After multiple baseball practices tonight, i am now enjoying my view! ;)

Added 5 more ducklings and 2 more atipico, one dark and one light, black barred and 2 wild type. The lone hatchling is now brooding with them, obviously a bit older! I love how i have been able to easily integrate the different age groups with no issues! I know, i hate the red lamp but these bitties arr just too small for my heated brooder, they constantly slip out of the feeding slots!

I had mentioned moving my broody scovy from the neighbors back home, however we had some heavy rains and noticed her in the yard so i checked and the nest was under water. I moved all of the eggs to the bator and after 3 days they are all still alive. She returned several days and i would like to set her back on them but just need to find the right time. Sigh

Ive also been trying to break some broody hens (chickens), gave 4 eggs a piece pitched all the rest. 2 hatched chicks and they were killed the next day! Oh, makes me mad! I hate drama!

I am extatic to report 100% hatch rate on my 2 sets of pea eggs! 7 total and all are doing great!

I moved approximately 30 juvie chicks outside yesterday and woke to 1 dead after a pile up!? These are my few poults, AM's and new stock of Splash, Black and Blue Copper Marans. It was an AM. They aren't roosting but evidently piling up at night.
Ugggh...I feel like I have bounced around everywhere trying to find fellow Hoosiers...I just left a post on one place and later read it's no longer an active thread...
My name is Janet, I am in Peru ( north central Indiana) I would love to communicate with fellow Hoosiers. May I please join you folks?
I have 4 RIR hens ( they are one yr old), 6 BR pullets ( they are 5 months old), and 3 unknown bantams of which 2 boys and one girl ( 4months old)
Welcome to BYC and our thread!
We are absolutely very active here.

After multiple baseball practices tonight, i am now enjoying my view!

Added 5 more ducklings and 2 more atipico, one dark and one light, black barred and 2 wild type. The lone hatchling is now brooding with them, obviously a bit older! I love how i have been able to easily integrate the different age groups with no issues! I know, i hate the red lamp but these bitties arr just too small for my heated brooder, they constantly slip out of the feeding slots!

I had mentioned moving my broody scovy from the neighbors back home, however we had some heavy rains and noticed her in the yard so i checked and the nest was under water. I moved all of the eggs to the bator and after 3 days they are all still alive. She returned several days and i would like to set her back on them but just need to find the right time. Sigh

Ive also been trying to break some broody hens (chickens), gave 4 eggs a piece pitched all the rest. 2 hatched chicks and they were killed the next day! Oh, makes me mad! I hate drama!

I am extatic to report 100% hatch rate on my 2 sets of pea eggs! 7 total and all are doing great!

I moved approximately 30 juvie chicks outside yesterday and woke to 1 dead after a pile up!? These are my few poults, AM's and new stock of Splash, Black and Blue Copper Marans. It was an AM. They aren't roosting but evidently piling up at night.
It really is a soap opera some days! I lost an OE chick to piling saturday night, they were 5 week olds and fully off heat. Your ducks look great! My peahen has 2 eggs collected. Hoping she will nest..
Ugggh...I feel like I have bounced around everywhere trying to find fellow Hoosiers...I just left a post on one place and later read it's no longer an active thread...
My name is Janet, I am in Peru ( north central Indiana) I would love to communicate with fellow Hoosiers. May I please join you folks?
I have 4 RIR hens ( they are one yr old), 6 BR pullets ( they are 5 months old), and 3 unknown bantams of which 2 boys and one girl ( 4months old)
Hello there. Welcome to the group! I am fairly new as well. I've only been here a few months. Everyone here is really friendly and helpful. It's been great to have them, while we learn to raise our first flock and build our first coop. I hope you stick around and chat. We would love to see your chickens!
Anyone raise houdans? I have ready that they are great layers in the summer but wonder about in the cooler/colder months. I love the fact that they seem to be so persona le. I think the kids would love to have a few.
I have also had tough luck this Spring hatching my MW turkey eggs. Probably set around 20 of her eggs (I just have a pair, that was almost every egg she laid) I think 10 total hatched and 5 of those failed to thrive and didnt make it past 2-3 weeks. The 5 I have left are around 6-8 weeks old now and seem healthy and happy, fingers crossed. Most of the eggs that didn't hatch were fertile with fully formed poults, must have died in the last couple days before hatch. Her last 3eggs weren't fertile and I havent seen an egg from her in a few weeks now.

My silkies have been hatching with good success, they've been over 90%. Unfortunately at least 3 are trying to be broody and the eggs have really slowed down.

Lavender orps have been successful as well, probably around 80-90%. They are still laying pretty well, I just set another 14 of theirs today.

Polish have been tough on me this Spring and im starting to think they are just a tough breed to get healthy, robust chicks. I set 4 of my own hens eggs (before a coon got her), all hatched, and all but 1 have failed to thrive and died within 2 weeks. I purchased some bantam polish eggs from someone local and had good hatches but half of them also failed to thrive and died. Its weird because they hatch well and seem great for a week and then downhill. Polish just are a more difficult breed to raise, at least for me.
I agree that Polish are more delicate than most breeds. I have been fortunate in getting good bloodlines but still have some losses. You were looking for eggs earlier this spring, and I wasn't getting a good turnout because of the birds tracked the mud into the coops and the eggs were too dirty, although I did get six LF Polish that I'm listing in my next post. If you're still interested, send my a PM.
Okay, here is what I have available. If anyone is interest, PM me. I'll be taking most of whatever is left to Veedersburg Friday.

These are all large fowl:

Trio of Polish: tolbunt hen and rooster, silver-laced hen. These are three of the quad that I got from Janet a while back.

Trio of white-crested black Polish: 2015 hatch from a breeder in Wisconsin

Pair or trio of chamois Appenzeller spitzhaubens, 2015 hatch

Trio of jubilee orpingtons: 2015 hatch from Kittydoc

5 mixed-breed turkey poults about 7 weeks old. The tom's parents were a cross between bronze and wild turkey; the hen is a pencil palm.

6 Polish chicks about 7 weeks old from the two trios listed above. One, which appears to be a cockerel, has really nice tolbunt coloring.

4 or 5 Marans cocks, 2015 hatch

A few barnyard mix chicks (Marans X Brahma)
After multiple baseball practices tonight, i am now enjoying my view!

Added 5 more ducklings and 2 more atipico, one dark and one light, black barred and 2 wild type. The lone hatchling is now brooding with them, obviously a bit older! I love how i have been able to easily integrate the different age groups with no issues! I know, i hate the red lamp but these bitties arr just too small for my heated brooder, they constantly slip out of the feeding slots!

I had mentioned moving my broody scovy from the neighbors back home, however we had some heavy rains and noticed her in the yard so i checked and the nest was under water. I moved all of the eggs to the bator and after 3 days they are all still alive. She returned several days and i would like to set her back on them but just need to find the right time. Sigh

Ive also been trying to break some broody hens (chickens), gave 4 eggs a piece pitched all the rest. 2 hatched chicks and they were killed the next day! Oh, makes me mad! I hate drama!

I am extatic to report 100% hatch rate on my 2 sets of pea eggs! 7 total and all are doing great!

I moved approximately 30 juvie chicks outside yesterday and woke to 1 dead after a pile up!? These are my few poults, AM's and new stock of Splash, Black and Blue Copper Marans. It was an AM. They aren't roosting but evidently piling up at night.
Thanks Indyshent!
So your a Purdue vet student huh? That's wonderful! Do you plan to see exotics? Exotic vets are so very hard to find, and even the ones that do see exotics are still fairly judgy on keeping certain types of critters as pets.. I can't wait to learn more about everyone. I'm just so excited to have finally found a place to call home on this site...
Wholly welcome! I'm not sure what I'll be seeing in practice. Getting all my practice on poultry and kids at the moment. I wanted to get a head start on blood, needles, and gore before going through vet school because I would get faint at blood--but then along came poultry! And, lo and behold, poof-dah! I'm far more tolerant of blood and gore and guts and screaming kids! Now I can pull out thorns and glue stuff back together and do a few minor surgeries. I'm certainly far from judgey on who keeps what how. I follow a lady on facebook who keeps a turkey hen as a house pet and even sleeps with her (look up Easter the Turkey), and I completely empathize and have been a vocal advocate of the keeping of poultry as therapy animals and pets (beyond merely as food, for which they are obviously valuable also).
After multiple baseball practices tonight, i am now enjoying my view!

Added 5 more ducklings and 2 more atipico, one dark and one light, black barred and 2 wild type. The lone hatchling is now brooding with them, obviously a bit older! I love how i have been able to easily integrate the different age groups with no issues! I know, i hate the red lamp but these bitties arr just too small for my heated brooder, they constantly slip out of the feeding slots!

I had mentioned moving my broody scovy from the neighbors back home, however we had some heavy rains and noticed her in the yard so i checked and the nest was under water. I moved all of the eggs to the bator and after 3 days they are all still alive. She returned several days and i would like to set her back on them but just need to find the right time. Sigh

Ive also been trying to break some broody hens (chickens), gave 4 eggs a piece pitched all the rest. 2 hatched chicks and they were killed the next day! Oh, makes me mad! I hate drama!

I am extatic to report 100% hatch rate on my 2 sets of pea eggs! 7 total and all are doing great!

I moved approximately 30 juvie chicks outside yesterday and woke to 1 dead after a pile up!? These are my few poults, AM's and new stock of Splash, Black and Blue Copper Marans. It was an AM. They aren't roosting but evidently piling up at night.

Thankfully, I've broken all the broodies here! Congratulations on the peas and duckies! I had a lot of drama earlier this spring with babies dying left and right, and lost yet another roosterling this week to drowning (how they manage to drown in some places, I'll never figure out and thus must comfort myself with "I didn't need another rooster anyway" and "Natural selection at work here."). I don't like being a coldhearted lady, but I just can't afford to get wrapped up in every chick here any more--not after all the losses I've head and poultry I've tried desperately to save only to lose after a few hundred dollars of care.
Anyone raise houdans? I have ready that they are great layers in the summer but wonder about in the cooler/colder months. I love the fact that they seem to be so persona le. I think the kids would love to have a few.
I don't know of any Houdan-keepers, but there are lots of Polish-lovers around, and Polish are pretty darn close and far easier to acquire. Good luck finding them!

Okay, here is what I have available. If anyone is interest, PM me. I'll be taking most of whatever is left to Veedersburg Friday.

These are all large fowl:

Trio of Polish: tolbunt hen and rooster, silver-laced hen. These are three of the quad that I got from Janet a while back.

Trio of white-crested black Polish: 2015 hatch from a breeder in Wisconsin

Pair or trio of chamois Appenzeller spitzhaubens, 2015 hatch

Trio of jubilee orpingtons: 2015 hatch from Kittydoc

5 mixed-breed turkey poults about 7 weeks old. The tom's parents were a cross between bronze and wild turkey; the hen is a pencil palm.

6 Polish chicks about 7 weeks old from the two trios listed above. One, which appears to be a cockerel, has really nice tolbunt coloring.

4 or 5 Marans cocks, 2015 hatch

A few barnyard mix chicks (Marans X Brahma)
Oooo, you've got lots of pretties! Poults are my greatest weakness, and if you can't find other homes for them, lemme know. I've never had Polish before and I'm not sure if I could talk anyone here into them.

So some of those super expensive heritage poults are turning up ill with sinus issues. I'm not sure if they were chilled or contracted something nefarious, either way, I'll have to medicate them and give 'em some Vet RX. I moved them back to the brooder bin even though the bigger chicks and poults were very gentle with them. I just want to be sure they're draft free, warm and have lots of access to food and water without any competition.

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