After up untill midnight - an hour tlking to a wonderful BYCer I will be meeting in person next weekend, cant wait to meet you, I have not found anything that that is going to keep me up nights if I continue to sell to this person. It's like you said, I cant help what a person does with my eggs after they leave my house with my eggs. :idunno  So I want to thank everyone for all the info and input on the subject, as always you all have been a big help and very nice about everything.  You wouldnt belive the drama some other sites like to start over the simplest of things. So a real big THANK YOU ALL.  :hugs

We BYCers look after each other! :hugs Always glad to help if I can.
Okay, here are a few chick pictures. Momma was giving me a hard time so I had to get what I could.


My little girls (and boy) are 8 months old today, so I got some pictures. :D

Ihi the Golden Campine:


Marama the Egyptian Fayoumi, clearly enjoying the weather:


Rangi the Ancona and her poor, frostbitten wattles:


Roha the Exchequer Leghorn:


Whiri the Light Brown Leghorn:


Huka the Silver Lakenvelder, blending in with the snow:


Mr. Po the Black Cochin bantam:


And good ol' Marge the Silkie, who is actually closer to 9 months old I think:

Morning all. Lost a chicken to a predator yesterday, thinking a cat or maybe a skunk. I'd stepped outside in the afternoon and smelled one. It was a buff brahma Banty hen that would fly over the coup. Whatever it was only defeathered the neck and are that part. Then this morning I had a dead Millie hen in the nest. She was fine yesterday!! Chicken raising is a hard business!! Otherwise all made it thru the weather ok. I did notice tracks in the snow Friday Am after the new small snow. Interesting what's out whe we are not!!

Love all the pics from everyone!!;)
Morning all. Lost a chicken to a predator yesterday, thinking a cat or maybe a skunk. I'd stepped outside in the afternoon and smelled one. It was a buff brahma Banty hen that would fly over the coup. Whatever it was only defeathered the neck and are that part. Then this morning I had a dead Millie hen in the nest. She was fine yesterday!! Chicken raising is a hard business!! Otherwise all made it thru the weather ok. I did notice tracks in the snow Friday Am after the new small snow. Interesting what's out whe we are not!!

Love all the pics from everyone!!
Sorry about your chickens
I think I am going to get peafowl next spring. :) I want a mini farm of strange animals. ;)

Ummm...I think you have pretty much accomplished that;-)
I'm right there with ya excepting the large animals. Right now it is dogs, chickens, snakes, rats and mice. Oh and two cats. Hope to get a couple of goats in the near future.

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