Congrats on the brooder!!! Thats exciting!
The dying and coloring from what I can see, is only on chicks you sell.
5 week olds are precious, loved the pics

oh no! I am so sorry, you can't seem to catch a break.
Start them all on meds and hopefully you can at least stop the infection. PM me if you need the medicine.
I will be willing to mail u some Duramyacin at least.
thanks for the offer but I had to cull my flock, it wasn't anything that was curable. It was Coyza ( may not be spelled right ) . But it is very sweet of you to be willing to do that. Thank You.

OMG! YOU didn't?!?!?!

I am weak.. I have 28 in the brooder

I agree, they are just a beautiful sight. Red fox are especially striking, beautiful to me

We have no wild rabbit or squirrel here anymore, no chipmunks. Its sad how many predators are overpopulated.
I see new subdivisions going up all the time
and more natural habitat disappearing for them.
It's not So Much Overpopulation as it is loss of natural habitat.

If there is infection the odors from it are pretty strong. I have sinus/allergy issues but can really pick up an odor from an ill bird, eww

Good luck, hope she improves.

Oh my you are smitten beyond help with chicken math. The only cure, and its temporary relief is what you did, buy more chicks!

I love OEG's! They are just sweethearts, you will enjoy them. If you ever want to give them up just holler
yea I have smelled that in dogs and horses too. Nasty.

It usually is when DH can cut the field.. can get up to 2 feet or more. The cow and goats don't access it yet because of fencing. That will change this summer.
I never have enough to last the winter, so I buy.. And i finally have a good source that delivers $40 for a 5x6 round! Looks really good too.$35 if we pick up.
I never mow it anymore, it does supply our needs for the summer. I think you can do a lot for yourself with your plan! The more I look at reseeding, I plan to add sorghum. I think it will really add to flavor of the milk, and very good for the goats/cow/pig etc.We do have a lot of clover now... but I read a lot on mother earth news etc.and am always looking to improve the "hay" they consume.

The favorelle are very attractive, I have thought of having a few hens in my egg coop.
I love the rock breeds, still considering the silver penciled, just stunning hefty birds!
Yours are looking very impressive, I think you chose good lines :D

Going to check this out, thanks for posting!

Thanks! You should see how big their feet are. They have ski feet! But I can relate, my sister used to call me that to pick on me lol. The SPPR are very attractive indeed!
It usually is when DH can cut the field.. can get up to 2 feet or more. The cow and goats don't access it yet because of fencing. That will change this summer.
I never have enough to last the winter, so I buy.. And i finally have a good source that delivers $40 for a 5x6 round! Looks really good too.$35 if we pick up.
I never mow it anymore, it does supply our needs for the summer. I think you can do a lot for yourself with your plan! The more I look at reseeding, I plan to add sorghum. I think it will really add to flavor of the milk, and very good for the goats/cow/pig etc.We do have a lot of clover now... but I read a lot on mother earth news etc.and am always looking to improve the "hay" they consume.
The questions of the inexperienced...

I was hoping to get some seed to just "over seed" toward the end of March or maybe mid-April. I mean to just scatter it on the snow over the field. I have know some folks that have had good luck with that so I'm hoping it could work since I don't plan on plowing. Have you ove rseeded like that before?

Where do you get your seed? (Of course I'm looking for a non-gmo source...I imagine I could order from Honeyville Feed.)

There is a part in the back that has always been pretty pitiful and needs "improvement". I'd love to get some manure to put on it but since so many who have horses or cattle use wormers and other drugs in their husbandry I really don't want to put any on unless I can find a good source that's "clean".

I do know some folks with an organic dairy farm that pasture in the spring/summer/fall. I've thought about trying to get a load from them but they have a lot of acreage and I think they use all of theirs. Maybe I should ask.
Yesterday... I had no eggs. NO EGGS! These girls just started laying, what makes them think they can just randomly stop??? They haven't nearly caught up on their back rent and I only have 3 eggs in my fridge.
Wait! I hear the egg song...good...back to work already.
Yesterday... I had no eggs. NO EGGS! These girls just started laying, what makes them think they can just randomly stop??? They haven't nearly caught up on their back rent and I only have 3 eggs in my fridge.
Wait! I hear the egg song...good...back to work already.
lol. I know the feeling. It's pretty discouraging when you don't get any eggs. For me it's like Easter every day. "How many did I get?"
lol. I know the feeling. It's pretty discouraging when you don't get any eggs. For me it's like Easter every day. "How many did I get?"

I had my two youngsters laying, but now one of those has stopped as well. I am getting like two eggs a week out of five girls! When do they normally start laying again? I have three free-loaders who I swear haven't given me eggs since July!
I had my two youngsters laying, but now one of those has stopped as well. I am getting like two eggs a week out of five girls! When do they normally start laying again? I have three free-loaders who I swear haven't given me eggs since July!
I would bet most will start laying over the next month or so. Day length is increasing quickly, and someday it will be warm again. I have 5 girls who have never laid an egg and probably 5 or 6 others who haven't restarted since they stopped in the fall. But I have enough laying now to make up for it. Getting an average of 8-9 a day. So far 14 is my record for one day. This is out of around 25 hens/pullets. They aren't production layers, so I'm okay with where they are at right now.

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