'm trying to find them a home in someone else's freezer for two reasons...#1. I've never butchered a chicken and not sure the proper way to go about it & #2. Our birds hang around long enough to be our "pets" and ,well, you know....

So, if anyone can use them or knows someone in need, please shoot me a message. If it's within a reasonable driving distance, I will even offer to bring them to you live, in trade for you teaching me how to butcher them properly in the future. :)

We are an hour away from you, but my DH could show you how to complete the processing once the weather warms up a touch. Another option might be to see if a local school wants a science project to learn about the egg laying process. Worst case there surely is a bio lab that would accept them for a highschool biology project. After all a chicken has to be better than a frog.
I have my first ever Broody hen! She is sticking to the eggs like no other. I have booted her off once each day for the past four days and after a quick eat and drink back she goes. There are 11 eggs under her so keep your fingers crossed for me. She is all set up in a nice broody box now. This will also be my first ever hatch. Soooooo excited!

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