I actually would like one of each! Lol I normally only wear Tshirts, with my jeans that is. Am proud of my chickens and my affiliation with this group... so gimme conversation starters! Lol I had a dream last night that I bought a shirt that said: " why did the chicken cross the road???? Duh to come to the Indiana BYCers Chickenfest of course!"
You have some really great ideas for a chickenfest shirt. I would feel bummed every time I wore it if I had it because it would remind me that I couldn't be there!
So happy for Jchny2000! I'm glad things are looking up for you.

So I am dosing everyone with corid. I have only heard a bit of sneezing, and saw one bloody poop, but I don't want to ignore it, and it be something bad. So corid it is. I have a hen that looks lethargic today, but I think it may be mites. Poor girl is bald from too many boys earlier in the year, and her butt is fire engine red. So everyone is getting dusted tonight too. Geez this winter really made things difficult, and now this spring is bad for pests.
Chicken (well, Turkey) math strikes again!!

I was at the Martinsville RK to get some fencing when I heard the unmistakeable peeping of baby turkeys........(you can guess where it goes from here)

My unerring sense for finding things to spend money on drew me to a single stock tank lit up in red like a beacon. Inside were about 25 turkeys, and all heritage breeds!! They had Blue Slate, Black Spanish, and Royal Palm. By the time I was done, they still had about 15 Royal Palms. I got the only Black Spanish, and 4 Blue Slates. The employee that helped me out said they had someone put in a special order, and they always order extras when they do special orders. They had just put them out before I got there.

If anyone wants some Royal Palm poults, hurry on down.

Never got the fencing by the way...they were out.

yesterdays flooding and more on the way tonight and up till Tuesday I'm told. the silkies and the Seabrights were brought inside yesterday and the seabrights house was the victim of a play set, so they will be in the house for awhile till they get a new house

Am putting the Silkie house up on 2 concrete blocks till the weekend and we can make legs for it ( I wanted done in the first place ) I just hope they will climb a ramp that high. they have a little one right now. Never had a flooding problem here before don't know what the deal is. worried about the 6 days of it coming in tonight, even my horses were standing in the barn in water up to their ankles. The goats are having hissy fits!!!!!! they hate water. and I brought the babies in cause they couldn't find a place to get up out of the water in the barn and it was almost touching their little bellies. ( the adults had all the high places ) am making more high places today just in case we have the same problem again, 2 -3 mth old goats are not house friendly.

Hope no one else is having the same problems, I don't wish this on people I don't like let alone the ones I do.
HI GUYS~~!!!
I have fantastic news. Dad not only did well with the valve replacement, open heart surgery and new bypass today, he is already off the ventilator

Pretty good for an 80 year old man! I cannot say this enough, I am truly grateful for all the thoughts and prayers throughout this ordeal.
A week ago I thought I was going to lose my father. We aren't out of the woods yet, but wow. We are very hopeful for him now.
Thank you all
I cannot say it enough.
Will be back regular once thing settle down. Want to say welcome to any new members!!
Going to check messages and hope to talk soon!

Does nobody care to help? I know this thread moves fast but I would write a letter for each and everyone on this entire site if they needed one for this :(. This is really hard to go through and feel like very few people care at all. I'm so so so horribly depressed right now please :/
I got my first egg today!!! So excited. I have 10 reds and 15 black astralorps. They are almost 17 weeks old. Oh btw I'm from Medaryville, Indiana.

Congratulations on your first egg! That was absolutely the most exciting day of my year last year, so I hope you have many more in the future. Welcome!
We planted our orchard 2 years ago -- ordered them through a nursery & they arrived as bareroot whips. They have really grown the past 2 years -- hard to believe they looked like long sticks when we planted them! Last year we got some apples, a few peaches, 2 quince & 1 cherry (as in the quantity of fruit produced -- not the number of trees!) The pears, apricots & plums didn't produce the first year. This year we have some baby pears, asian pears, quince, and apples. I remember seeing at least 1 of the peach trees with blossoms, but not sure about the rest -- they may not have even blossomed. There was an article in our paper last week about the severe cold damaging fruit trees around our area -- especially the peaches, apricots, etc, so I'm not surprised that we didn't get the blossoms/budding. Our grapes and blackberries survived the arctic weather and the raspberries are loaded right now -- can't wait for them to ripen. We've reclaimed about 90% of the strawberry patch from the evil thistles and had our first real picking yesterday. They are sooo good this year!
That is such good news about how your sticks grew. I ordered a Honeycrisp and a Rome apple from Starks this year and they are cute little sticks. I'm hoping they turn in to great bearers
Do you have pics of your orchard?

I actually would like one of each! Lol I normally only wear Tshirts, with my jeans that is. Am proud of my chickens and my affiliation with this group... so gimme conversation starters! Lol I had a dream last night that I bought a shirt that said: " why did the chicken cross the road???? Duh to come to the Indiana BYCers Chickenfest of course!"

I love that quote. Very cute. I agree, I wouldn't mind one of each, if there were such a thing.
So happy for Jchny2000! I'm glad things are looking up for you.

So I am dosing everyone with corid. I have only heard a bit of sneezing, and saw one bloody poop, but I don't want to ignore it, and it be something bad. So corid it is. I have a hen that looks lethargic today, but I think it may be mites. Poor girl is bald from too many boys earlier in the year, and her butt is fire engine red. So everyone is getting dusted tonight too. Geez this winter really made things difficult, and now this spring is bad for pests.
I hope all your chickens feel better soon Kab. I dusted mine yesterday and today started my sick hen on antibiotics just in case it will help her. I'm not very hopeful, but its worth a shot.

OK, I am the luckiest and worst chicken keeper of the night. First, my hen, Bella, with her almost 3 week old chick has been sleeping in the tractor at night and spending time with the flock during the day (including the chick). My other chickens all live in the coop. I fell asleep putting my son to bed last night with the tractor wide open, the coop wide open and the run wide open to the garden, there was nothing more to keep them safe than a basic fence with 2*3 inch openings. I woke up at 6 AM this morning and almost got sick when I realized what happened. I don't think I have ever slept all night with my chickens unlocked since we live in a predator infested woods. I run out to the tractor and NO MAMA OR BABY. I start counting heads in the coop and not only are they all there, but Bella and her baby are on the TOP roost. I don't have any idea how she got that baby up 5 feet off the ground, but it was such a relief. I know they have wings, but really, that seems pretty high for a little one.

I'm pretty happy that Bella can handle going in the coop now, because I found that something was trying to dig under both sides of the tractor last night. Its hardware cloth on all sides but the bottom is only the fencing wire. Everyone is going to be sleeping in the safe coop tonight! If only I could finish the run expansion, they'd be safe all night even if the coop was open.

For my birthday, I think I will ask for the auto chicken door.
Does nobody care to help? I know this thread moves fast but I would write a letter for each and everyone on this entire site if they needed one for this
. This is really hard to go through and feel like very few people care at all. I'm so so so horribly depressed right now please
Honey I am so sorry you are going through this, I wish I could help but I am no good at all with writing letters, I cant spell and I don't know enough facts about chicken keeping yet to be of any help, I don't think, if someone wanted to write a letter and then I would sign it I will but if I did it would sound like a 5 year old wrote it.
My fingers are crossed for you and I have been following you on this. I would go nuts with all this if it was happening to me.
I was going to ask you today, where is an address we can send letters, for those of us who can't attend?  And what is the date of the next meeting again? I couldn't find it in the thread.

Exactly.  Scratching can cause all kinds of nasty secondary infections and permanent scarring.

There was an episode of Friends where Joey and Phoebe both got chicken pox, so to keep them from scratching, Monica duct tapes oven mitts on their hands. 

That is a good show

Hey guys. Steve is out of the hospital. Sick still.

I have the meeting the day my 18 month old is having surgery. IF YOU CAN NOT COME I AM BEGGING YOU TO SEND ME A NOTE ABOUT WHY BACKYARD CHICKENS SHOULD BE ALL OWED. THE GOOD AND HONEST PARTS ABOUT KEEPING THEM. Please help me. I'm so overwhelmed right now. If I lose this...I don't know. I just. Need help guys. Please.[/quote

I hope Steve gets better soon. Good luck to your son on his surgery. And if you post or pm an address I would be more than happy to write a letter and send it.
Does nobody care to help? I know this thread moves fast but I would write a letter for each and everyone on this entire site if they needed one for this :(. This is really hard to go through and feel like very few people care at all. I'm so so so horribly depressed right now please :/
If I recall you have only asked for us to send letters this morning? If so, most people work and have lives outside of the forum. Most people with "normal" jobs aren't even off work yet. Might want to be patient as I could see your post being a huge turn off for people willing to help.

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