So far I ended up with 4 Bielie pullets and 1 Bielie male and 6 Isbar/Bielies! I still have 3 EE/Bielies and 3 Bielie eggs still in the incubator. It is day 23 today, when do you guys pull them? Is it normal to have a big group hatch and then a long wait for the rest?

Overall it has been fun and the coolerbator did well. I had some issues figuring out how to get the humidity right, but I think I have that down now. My next group will go into lockdown on Thursday!
Just saw this on a Pillsbury ad -- gotta make these for Easter! Bunny butt cookies


Penelope is doing fine. She hasn't had any lingering issues with her self-healed bumble foot. She has gone into a late molt with the cold spells, so she looks a bit less fluffy than usual. She hasn't been at the top of the order for a long while now - the big RIR has that job, second to the roo of course.

Thanks for asking! How's your flock doing?
@kittydoc I spoke with a lady that does horses around here. in her opinion horse people don't place a lot of value on chickens so maybe "bid" low and just stay in contact with him. The horse lady I talked too insisted there was no chicken worth $20 or more.
@kittydoc Are the chickens you're referring to actually Imported English Orpingtons or American-English (I made that term up - lol) Orps?
Originally Posted by hoosiercheetah Penelope always reminded me of my dearly departed RIR Nene who ruled the roost. I always enjoyed hearing about Penelope's antics. My flock is doing well. Since losing Nene (congestive heart failure) last fall, my two black and white hens (BR & SLW who originally came from the same farm) are Co-Flock Leaders. My BR Tweedy rules outside the coop (day duty), and my SLW Lacey rules inside the coop (night duty). My EE Roadrunner wants so badly to be in the cool-girl leader clique!
Our 75 degree sunny day yesterday was wonderful! I'll still take today's 55 degree sunny and windy day. Anything beats snow!
hello i am from Greensburg Indiana i manage a farm store and have poultry items. In the near future i would like to expand my poultry business so i can hold shows and vet days in my parking lot! So if anyone is in my area and want to help come visit me. I can also order in fresh chicks! all of mine comes from Mt healthy Hatcheries.
hello i am from Greensburg Indiana i manage a farm store and have poultry items. In the near future i would like to expand my poultry business so i can hold shows and vet days in my parking lot! So if anyone is in my area and want to help come visit me. I can also order in fresh chicks! all of mine comes from Mt healthy Hatcheries.

We get our goat feed from greensburg. Welcome to our thread.

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