Had ballgames today and came home to a hatched muscovy! So happy to see that! All i can see is its mostly yellow so im sure its rippled but can't wait to see of what color! ;) I honestly never thought I'd be excited to not know!

Got distracted and never sent the above post from Saturday but had 1 other muscovy duckling hatch only it is a solid dark color and so are its legs! Cute little thing. As of this morning I have 1 other externally pipped now.
My goodness! Trying to catch up on posts, 10 pages behind. I've been working as a private nurse on nights for a week now, so I've been super tired. Having a toddler at home doesn't help with the sleep situation. It's only for another week til the normal nurse is back from vacation. I'll so be ready to sleep in my own bed for HOURS! Anyway, I put our old small movable coop back together, just needs some extra framing to make it sturdier for moving, but I moved the little ones out yesterday and they seem to be doing fine. I do need to downsize though. I think 4 will be good for us, and we have 6. I'll have to have the talk with the kids to figure out which two to re-home. They are about 7 weeks old and almost fully feathered. Is there anyone close that would like 2? Let me know
we have 4 big girls that are 3 years old and laying, planning on keeping them til these little ones start. Downsizing to keep the husband happy. He's a good sport about my hobby, just don't want to "ruffle any feathers"

Are they the easter eggers you got at TSC? If they are EE, I might be interested. My girls are 7 weeks on Monday, so it actually works out really well.
I keep driving by on my way to get feed but can't exactly tell if you ever moved lol I thought you found your dream farm?
We are in and out. Going to be here a bit longer than planned. pot to follow to explain that... you arent going to believe what happened to our new place.!!!

All that comes to mind to describe my day...had a bad day!!

I hate sharing losses of what i cant help but feel like neglect on my part, but....called my neighbors this morning to give her a heads up i may be seen wandering their woods as my turkey hen hadn't came home. I stayed up til 5am because my dog wouldn't come in and was barking up a storm all through the night, in the woods etc...
So i went on a further search and found a pile of feathers where her nest must have been!

Crazy part of the story. ... now my dog never did come in..i finally passed out, woke up at 10am. ..see 2 turkey eggs side by side on my deck, weird, walk out front to start my hunt, 2 more turkey eggs right off the drive, next to my truck. ..then see my dog with 3 more but only shells.. He was bringing them all home as she had been killed. Something killed her and had eaten some of the eggs, the 4 on the deck and in the front were unscathed! He's part Lab with a very soft mouth when retrieving! Seriously blew my mind!

Now how he spent all night out there and didn't prevent her death is beyond me but those eggs went straight to the bator.

Thank goodness my other 2 girls seem to be laying in the same nest that I'm gathering from and they are not trying to brood them any longer. .or for now.

Then bummed one of the bronze hatches died.?? Just found it dead in the brooder.

Did have a little fun, threw together a large netted area so the ducklings could hang out with us all day under some small oaks. Kids had a snow day so no school, several neighborhood kids over playing in the creek and on the trampoline, neighbor brought her twin granddaughters over to sit with the ducklings for a bit. Wrapped up with a good evening! Few drinks with DH and first baseball games of the season in the morning!

What a gorgeous day! Sinuses are not as happy with it though!
Hate aging!!!
Son sorry you lost her.
Lab are awesome, although my lab eats eggs so that would never happen here not by him anyway. My pit and my Ridgeback ... I can see doing that, maybe.
I hope they hatch for ya

That was the plan! I don't plan on keeping them in often. Mainly if we are gone for abs vacation or something. Just to make it easier for someone to watch them for us. Still, I didn't want to skimp on the space.
Currently no. I may net it, but the plan is to range them as much as possible. For now it's just to give them space to be out and so the three older girls can see them. They couldn't care less. I they're just happy they're on the outside of the run. LOL.
Trust me when I say at some point you WILL want a top on the very nice run you built ( Awesome, btw ) coons ect... birds ect... cats ect will not be turned away by jut walls. Just saying.

Had ballgames today and came home to a hatched muscovy! So happy to see that! All i can see is its mostly yellow so im sure its rippled but can't wait to see of what color!
I honestly never thought I'd be excited to not know!

Got distracted and never sent the above post from Saturday but had 1 other muscovy duckling hatch only it is a solid dark color and so are its legs! Cute little thing. As of this morning I have 1 other externally pipped now.
Congrats and sending hatching vibes your way for the rest
Well I will start with the good stuff first... DH went to the Auction ( beef is going from 2 50 to 3 16 a lb , bottle calves were from 100 to 186 depending on age and breed ) and he calls me on his way home to tell me he got hay and had to pay out the butt to get it!!! And that's ALL we talked about. He didn't say nothing about nothing else.
He got home and I was at the back of the truck looking at the hay and he walked around with a 3 - 5 day old LaMancha Billy!!! I was so happy. I have been looking for one for awhile, I lost my other one last year and jut haven't found one that I was happy with, but this guy is Awesome!!!!

So we had to make a trip to TSC and get him some milk... Nothing doing DH just HAD to go check out the chicks!!!!! The Manager was saying that Friday they were going to have everyone on sale and he didn't care if they went buy 1 get 10 free... lol Well DH spoke up and said that was just great cause he had to work Friday and by the time he got off they would be gone.... the whole time I'm standing giving him the evil eye!!! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE CHICKS!!!!! So DH is talking deals... I hear the MG say 11 or 10.00... I had to speak up... that aint a deal... 11 for 5.00 would be a deal... thinking NO WAY he is going to go for that..... he DID!!!!! So now we have 11 BA chicks!!!! So much for me not wanting to move chicks... and my getting down to nothing but HERITAGE breed birds is now shot!! ( I was almost there too )

I don't have any brooders out they are all stored away in the garage at the new house!! So now I got to dig one out down there and bring it here.

Now for the BAD stuff.... Last Saturday we went down to the new place to start the clean up before the move in and found someone had went in and destroyed the house and done a good bit of damage to the garage!!! I'm talking busted windows and doors, the dry wall was removed from some of the walls, the ceiling fans were taken out and bear wires left. Looks like they took a hammer and knocked holes in the walls and ripped up most of the flooring, dumped out trash bags of trash all over the place and even left a Pee jug in the middle of the dinning room floor!!!! Yes it was a pee jug and it was full!!!! They stole the furnace and the central air unit!! And ripped out allot of the wiring. I am so upset, it took me this long just to be able to talk about it without crying.
The x-renter did it all and was stupid enough to show up while the cops were there doing a report on it all, AND admitted doing it, just came out and said " I did it so what the ---- are you going to do about it?" The officer said " I'll show ya "" and put him under arrest!!! but before he could get the cuffs on him he took a swing at the guy we bought it off of.
So he also has an assault charge against him.
So now all the money we were going to put towards fencing and critter housing... all has to go to the house so it will be livable. and we are looking at paying rent here and a house pymt for even longer!!!
Just have no ideal how we are going to do all this!!
Still cant believe that guy did all that!!

Now that I have got all that off my chest I have to get to trimming goat feet got allot to do so need to get at it but I'm so dang depressed it is taking an army to get me off my butt!!!.
Well I will start with the good stuff first... DH went to the Auction ( beef is going from 2 50 to 3 16 a lb , bottle calves were from 100 to 186 depending on age and breed ) and he calls me on his way home to tell me he got hay and had to pay out the butt to get it!!! And that's ALL we talked about. He didn't say nothing about nothing else.
He got home and I was at the back of the truck looking at the hay and he walked around with a 3 - 5 day old LaMancha Billy!!! I was so happy. I have been looking for one for awhile, I lost my other one last year and jut haven't found one that I was happy with, but this guy is Awesome!!!!

So we had to make a trip to TSC and get him some milk... Nothing doing DH just HAD to go check out the chicks!!!!! The Manager was saying that Friday they were going to have everyone on sale and he didn't care if they went buy 1 get 10 free... lol Well DH spoke up and said that was just great cause he had to work Friday and by the time he got off they would be gone.... the whole time I'm standing giving him the evil eye!!! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE CHICKS!!!!! So DH is talking deals... I hear the MG say 11 or 10.00... I had to speak up... that aint a deal... 11 for 5.00 would be a deal... thinking NO WAY he is going to go for that..... he DID!!!!! So now we have 11 BA chicks!!!! So much for me not wanting to move chicks... and my getting down to nothing but HERITAGE breed birds is now shot!! ( I was almost there too )

I don't have any brooders out they are all stored away in the garage at the new house!! So now I got to dig one out down there and bring it here.

Now for the BAD stuff.... Last Saturday we went down to the new place to start the clean up before the move in and found someone had went in and destroyed the house and done a good bit of damage to the garage!!! I'm talking busted windows and doors, the dry wall was removed from some of the walls, the ceiling fans were taken out and bear wires left. Looks like they took a hammer and knocked holes in the walls and ripped up most of the flooring, dumped out trash bags of trash all over the place and even left a Pee jug in the middle of the dinning room floor!!!! Yes it was a pee jug and it was full!!!! They stole the furnace and the central air unit!! And ripped out allot of the wiring. I am so upset, it took me this long just to be able to talk about it without crying.
The x-renter did it all and was stupid enough to show up while the cops were there doing a report on it all, AND admitted doing it, just came out and said " I did it so what the ---- are you going to do about it?" The officer said " I'll show ya "" and put him under arrest!!! but before he could get the cuffs on him he took a swing at the guy we bought it off of.
So he also has an assault charge against him.
So now all the money we were going to put towards fencing and critter housing... all has to go to the house so it will be livable. and we are looking at paying rent here and a house pymt for even longer!!!
Just have no ideal how we are going to do all this!!
Still cant believe that guy did all that!!

Now that I have got all that off my chest I have to get to trimming goat feet got allot to do so need to get at it but I'm so dang depressed it is taking an army to get me off my butt!!!.

@chick rookie

Will insurance pay for any of this? Surely vandalism would be covered? That is devastating!

I'm so sorry, @chickrookie ! The seller may be able to help, but you'll probably have to go through home owner's insurance, and maybe sue the the jerk. A professional will have to get involved to assess the damage, then you'll have to figure how to get his car and other assets. Shame he can't be thrown in a debtor's prison

Congrats on your new birds and billy! BA are a heritage breed, even if they are hatchery stock. I've had three RK BAs and all are good layers (though one's been repeatedly broody).
Hi all! Sorry to just drop in like this. I'm ISO a couple few week old bantam chicks.

I have a lone Belgium Quail, about 3 weeks old who needs friends! (See pics below and feel free to let me know if I'm off in the breed! Hmm having trouble loading pic...)

Friday our neighbor came over with 3 extra 3 day old chicks he didn't want. He also had this little gem, and doesn't have any other bantams so he gave her to us too.

My co-broodies were fine with all 4 chicks for 48 hours and then BAM they regected Sweet Pea and were attacking her. She(?) really is too little to hold her own with the other bantams so she is in a see thru container in our large wooden brooder. So the broodies and their babes can see but not touch.

So anyone in Indy have any friends for Sweet Pea? If so Plz PM me.

As usual, wish I could be on here more. I've been pretty sick since Xmas. I have some health problems and pretty much ran myself into the ground. I think we finally have figured out the main problem and I'm getting better without relapses this time I hope and pray!

For those of you who are prayers: a dear friends 12 year old daughter is missing. I can't share more than that but we need as many people praying as possible!
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