They're molting, so they're not looking fabulous right now:

Tell me about it!!!

Look, I have a naked neck!
Opps. No. It's just Blizzard.


Poor Cupcake now looks like a Rumpless Araucana.

She was giving me the evil eye for trying to take her pic during molt.

@pginsber - :loveI really enjoy the expressions on your Dominique & Brown Leghorn(?).
We hatched one bator full this year--3 out of 10 made it, 2 made it to coop life. They're integrating into the coop life this week. A few scratches and chasing, but otherwise all is good. Here's a picture of Loretta, our NN/Aracauna mix:
View attachment 1910485
View attachment 1910486
And the other chick, Sully, a roo--Aracauna/Norwegian Jaerhon cross:
View attachment 1910493

We tried to hatch a second bator, but only 1 of 11 eggs made it to lockdown, and that one was dead in shell and never hatched. Our rooster is Aracauna, and that breed is known to have poor fertilization rates and a lethal gene. I just didn't expect it to be like that. Anyways...

While I was observing the behaviors of the babies & old one in the coop yard, I got a few current pics of some of the flock. They're molting, so they're not looking fabulous right now:
Some old gals just checking thing out:
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Love the pictures!
Cow post today, we fear that one of our Hereford heifers is a freemartin. I'm going to have our vet out to check all our girls and my bull for fertility and pregnancy in the cows. My 3 jersey and Elsa the Hereford are all obviously bred. My cow neighbor Jack came out and "bumped" them all. Frosty the Hereford isn't showing signs and acts a bit bullish :(. We were warned by the breeder she was found abandoned, no idea whom mom was. My cow neighbor is sure she is, my vet will confirm. I'm sad about it, Frosty is a calm gentle soul.
Goats both boys are in full rut and UGH they stink! I do not want babies until May so they won't visit does until late December. My Oberhasli doe Coco appears pregnant if she is it will be Nubian cross.
Chicken news! TSC was selling off remaining babies $1 each. 12 black sexlink 2 silver laced wyandotte 2 saffire gem pullet. 5 pekin. DB bought them all as new layers. This will give us egg production late winter or earlier. These new pekin ducks will be coop trained. Geese do well protecting birds in daylight. I've found that night predation like owls not so much.
Do you ever have crop issues with your English Orps when they are molting?
No, knock on wood. My 1st or 2nd year with chickens I had an EE eat too much & was doing tons of crop adjustments. (Opening mouth & stretching up neck.) I was so scared and thought there was something terribly wrong with her. Pulled her into the house overnight & worried she was going to die. She was fine by morning. A friend laughed with me & said that my hen was just being a piggie.
Waiting on my Coco...Good girl my favorite goat and excellent milker. I just adore this doe! Not been a good mom so far Ive had to bottle her babies last 2 years. My Nubian buck bred her, unplanned! She's had a preemie doe late spring lost it :(. I flat out adore my goats. I now have separate places for the 2 different goat breeds. We are moving the moms due into our dog kennel so they can be alone to kid. If Coco's habits mothering don't improve I love her but she won't stay.
Downsizing, winter isn't far off! I have around 14 roosters I don't need. Next week when its not so hot we are culling.
Here's the little serama "Coge" that I've been talking about. She's certainly not the prettiest chicken we've ever had, but her personality more than makes up for it. She sort of melts like a silkie when being held. View attachment 1909591 View attachment 1909596
Loved the pics!
Really excited to hear about your vacation! It will be hard to come back :)
We are too! I just got a summon for jury duty so of course I may not be able to go. That's what you get when you register to vote.
We hatched one bator full this year--3 out of 10 made it, 2 made it to coop life. They're integrating into the coop life this week. A few scratches and chasing, but otherwise all is good. Here's a picture of Loretta, our NN/Aracauna mix:
View attachment 1910485
View attachment 1910486
And the other chick, Sully, a roo--Aracauna/Norwegian Jaerhon cross:
View attachment 1910493

We tried to hatch a second bator, but only 1 of 11 eggs made it to lockdown, and that one was dead in shell and never hatched. Our rooster is Aracauna, and that breed is known to have poor fertilization rates and a lethal gene. I just didn't expect it to be like that. Anyways...

While I was observing the behaviors of the babies & old one in the coop yard, I got a few current pics of some of the flock. They're molting, so they're not looking fabulous right now:
Some old gals just checking thing out:
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Loved the pics! My guys are almost done with moult.
Really excited to hear about your vacation! It will be hard to come back :)
Hope we can go! I got a summons for Jury duty the 2nd Oct. This is the 4th time now, every time I've registered to vote I get called. Ugh. I am proud to help but geez we really need this vacation. Have to call the night before to see if its been settled or I need to attend.
My broody BCM ( Black Copper Maran) hatched 2 chicks, and promptly ignored them. I am just sick over it. Heard peeping early this morning found one that died, 1 still alive. Hen was dust bathing and didn't care so I took the remaining eggs and the live chick. :mad: Its eyes were matted and very cold. Washed its eyes with a warm rag so it could see.. I put the baby under my shirt to warm it up, and got it under a heat plate. Poor baby died later this afternoon. :(
This Maran hen will not be allowed to brood again. She was from my first round of Maran eggs in January. Lays well but obviously not a good mom at all. I have to try with any of our heritage breeds. it's usually better that a hen raises the chicks but not this time.
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