Aw, she's beautiful!!!
Congrats Daskhan!
I can't believe that after you've talked to the neighbors about the loose dog, they haven't taken responsibility! That poor dog has dumb owners.
Your story about Crash and her adventures as a house duck would make a great children's book (you can add that to your "To Do" list haha)


I agree on the book! Great idea. You can do it!
I wondered if ducks even laid in winter lol. See this friend lives in a rental in town with absolutely no yard. She has the most adorable little girl. Anyway she has been hatching a few chicks here and there from my eggs and we house them here so they can have their own fresh eggs and meat. While she was candling her eggs the other night her little girl kept asking which one the duckies were in lol. So she wants to hatch a few ducks as pets for her baby. BUT if we are going to mess with ducks then I might as well get a few myself and I would want a dual purpose type. But I also do have neighbors close by. Their pond would have to be a kiddie pool or two that im sure i will have to clean out every few days lol.

Im pretty sure she lurks here because she has texted me links from byc before lol.
Muscovies are your birds then. Super quiet. They're very good seasonal layers, reliably go broody, and are pretty sociable. Not all people are into their faces though, so if you don't think they're pretty enough for the pool, don't get 'em (or get them and let them win you over with their tasty eggs, charming personalities, quiet dispositions, great mothering skills, gourmet meat, and other awesome features!). They do fly well, so you may have to clip them, and they may require extra heat when it gets super cold out. Mallard-derived breeds(everything that's not a Muscovy) are superb in cold weather (they have the Dolly Parton chests and all kinds of insulating upholstery to keep 'em warm), but the girls are really loud, which may be a bigger turn off to neighbors. They also tend to have huger, splattier poops all over the yard and are more rapacious throughout the year.

Baby and mommy

My little mummy

Most beautiful girl I've ever met

Mommy has been up walking around and everything so I think she's fine my sister posted on face book a picture of her son when he was born and my little Raelynn and holy cow they look exactly the same lol
A lot more pictures on Arjay kelevra's fb page other people got other pictures like first family picture
I wondered if ducks even laid in winter lol. See this friend lives in a rental in town with absolutely no yard. She has the most adorable little girl. Anyway she has been hatching a few chicks here and there from my eggs and we house them here so they can have their own fresh eggs and meat. While she was candling her eggs the other night her little girl kept asking which one the duckies were in lol. So she wants to hatch a few ducks as pets for her baby. BUT if we are going to mess with ducks then I might as well get a few myself and I would want a dual purpose type. But I also do have neighbors close by. Their pond would have to be a kiddie pool or two that im sure i will have to clean out every few days lol.

Im pretty sure she lurks here because she has texted me links from byc before lol.

Actually, I haven't bee lurking but I wi be watching closet from now on I promise lol

If anyone has any Muscovy hens they are looking to get rid of, I am in the market. My 3 girls are not enough for two drakes. Every time I turn around one of them is pinned to the ground. I've also noticed my chicken hens are starting to give the drakes a wide berth when they meet. Prefer lavender or barred, but at this point I'm not too choosy. My only hard and fast criteria is no males


I'm gonna be hatching this spring. Probably not what you're wanting lol but I'm wanting to work toward lilac, cream and other pastels.

Which means I'll have a lot of excess pretty and rare colored muscovy if anyone wants any. This year I'll be doing a lavender split to choc male over 2 chocolate hens which should give me lavender black and chocolate. I really only want the chocolate and of those I only want 1 male. The males from that hatching will be split to both colors probably, and the females will likely be split to lavender. I'll also have a pen with a blue pied male over a blue eyed pied cream and blue eyed pied blue. So most of those will be blue black or silver and probably pied.

In fact I'm about to separate them out into the tractor as soon as it starts warming up a bit, and get big daddy back over the @jchny2000 very very soon so none of the ladies retain his sperm.

So please let me know if you're interested. Any of the black and lavender babies from the lavender chocolate mating can go at hatch. The blue and cream I'll have to see what I end up with but any of the blacks can go at day old as well.
I have kept so many duck breeds, and have settled on Muscovy and Mallards. Mine are not laying yet but will be soon, they don't lay in the hard winter months. I will probably add pekin in the spring again so around march will be getting ducklings. The 2 breeds are less "messy" with mud and water than other duck breeds, and more social IMO. Please invite your friend to our thread! I have really sorted through duck breeds the last 4 years, and feel the quieter breeds, more productive and less messy are the 2 breeds I have chosen are exactly that. Mallard hens are a bit noisier than you would expect for the size but lay well seasonally. Muscovy are flat awesome and social, very quiet. The big question is are they dual purpose, or eggs, or meat only..or pets.

Actually, I haven't bee lurking but I wi be watching closet from now on I promise lol

You made it! Welcome lol
Reuby-Roo   What a great gentleman.

If anyone needs to rehome roosters this year, for $5 I'll grant them a yard to free range in and live a great life.  The $5 would cover a bit of their food.  And they could help me with the remainder of the composting that needs to be done here.

Would you be willing to hold on to a muscovy drake for that?
Welcome to BYC and our thread!

Quote: Our muscovy plans here are Black, Lavender and most will be pied, barred, or both! I do have an older silver drake, blue eyed from the Peafowl rescue. I am seriously hoping to pair him with a lavender if he is still able to "do the job". I have some black hens leaving this weekend possibly but still have a large group of girls here. A few boys left to go in the freezer yet and we are where we need to be for spring.
Well, I guess we are going with muscovies :). But we really want hatching eggs so that Leah's little girl can watch them turn into babies. So if anyone decides to sell any eggs let one of us know please!
Quote: Come spring, I'll let him free range in the back yard. But I won't be out there trying to catch him or any of the others to lock in a coop at night. It really would be free ranging and eating the food the goats dropped. Goats are messy eaters. I'd use the $5 to get some food for the free rangers but not a ton clearly. But my yard is full of things chickens like to eat, lots of worms and other bugs too.

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