SQUEEEEEEAL. This is what I woke up to before church!!! 6 more with external pips. I'm so excited, I was afraid none would hatch. Now what to do with these unexpected chicks haha. I already have 13 in a big tub in the house.

Yes, I would like to be added. Thank you. :)

100 birds! Wow! I think my husband may lay an egg himself if I do that. :lol: But...then again he seems to be enjoying this almost as much as I am so far lol. So what are your favorites?

Just pm one of us with the info you'd like included.

For personality I'm partial to my bantam polish and Cochins, large fowl Appenzellers, and the turkeys. For practical purposes my plain old barnyard mix, dual purpose birds. But they're all fun in their own way. :yiipchick
@kittydoc, @tmarsh83, and @Leahs mom,
Thanks for the insights! Based on what I've read on this forum, I've tried to do my chicken math in advance. My plan is to have one hen for each of the kids which puts us at 3. That would give us enough eggs for our own use and a few extras to share. Hoping we can keep that number to 6, but based on what everybody tells me that may be optimistic. However, knowing that we will probably end up at 6 it sounds like we need to go bigger. We have a sizable shed that we store the mower and a bunch of other junk we don't need. The folks that owned our home previously used it for chickens at one point, but mice are regular tenants and the inside smells faintly of gasoline and oil in the summer from stuff that's spilled and leached into the concrete floor. So As much as it would solve our space issues, I'm reluctant to go there.

The biggest thing I'm concerned winter and space. Found a great thread about overwintering birds a couple weeks back. Plan to build a covered run about 4x12 and wrap it seasonally (with ventilation of course!) to keep out the wind and snow. I know they won't always want to come out when the bitter cold hits, but my hope is that will ease the pressure on them. What Leahs Mom says rings completely true though. I want happy chickens. So it sounds like maybe I go back to the drawing board and either upsize the coop or find a way of overcoming the chicken math and dig in at 3.
Proper ventilation is probably the most important thing. Of course after food and water. It prevents respiratory problems, frostbite and other issues like coccidia.

Sorry I haven't been on for a few days, here are the links I used for cooler bator design. There are several but this guy did a good job explaining things.

This is the video of the thermostat modification and installation:

Thanks for sharing!

My coolerbator doesn't cycle off and on quite as quickly as his does in the video. That's the key for steady temps, you want the light/heat to only have to come on for a few seconds and stay off a short time. The longer the heat is on or off=bigger temp fluctuations.

I have timed mine, it's about 1 min and 20 seconds on. About 2.5 mins off
Mine needs more work. Its mostly a hatcher for now. But I agree the bulb cycling is definitely a good idea.

One thing I will still modify or change is my light bulb situation. I'm using a socket that holds 2 bulbs in one spot. I want to change that to 2 single bulbs, at either end of the cooler. I think my temp will be more even throughout that way.

Here's my second coolerbator, halfway done.

Great idea too!
I only ordered barred rocks. I really wish I had gotten something else with them. I had Easter eggers in my order but it was pushing it back to June 27th, so I took them off. I have been to Big R this week trying to get a couple buff orpingtons, but they sell out as soon as they come in. I will keep trying though lol. I have read that the orpingtons like to go broody. I wouldn't mind that at all.
Many of us sell pure breeds also. Here is our member list and it can be sorted by breed and location.
Our Member Page:

SQUEEEEEEAL. This is what I woke up to before church!!! 6 more with external pips. I'm so excited, I was afraid none would hatch. Now what to do with these unexpected chicks haha. I already have 13 in a big tub in the house.
Congrats, how exciting!
Very good points, and I have to agree on several!
Hello Everyone and Happy Springtime.....TGIS!!!! Haven't posted in forever and far too many pages to read to get caught up. I hope everyone and their critters made it through our rather mild winter here in IN. alright. My wife and I are looking to possibly increase our chicken flock by maybe another 6 chick / chickens bringing us to 14 total. We're hoping to add some EE's / Americaunas and perhaps another pair of Bresse from @Racinchickens if he'll allow us to :) I'd like to pass a warm welcome to any newcomers to this great and tremendously helpful Indiana BYC'ers page.....while I don't post much, I am on here fairly often gleaning helpful info ( Thanks Everyone!!! )

Great to see you! Please no worries, many members rarely post, just read. Its perfectly ok, and you are always welcome.

I have one Swedish Flower Hen available - 2 yo in May. Laying. Organic, no soy & range fed. If anyone is interested send me a pm for details.

This is a photo of her from last fall.

She is lovely!
I was out in the coop checking on my girl, again, ( I know you're shocked) and kept hearing this strange noise. Couldn't figure out what it was.
The sound was the eggs clicking against each other as she moved them around.

Its so awesome to just listen to them and all the new sounds you learn from your flock. Good post.
I did move the chicks to a portion of the new coop that I blocked off for them. They're milling around beyond the lights a good bit and not laying under them when they rest. I think they'll be able to sort themselves the next couple nights fine. Not much difference from the garage really.

Really had not noticed how dusty it had gotten in there until I started moving the brooder out. Wowzers.
Oh yes, goodness the dust is awful. I brooded in our porch one year! Never, ever again. We have an old office trailer like the type placed on construction sites. Thats my hatching and brooding area now.
I'm the stupidest smart person of the day. Normally, it's the kids trying to con me into buying chicks... today, it was all me. Despite swearing up and down that I'd never get more BB turkeys, I got three more today... and a couple Khaki ducks. I miss the eggs, Major Tom is lonely, and the one baby turkey was injured and all alone. Looks like s/he was a cannibalism victim because it's bleeding from the bottom and beak. I could have made it out fine but it kept peeping for somebody, and when I glanced over, I saw its poor bottom... and I just couldn't not get it at that point. Poor little guy just snuggled right in and started the happy poult yawning thing right away... I'm such a sucker. I was going to put it back in with the other ones when I noticed a few of the overcrowded poults were picking on some of the smaller ones... so I picked up another couple for beak issues. The only uninjured one was developing an intriguing buff color to its legs and wing feathers.

The ducks... well, I missed having a couple after all. Khakis do lay like crazy (unless I've got two drakes), and I have missed both turkey and duck eggs. I'm already bracing for the BB turkey heartache, but I just couldn't say no when my lone MW tom has been lost calling like crazy, just moping around all day. I know he has whatever this bug is so I'm sure he'll give it to the new kids eventually. I have noticed that the loneliness adversely affects a turkey's healing from the bug though, so maybe these short-lived kiddos can help him pull through. It wasn't until we took Saphira (the other turkey) away that he succumbed to the bug anyway.
Oh know you set yourself up for heart break!
But I do understand why. Once my Bourbon start to lay, I really want to hook you up with some to brood. They are such a gentle breed. To date, my trio has not produced a single tom, yet in the 3 years I have kept them. I also understand the ducks, DH wants pekin again, ugh.

Quote: She is just gorgeous!

Hey all, I think the chicken-killing dog issue is resolving. The owner of the land, who is my landlord's father, came to talk with me and wants the dog removed. It killed his 12 yro cat last week as well. I'm hoping that happens, then I don't have to worry about it anymore. He also gave me money for the lost chickens. I felt a little bad about taking money, but he insisted and wanted to make sure I was happy living there. Of course, my DF just texted me and asked if there were white feathers in the front yard when I left for work today. I was thinking, here we go again, another loss. Hopefully it is just left over feathers from one of the roosters that was killed last week. The dog drug him around the entire house and there were white feathers everywhere. If not, it's my all white eater egger and I'm not going to be happy. Hopefully it's not raining when I get home so I can investigate and check my trail cams.

My heart is breaking for everyone else who has lost birds lately too.

I can't wait, this weekend when we are having our family Easter, I am going to take pics with both my nephews and some chicks. My DS asked if she needed to bring me more fresh chicks and I somehow was able to tell her no. I have enough chicks of various ages and some hatching later this week!

I hope the losses are over and the feathers aren't what you fear.
Like you, the new little lives give me a lot of joy. I have started up my 2nd cabinet bator #1 is full!

Sorry for the sideways pics, I can't get them to rotate right...does anybody know what this chick is? I got a couple from Rural King and they were labeled "Assorted Pullets." Looks like a straight comb.
Love the barring and color! Anxiously waiting opinions. that's a very attractive chick.
Oh yes, goodness the dust is awful. I brooded in our porch one year! Never, ever again. We have an old office trailer like the type placed on construction sites. Thats my hatching and brooding area now.
That's brilliant. I didn't think I would mind it in the garage, but I underestimated the stories I had heard. Goodness.

I supposed the Brightside is that this was population boom. From here on out, additions should smaller. So I won't need that large brooder, and could manage something smaller in the human area of the coop. The wife will prefer it that way at any rate. LOL.

I can already tell that I am going to like having my original coop on hand though as well. It works great for three or four birds, and while it might sit empty more often than not, it will be an asset.
Proper ventilation is probably the most important thing. Of course after food and water. It prevents respiratory problems, frostbite and other issues like coccidia.

Thanks for sharing!

Mine needs more work. Its mostly a hatcher for now. But I agree the bulb cycling is definitely a good idea.

Great idea too!
Many of us sell pure breeds also. Here is our member list and it can be sorted by breed and location.

Our Member Page:

Thank you. I will see who is near me. Ordering from mpc was fun but shipping is expensive. I doubt I'd do it for only a few birds. Are you familiar with Meyer Hatchery? We were looking there for meat birds next year, just because of the frying pan deal lol. Thank you for the links and info. :)

Just pm one of us with the info you'd like included.

For personality I'm partial to my bantam polish and Cochins, large fowl Appenzellers, and the turkeys. For practical purposes my plain old barnyard mix, dual purpose birds. But they're all fun in their own way. :yiipchick

I had never heard of bantams until I started my "chicken education" a few months ago. Are their eggs significantly smaller? We were hoping that by getting barred rocks, we chose a great bird for dual purpose. And of course we ar hoping most are friendly because we have smaller children. I am trying to hold off on adding more until ours come in. Would be nice to have them the same age since I'm such a newb lol.

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