Busy day again tomorrow. @Indyshent please don't make the drive up, I will be gone all day. Moms Dialysis Fistula is plugged and she is due for bloodwork.
Lost a young goose hen this morning, she HAD to scale the fence to get out. DH found her hit by a car around 5am.. I am just sick over it.. My geese have never got out of the pen at night. now we've lost 2 in a week
.I rarely loose a goose, for any reason. More eager than ever to move them to our pasture. Appears to be the younger goose hens getting out.
7 eggs from my Sumatras coop, wow! They are becoming my best layers for the chicken breeds.
Will be praying for your family (and geese!). So long as we get to everything you need this week, it should all be okay with my schedule.

Do you have avian netting over their run? We're going to put some on ours (whenever we can figure a way to get 6ft fence panels to our house, that is).
Had a heart attack tonight closing in my chickens! Went to close them in and as I was doing head count I saw a HUUUUUGGGEEE rat run across the coop and dove under the nest boxes!!!! Called for my outdoor cats and threw 2 of them in the coop while I ran inside for my fiancé. Woke him up wanting to know what to do. Told me to set the small live trap up inside the coop near the boxes and hopefully I catch it. So that's what I did after it took me 15 mins to get the dang cage to corporate with me then putting the bait inside and putting it in the coop. Praying I catch the nasty thing!!!!
Oh gosh, I had a similar thing happen Saturday. Was rifling through stuff looking for these landscape fabric pegs to help keep a tarp down, checked in a kitchen cabinet, and voila! A mouse was staring right at me. I looked around for the cat (a notorious mouser), but couldn't find her. When I came back, it was still staring at me... so I picked it up by the tail and put it in a bag... then couldn't figure out what to do with it, and the kids had already seen it... so it's in a bird cage.

So yeah, we have a "pet" mouse who has (in all likelihood) suffered some poison and possibly gone blind. She's acting more normal (for a wild mouse) every day.
@Mother2Hens The certification isn't the same as going through Therapy dog training, that is even more advanced and the dog has to pass a Therapy Dogs International Test test whereas our dog is just going to take the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen test. Therapy dogs have to earn titles in order to be placed in homes. We just wanted him to be able to go into places and visit with people (like hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc) to help them de-stress and hopefully cheer up. He loves meeting new people and is so sociable.

I watched a cousin's beagle on Saturday and wore them both out. We were outside all day! Fantastic weather.

Love the picture! That is wonderful of you to go to that effort to have a nice, trained dog and to be able to help others. I've been in a hospital waiting room and have seen people's faces light up when a therapy dog visited. As you know, the dogs love it, too.
@chick rookie ~ Harvesting ginseng is a big business, so I wouldn't spread the word—especially because greedy people harvest young plants, which can destroy the ginseng population. There have been a couple of reality shows about "ginseng hunters," and that has caused ignorant people to think they can get rich quick. And that can lead to crazy people trying to steal your ginseng! Not trying to scare you, but make you aware. Train your goat to attack! Haha There are also "mushroom hunters" lol, but they don't make as much money. I saw the show "Filthy Riches" last year where a people searched for large mushrooms called chicken-of-the-woods and hen-of-the-woods. They sold them to gourmet restaurants. DD took an Edible Plants class last semester. They had a camping trip and had to find their dinner. She found a chicken-of-the-woods! Haha
@ellymayRans ~ So this frizzled mom is my former granddaughter once removed—or something like that?! Haha So her mom (the one that was part Cochin and part Maran, who layed green eggs) had this frizzle who lays tiny blue eggs?! You said:
Tiny blue egg (frizzled olive egger: cochin/AM cross hen back to Frizzled cochin roo) What is AM?
This little bull of your Mom's is the cutest thing!

also i have a question almost everyday while driving home through the long country roads i see these rather large flocks of turkeys walking through the woods or different farmers feilds... rarely in the same spot so im assuming these are wild turkeys... now the question is i know its illegal to hunt them unless its turkey season but what about capture for raising or breeding purpouses?
I know you're just being curious, but did you know that wild turkeys were almost extinct in Indiana just 50 years ago? Indiana Department of Natural Resources states that:
All wild birds are protected by state and federal laws, with the exception of the European starling, rock (feral) pigeon, and English sparrow. This means that you cannot shoot at, trap, poison, or otherwise kill, capture or possess one. To hunt wild turkey, a valid turkey hunting license for each season and a valid game bird habitat stamp privilege are required. Usually one bird per season is all that is allowed because of efforts to keep populations up.

I think RK sells turkey poults for around $5/each.

I just finished that post, and then read ahead…lots of discussion!
@jchny2000 I'm sorry about your geese! And hope your Mom's appointment goes well.
I am curious to find out what recipes you all like to make when you have an abundance of eggs? Egg salad? Yellow cake? Angel food cake? Deviled eggs?

I used to hand out free eggs around the neighborhood... till they started expecting it!! I sell my eggs to help with the feed bill, only when I have an OVERSTOCK do I just give them away. Deviled eggs are my favorite. then egg salad so on and so on.

Indy Rezone Update-

So, got this e-mail below today about meeting to help draft the livestock license. Spread the word - I am not on facebook or other social media, so feel free to spread the word there. I realize it said "this is an invitation", but I am extending the invite and don't really care what they think! My hubby will be there, but Thurs. are REALLY busy for me, so I don't know if I can swing it.

If you are unable to attend since it is the middle of a workday, I suggest you contact your counselor (you can find who that is here: as well as the Metropolitan And Economic Development committee and let them know how unhappy you are about the fact that it is smack dab in the middle of a workday. (editing to add that comittee link:

(In case you can't tell I am a little fed up with this madness of pretending they care about our input) I am going to contact @Mother2Hens and see if she (in all her technical genius!) can help me get the draft of the license on here (it is a in PDF form and when I try to copy it, the formatting gets all messed up!)

So here is the e-mail:

You are receiving this email because you have shown interest in urban agriculture zoning in Indianapolis and we are looking for your help to complete the urban livestock component of the code. The final phase is upon us for implementing the new zoning code that passed late last year. This email is an invitation to be part of the final review team for the “Urban Livestock License” which was added to the zoning after public input during Indy Rezone. If you are still interested and able to attend, we hope you can join myself and senior city planners John Neal and Tammara Tracey to help create an appropriate and workable license and review process that will expand the flexibility of our urban agriculture zoning code.

We will meet on Thursday, March 24 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the Purdue Extension – Marion County Board Room on the Indiana State Fairgrounds (map attached). Please review the attached draft of the urban livestock license in its latest form before the meeting. The intent of our meeting is to discuss your comments on the license and help craft a revised version. This revised version will then be shared more widely (e.g. posted on the city website) to draw a broader public response. Based on the response to the “public” draft we would either continue to refine it or prepare it for introduction to the legislative process. You can find the full book of code (that contains the other urban agriculture zoning with which this license will interface here:

Please let me know if you are able to attend on March 24. If you are not able to attend but would like to contribute, we very much encourage you to submit your comments ahead of time.


Emily Toner
Urban Agriculture Educator, Purdue Extension - Marion County
[email protected]

Discovery Hall, Suite 201
1202 E. 38th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46205
You are right... they set the day and time to get the LEST amount of people to show up. Wish I could help. Terre Haute is NOT ALLOWED anything at all!!! Got one woman on the board that thinks all Animals are the most disgusting things on the planet!! She got fired from the Humane shelter here in town cause she was abusing the animals and the kill rate was 82%, how she ever got on the town board I will never know!!! Sorry got off topic a bit, good luck, I know its a done deal but I hope enough show up to make it more bearable, but with it being on a work day........

Love the picture! That is wonderful of you to go to that effort to have a nice, trained dog and to be able to help others. I've been in a hospital waiting room and have seen people's faces light up when a therapy dog visited. As you know, the dogs love it, too.
@chick rookie ~ Harvesting ginseng is a big business, so I wouldn't spread the word—especially because greedy people harvest young plants, which can destroy the ginseng population. There have been a couple of reality shows about "ginseng hunters," and that has caused ignorant people to think they can get rich quick. And that can lead to crazy people trying to steal your ginseng! Not trying to scare you, but make you aware. Train your goat to attack! Haha There are also "mushroom hunters" lol, but they don't make as much money. I saw the show "Filthy Riches" last year where a people searched for large mushrooms called chicken-of-the-woods and hen-of-the-woods. They sold them to gourmet restaurants. DD took an Edible Plants class last semester. They had a camping trip and had to find their dinner. She found a chicken-of-the-woods! Haha
@ellymayRans ~ So this frizzled mom is my former granddaughter once removed—or something like that?! Haha So her mom (the one that was part Cochin and part Maran, who layed green eggs) had this frizzle who lays tiny blue eggs?! You said:
Tiny blue egg (frizzled olive egger: cochin/AM cross hen back to Frizzled cochin roo) What is AM?
This little bull of your Mom's is the cutest thing!

Like to see someone come on my property uninvited, wont need attack goats... got attack dogs... lol And we are going to fence the property so that the dogs can go any place on the property they want... except the horse pasture.

@jchny2000 So sorry about all the losses you are experiencing right now.
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Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. @Indyshent will send you a message later today once we get home. Appreciate your kind offer.

Posting for sale here and please PM for prices and pictures.
2 Legbar roosters, 3 EE roosters
9 Muscovy drakes available for table, freezer or just a pet.
3 Hampshire piglets weaning tomorrow and ready to go!
2 of my mixed breed sows, both bred to my Hampshire boar. 120 pounds each.
1 barrow pig, also around 120 pounds to grow out for your freezer.
Lastly my friend still has her Ringneck pheasant for sale, cheap.

Have a great day everyone!
@jchny2000 I didn't know that food banks took eggs! All great ways to donate eggs.

@pipdzipdnreadytogo I think an egg recipe book is such a great idea! Might have to put one together myself.

Thank you to everyone who helped with ideas to use up extra eggs. Made egg salad last night and I think I will try the brownies this weekend. We sell our large brown eggs most of the time but the little silkie eggs are harder to find a market for.
That is from about 2 days. Our young chickens aren't laying yet, we have about 35 chickens who are laying, but some are going through a molt. Should be up to our ears in eggs soon enough!
@Faraday40 That is from about 2 days. Our young chickens aren't laying yet, we have about 35 chickens who are laying, but some are going through a molt. Should be up to our ears in eggs soon enough!
Saw my peacocks displaying for the first time yesterday. They don't care to go outside, so they stand in the barn doorway where there is some light. One took the stage and then the other. I only got a picture of the second partially displaying because DH came up the driveway then in his car and all the peas hightailed up into the rafters.

And since I'm at it. Here are the pigs. I believe the larger one is over 200lbs now. Hard to believe they weren't even 40lbs in December!


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