I guess i'm stupid or uneducated to post fair pictures. Elsa my Hereford and Mocha my oldest Oberhasli showed at county fair. My Jersey heifer shows tomorrow. I didn't realize chickens, geese, ducks showed too! Game changer! Both my nieces did well next year is Hannah's last.
Its easy when you know how. You just have to have the pictures you want to post on the computer your posting from. Is the issue finding the pictures on your computer? Getting them from your camera or phone to your computer? What are you taking the pictures with, a real camera <would have to be digital> or a smartphone?
Been pretty busy this week. The Fair just opened and both kids did very, very well this year. It's DD's 6th year and she won several blue ribbons, class champions, 2 reserve grand champions, and multiple 'Best in Show's. Amazing!

DD used my herb bread recipe and won for cooking. However she definitely won't be bringing that to state. Part of what makes it good is being very fresh = picked & baked that day. We already must leave before sunrise to get to Springfield by 8:30! We heard from one of the judges that they really liked DD's bread and kept taking samples. Less than 1/2 the loaf was left.

For the past 5 years she won Best in Show for Animal Science. Her streak has come to an end. This year her poultry science project won reserve grand champion (2nd best) ..... because her little brother won "Best in Show." :lau It's OK, she's pretty proud of him.


Guess it runs in the family. Technically Animal sci is a big category, so both kids could go to state. However, each child may only bring one project, and I think DD will end up bringing her vet sci project instead. (She did an experiment to see if dogs have a paw preference - like people being right or left handed.) It's the other blue poster next to her.

DS was also very excited to do so well his 1st year. He got all blue ribbons on his projects. He had a great idea for his electricity project. Because his sister never played with her Snap Circuit kit, he ended up with it back in preschool. It was obvious that building a circuit with a switch from a kit was too easy for him. I gave him a mini light bulb, 2 D-cell batteries, some wire, glue, masking tape, and some copper tape. I sent him to the recycle bin and told him to make a flashlight.

So he made a pop bottle flashlight. The neck was inverted and the bulb secured in place. When the copper tape is lined up, the circuit is closed & light is ON. When the neck is turned in any other position, the circuit is open & OFF.

One flaw.... Copper tape can be fickle and he had a loose connection. (Our puppy was running through the house & knocked it off the table.) Sometimes the flashlight worked & other times did not. Rather than give up, he made a part 2 and built a second flashlight with a 3v button battery, LED, and craft foam.

Wonderful! .....The judging was on Tuesday. But on Monday night our dog decided the tiny flashlight was a nice chewy.:he
The little light was flickering ON/OFF as our dog was chewing on it. :lau We wrestled him & got it back. There were plenty of dents & marks - but it still worked. DD happened to have an extra, unused Kepler-dog photo from her poster, so I taped it to the back page of DS's report. (That way if this 2nd flashlight stopped working, he could at least explain why. LOL)

Well, teeth marks aside, that tiny flashlight worked just fine and so did his orig flashlight. When DS closed his report, there was Kepler's pic looking up at him. The judge had to ask, so that's when DS showed him all the teeth marks.

DS won Best in Show for his electricity project. Probably more for his determination than anything else.

The kids were so thrilled as they went through the building checking out how all their projects did. But, the kids could not find their eggs. It turns out, theirs were removed. DS ended up winning for best white egg production, and DD won for best egg production - other than white category. Their eggs will be auctioned off on Sat. :celebrate

Although we don't actually show our chickens at the fair, you may recognize these guys.
DS's PoofPoof and DD's Teddy
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Its easy when you know how. You just have to have the pictures you want to post on the computer your posting from. Is the issue finding the pictures on your computer? Getting them from your camera or phone to your computer? What are you taking the pictures with, a real camera <would have to be digital> or a smartphone?
My DSL is too slow and times out. Most pictures are from my LGV20.
Been pretty busy this week. The Fair just opened and both kids did very, very well this year. It's DD's 6th year and she won several blue ribbons, class champions, 2 reserve grand champions, and multiple 'Best in Show's. Amazing!

DD used my herb bread recipe and won for cooking. However she definitely won't be bringing that to state. Part of what makes it good is being very fresh = picked & baked that day. We already must leave before sunrise to get to Springfield by 8:30! We heard from one of the judges that they really liked DD's bread and kept taking samples. Less than 1/2 the loaf was left.

For the past 5 years she won Best in Show for Animal Science. Her streak has come to an end. This year her poultry science project won reserve grand champion (2nd best) ..... because her little brother won "Best in Show." :lau It's OK, she's pretty proud of him.


Guess it runs in the family. Technically Animal sci is a big category, so both kids could go to state. However, each child may only bring one project, and I think DD will end up bringing her vet sci project instead. (She did an experiment to see if dogs have a paw preference - like people being right or left handed.) It's the other blue poster next to her.

DS was also very excited to do so well his 1st year. He got all blue ribbons on his projects. He had a great idea for his electricity project. Because his sister never played with her Snap Circuit kit, he ended up with it back in preschool. It was obvious that building a circuit with a switch from a kit was too easy for him. I gave him a mini light bulb, 2 D-cell batteries, some wire, glue, masking tape, and some copper tape. I sent him to the recycle bin and told him to make a flashlight.

So he made a pop bottle flashlight. The neck was inverted and the bulb secured in place. When the copper tape is lined up, the circuit is closed & light is ON. When the neck is turned in any other position, the circuit is open & OFF.

One flaw.... Copper tape can be fickle and he had a loose connection. (Our puppy was running through the house & knocked it off the table.) Sometimes the flashlight worked & other times did not. Rather than give up, he made a part 2 and built a second flashlight with a 3v button battery, LED, and craft foam.

Wonderful! .....The judging was on Tuesday. But on Monday night our dog decided the tiny flashlight was a nice chewy.:he
The little light was flickering ON/OFF as our dog was chewing on it. :lau We wrestled him & got it back. There were plenty of dents & marks - but it still worked. DD happened to have an extra, unused Kepler-dog photo from her poster, so I taped it to the back page of DS's report. (That way if this 2nd flashlight stopped working, he could at least explain why. LOL)

Well, teeth marks aside, that tiny flashlight worked just fine and so did his orig flashlight. When DS closed his report, there was Kepler's pic looking up at him. The judge had to ask, so that's when DS showed him all the teeth marks.

DS won Best in Show for his electricity project. Probably more for his determination than anything else.

The kids were so thrilled as they went through the building checking out how all their projects did. But, the kids could not find their eggs. It turns out, theirs were removed. DS ended up winning for best white egg production, and DD won for best egg production - other than white category. Their eggs will be auctioned off on Sat. :celebrate

Although we don't actually show our chickens at the fair, you may recognize these guys.
DS's PoofPoof and DD's Teddy
So awesome! So many options since they have learned this for their future education!
I may be buying some Lavender Muscovy Ducklings today! I'm so excited! They are priced pretty expensive sadly at $25 each, but worth paying instead of driving 6 hours to WI to buy lavender ducklings.
Now I just need to find a seller with Rippled Muscovy's near by!
Anyone selling chicks soon? I'm thinking about buying some chickens to add too. My husband is obsessed with brown eggs and only eggs brown eggs. I'm okay with any egg layer, I hope to use the hens as brooders if they go broody.
I may be buying some Lavender Muscovy Ducklings today! I'm so excited! They are priced pretty expensive sadly at $25 each, but worth paying instead of driving 6 hours to WI to buy lavender ducklings.
Now I just need to find a seller with Rippled Muscovy's near by!
Anyone selling chicks soon? I'm thinking about buying some chickens to add too. My husband is obsessed with brown eggs and only eggs brown eggs. I'm okay with any egg layer, I hope to use the hens as brooders if they go broody.
No chicks here, I shut the incubator down over a month ago. I have 3 broody scovy hens tho! My pied lavender x lavender drake. Another lavender and an atipico black also sitting.
My Jersey heifer Daisy took reserve champion in Dairy! :yesss:!
I've given them a few days to settle in after fair. Then Daisy will start learning the milk stanchion. Her mom Pixie is a 4 gallon cow so I'm hoping Daisy will be as good. She leads and stands very well already.
American Bresse are nearly at point of lay, roosters are already crowing. Might have eggs all winter this year.
My Jersey heifer Daisy took reserve champion in Dairy! :yesss:!
I've given them a few days to settle in after fair. Then Daisy will start learning the milk stanchion. Her mom Pixie is a 4 gallon cow so I'm hoping Daisy will be as good. She leads and stands very well already.
American Bresse are nearly at point of lay, roosters are already crowing. Might have eggs all winter this year.
Congrats to you & the young lady who showed her.
Haven't posted in quite some time. I lost my original flock a couple years ago and just got restarted this Spring. I am mostly focused on bantam cochin,and silkies. But I have a couple polish girls, 2 salmon faverolles and one little dark brahma bantam pullet. Still waiting on my first eggs from these girls. Glad to be back and ready to talk chickie babies.
The kids got to have their eggs auctioned off this evening. Both are very happy.

DS's eggs came from his hens Tillie & PoofPoof (well mostly Tillie since she's a leghorn.)

DD's eggs came from Wendy the Welsummer.

DS also entered our Orpington eggs. They won a blue ribbon & (I think) class champion. Right now, all our best eggs are at the fair, some were used for baking entries, and the bantams are broody, ..... so we don't have many eggs left to eat at home. LOL (Don't worry, we'll have plenty in a couple days.) And of course the kids are very excited about the price they earned.
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