Took some photos today! I'll post the others tomorrow.

Here's Eliza, my 6.5 month old Imported English Blue Splash Orpington (originally a chick from @Kiniska )
She's larger than Adeline, my 1.5 year old Jubilee

This is Smalty, my 6.5 month old Blue Silkie (originally a chick from @bradselig ) She and my Blue Splash Silkie (Ditzy) were raised with Eliza. They had a Mother/Daughters relationship until a few months ago when Eliza decided to perch next to Adeline instead of having two Silkies trying to sleep under her! It was interesting that Eliza sought after her own breed to make a special friend.

My Barred Rock, Tweedy, and Silver Laced Wyandotte, Lacey, are best buds.
Guess they bonded over coloring instead of breed!

If Tweedy were human, she'd be a goody two-shoes, rule-follower, level-headed type.
Have my hog pen finished! My new babies are so happy to be able to root the ground
I love my lil boar, he is always first to check out everything. He appears to be a hamp mix mostly black. After all the talking and smoozing with them, all 4 are now liking back rubs, ear rubs and are much calmer. My bluebutt gilt is my smallest piglet and still very timid, but I can touch her now, and she isn't afraid. My other 2 piglets are a york gilt, and a york barrow.
The chickens are excited too since so much ground is being turned. The piglets took to the birds pretty fast. My jaehorn roos already think they need to ride on their backs. My geese are not too happy they can't get into their pen! I am adding electric fence this week to keep them in as they mature and root more. Working with my boar a LOT. Its my hope to keep him a few years. He is just exceptional in temperament so far. Our last boar was aggressive from the first day we had him. He was traded for a lawn tractor, some polish pullets, and a lot of grass hay!
I have one turkey still laying and still setting polish eggs with them, about 9 or so eggs a week. Once my Puppy (BBW turkey hen) calls it for the year, my incubator shuts down. So far, my big BR tom is still breeding her.
Have my hog pen finished! My new babies are so happy to be able to root the ground
I love my lil boar, he is always first to check out everything. He appears to be a hamp mix mostly black. After all the talking and smoozing with them, all 4 are now liking back rubs, ear rubs and are much calmer. My bluebutt gilt is my smallest piglet and still very timid, but I can touch her now, and she isn't afraid. My other 2 piglets are a york gilt, and a york barrow.
The chickens are excited too since so much ground is being turned. The piglets took to the birds pretty fast. My jaehorn roos already think they need to ride on their backs. My geese are not too happy they can't get into their pen! I am adding electric fence this week to keep them in as they mature and root more. Working with my boar a LOT. Its my hope to keep him a few years. He is just exceptional in temperament so far. Our last boar was aggressive from the first day we had him. He was traded for a lawn tractor, some polish pullets, and a lot of grass hay!
I have one turkey still laying and still setting polish eggs with them, about 9 or so eggs a week. Once my Puppy (BBW turkey hen) calls it for the year, my incubator shuts down. So far, my big BR tom is still breeding her.
Thanks for letting us come and visit your farm this weekend. In addition to your great birds, we loved seeing your goats and pigs. My 12-yr old couldn't stop saying BLUEBUTT followed by snickering all the way home.
I am a city person. Always have been and always will be. Our city-sized lot with a small coop and few birds gives us pleasure. Being at your farm, and seeing your dozens of different colored birds free ranging together, hearing all their different voices and seeing their personalities, THAT was great!
A thousand thanks for taking the boys, too.
I think Silkies are so darned cute, but I love chicken FACES!  How do you see the faces on Silkies?  Even at the State Fair, I desperately searched for the eyes of a Silkie, but all I saw was a beak and all that stuff that I guess is comb?  They are such strange (but otherwise terribly cute) birds.  Or are they just so sweet and cuddly that you guys who own them don't care that you can't see their faces from a distance?  This is a serious question.  I'm really curious!

With that odd commentary, I wish you all a good night!

I have Silkies that Brad and Kab have generously entrusted me with. Well ok sold either birds or eggs to any rate they are the sweetest calmest most friendly birds I have. My opinion- you don't have to see their eyes to see their personalities. The hens are the only ones whose eyes are difficult to see. They are just so darn cute parading around in their fluffy butt feathered PJs. Lol. They are wonderful parents and they all seem to cooperate in raising each other's bitties. The Roos are great Daddy's that actually take part in helping raise the babies. At least that's been my experience with Diamond, Earle, Crystal and Roodie.
So we had this playhouse delivered to us last year sight unseen. From the description given to us we thought we would be able to use it for Benji's ducks. But after it arrived we realized it was way too small to use for any of the animals we have. It's roughly 4'x7' on the outside (seems really narrow inside). The door is about 3 1/2' tall and the side walls just 4' tall so there's no good way for adults to get inside. If you did get in through the door you could stand up inside. The roof needs reshingled and the bottom of the door has some issues. Other than than, it seems to be built very solidly. The black things on either side of the window are plant hooks -- I think it could be turned into a really cute coop for someone with just a few chickens -- which is not us! Since it's been over a year and we still haven't figured out what to do with it (and it's a big pain in the butt to mow around!) I'm ready to sell it. I wanted to let all of you have first dibs if anyone's interested before I list it on craigslist. PM me if you're interested! [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Looking inside through the front door There are eye bolts on the log runners, so you could potentially pull it around, although it seems too heavy to want to do that...
I wish I was closer that would make a cute addition to my little Chicken town. I know right where is put it too! ETA: I forgot t ask what u r asking for it?
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