Somebody hit a Canada goose on campus last night. Couldn't find her or her friends today, so I'm guessing the grounds people moved them. Think a truck hit her because her body was fine but her brain was swelling bad when I was getting her off the road. I'd thought maybe her wings or feet had been hurt, in which case, she might get rehabbed, but with a brain injury like that, there was nothing anyone could've done.
What happened to the goose?
Last time I brooded I did it all out in the barn. I had to sets that were separated by about 3 weeks so I kept them separate. One group had the Premier Heat Plate and the others had a heat pad set-up. (I can post photos if anyone is interested in seeing.)

This June when the new kiddos arrive I "may" keep them inside for a couple days to be sure everyone is eating/drinking/thriving, then put them in the barn. We have a separate pen for the chicks with wood frame and hardware cloth so that mice and what-not can't get into it and disturb the babies. Or...maybe not. When I have new kiddos I'm out there several times/day to check up and that's what I did with the Buckeye babies last time and I had enough observation time with them that it was ok.
Here's my strange situation....
I have an old orp (Mr Dummy) who's willing to mate but has some physical limitations (a limp). I have seen him mate but wonder if it's "effective." I've trimmed the excess fluff to help him out.

I also have my laced orps. They're 10 months old. I've seen that roo (Mr Wonderful) mate but when I candled my incubating eggs, only a couple eggs were fertile. Today I cleaned & trimmed them a little more, because the schools will start hatching next week.

From the 1st test hatch results, I discovered the laced roo mated the lav hens & the blk/lav & lav split mated the laced. I got rid of the young lav (Dinner) since he had some gold leakage. Sadly, he was a Romeo and the hens' fav. (He was only 5 mo old!) The boys get along and always have, but I am separating them during the day so I could hatch some laced orps.

The laced hens have been separated for 2 months. The laced orps are in a chicken tractor with a nest box during the day, and my old blk/lav split has the rest of the flock in the coop/run. At night when the roosters go into the garage, the laced girls get put back into the coop. This is working great for keeping my breeders separated, but I'm still wondering why the laced orp eggs are not 100% fertile. Recently I'm not seeing the laced roo mate. Mr Wonderful only has to fertilize 2-3 hens for goodness sake. Last summer we had 2 orp roos for 18 hens & fertility was never a problem.

Could the tractor be cramping Mr Wonderful's style? (Like fishing in a barrel.) Could the hens still be longing for the lav boy we gave away and not allowing the laced roo to mate? Any suggestions beyond trims? Vitamins? Romantic dinner?

BTW- Today while I was grooming the laced hens, Crystal kept squatting with her wings out. So why won't she do this for her rooster!? :he
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Here's my strange situation....
I have an old orp (Mr Dummy) who's willing to mate but has some physical limitations (a limp). I have seen him mate but wonder if it's "effective." I've trimmed the excess fluff to help him out.

I also have my laced orps. They're 10 months old. I've seen that roo (Mr Wonderful) mate but when I candled my incubating eggs, only a couple eggs were fertile. Today I cleaned & trimmed them a little more, because the schools will start hatching next week.

From the 1st test hatch results, I discovered the laced roo mated the lav hens & the blk/lav & lav split mated the laced. I got rid of the young lav (Dinner) since he had some gold leakage. Sadly, he was a Romeo and the hens' fav. (He was only 5 mo old!) The boys get along and always have, but I am separating them during the day so I could hatch some laced orps.

The laced hens have been separated for 2 months. The laced orps are in a chicken tractor with a nest box during the day, and my old blk/lav split has the rest of the flock in the coop/run. At night when the roosters go into the garage, the laced girls get put back into the coop. This is working great for keeping my breeders separated, but I'm still wondering why the laced orp eggs are not 100% fertile. Recently I'm not seeing the laced roo mate. Mr Wonderful only has to fertilize 2-3 hens for goodness sake. Last summer we had 2 orp roos for 18 hens & fertility was never a problem.

Could the tractor be cramping Mr Wonderful's style? (Like fishing in a barrel.) Could the hens still be longing for the lav boy we gave away and not allowing the laced roo to mate? Any suggestions beyond trims? Vitamins? Romantic dinner?

BTW- Today while I was grooming the laced hens, Crystal kept squatting with her wings out. So why won't she do this for her rooster!? :he

If he's a really submissive rooster, having tons of more dominant guys around will chill his rapacious side. Rejection will do it to. Your ladies have seen the bigger, better, more macho guys and don't want to settle for less than the best. Try keeping them separated where they can't see the rest of the guys and maybe they'll be frustrated enough to settle for each other.
Anyone have an easy/good receipe for pickled eggs? I'm getting a lot of bantam eggs right now and would like to try some. TIA!
Yeah, boil eggs, peel, put in pickle or beet juice let sit for 24 hours. ;) I just emptied a dill pickle jar and the juice is leftover. So, I will hardboil some eggs and put them in the pickle juice. They are pretty good.

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