We've not had eggs for weeks! Our egg storage is nearly exhausted. I am dreading going to the store to buy eggs but these freeloaders don't seem to be leaving me with any choice!
Hate winter and the impact on our girls. I bought eggs a few days ago and was ugh :sick. I am still not OK with artificial lighting tho. I keep them as pets and layers too. I do harvest roosters but my main reason is the eggs.
7 eggs today mostly my barred rock a couple from the Bresse. Geese and ducks won't resume or start laying until early spring.
Still waiting for our new Hereford cow. I hope to add a new flock of Chinese goose this spring. Mine are at least 7 now and the 1 hen has proven infertile. I adore Big Boy the huge African goose. DD is going to take him home.
Had an unsettling visit from a state police officer. Someone had called in saying my Belle was several miles away. Belle is in with her goats behind an electrified fence. He saw she is. I asked him how she would have crossed an electric fence twice to put herself back in?
We have bicycler people 100s of them passing by every day now. Belle barks and does not like it. Thanks to the new subdivision now my sweet dog is targeted just doing her job. Time to move my goats and Belle away from the road. Time to move I guess. I'm pretty p'd off right now.
:barnie1 week away from Thanksgiving and my smaller turkey, Christmas "flipped", found him this morning. Ugh! The term "flipped" means had a heart attack, flip on their back and die. If it had just happened I would have harvested him, but he was ice cold so hard telling when he died. Could have been as much as 12 hours, not OK with me to take that risk. The bigger fella thanksgiving is doing fine for now, except he is the only turkey! He is housed with the rooster flock so he has friends. Hoping he holds out til Monday when he will be processed. Its a big downfall for the broad breasted hybrid turkeys. I do free range them and haven't had it happen in a few years. Soo Christmas dinner will be a store bought turkey this year. I normally get several turkey poults in spring didn't do it this year. Just ugh.
We've been grinding and mixing our own feed a while now for all the animals. I get peas from Azure standard, Fertrell nutrabalancer, and corn from a local farmer. Saving us a fortune, sorry TSC & RK! I'm going to continue with peas for the goats, waterfowl and poultry, but I've worked out buying soybean in bulk from Kokomo grain. I'm working towards being organic but its hard to do and very expensive with the cows. We are currently feeding 8 head of cattle soon to be 9. And calves due any day! The closest local source for organic corn is Terre Haute.

Oh, no! So sorry about your turkey! :hugs

Haha, I'm starting to get impatient on those calves! :p Can't wait to see pictures of them! :fl

I've forgot to renew my premium membership until tonight. I've wanted to change my user name a long while now and I like the added features you get with email storage etc.
Eggs were much better today over a dozen! Haven't found the leghorn's hiding spot yet, ugh.

I've thought about shortening my username a few times, too, since I mostly just go by Pipd anyway and it's a bit cumbersome for people to tag me with my full UN... But I just love it so much as is... :love

What did you have in mind to change to? :pop

We've not had eggs for weeks! Our egg storage is nearly exhausted. I am dreading going to the store to buy eggs but these freeloaders don't seem to be leaving me with any choice!

Yeah, it's the season for sure... I'm down to just my pullets laying (most of them, anyway; I've gotten all of 2 eggs from the OEGB pullets since they started laying a month or two ago, and Ganymede hasn't picked back up since she went broody) and maybe one or two adults. Getting 1 or 2 eggs most days, though yesterday they surprised me with 5!

7 eggs today mostly my barred rock a couple from the Bresse. Geese and ducks won't resume or start laying until early spring.
Still waiting for our new Hereford cow. I hope to add a new flock of Chinese goose this spring. Mine are at least 7 now and the 1 hen has proven infertile. I adore Big Boy the huge African goose. DD is going to take him home.
Had an unsettling visit from a state police officer. Someone had called in saying my Belle was several miles away. Belle is in with her goats behind an electrified fence. He saw she is. I asked him how she would have crossed an electric fence twice to put herself back in?
We have bicycler people 100s of them passing by every day now. Belle barks and does not like it. Thanks to the new subdivision now my sweet dog is targeted just doing her job. Time to move my goats and Belle away from the road. Time to move I guess. I'm pretty p'd off right now.

:barnie That's so frustrating! I hope you find a perfect place for you and your family and animals to move to so you can have some peace and leave those nosy 'neighbors' behind! :tongue
Oh, no! So sorry about your turkey! :hugs

Haha, I'm starting to get impatient on those calves! :p Can't wait to see pictures of them! :fl

I've thought about shortening my username a few times, too, since I mostly just go by Pipd anyway and it's a bit cumbersome for people to tag me with my full UN... But I just love it so much as is... :love

What did you have in mind to change to? :pop

Yeah, it's the season for sure... I'm down to just my pullets laying (most of them, anyway; I've gotten all of 2 eggs from the OEGB pullets since they started laying a month or two ago, and Ganymede hasn't picked back up since she went broody) and maybe one or two adults. Getting 1 or 2 eggs most days, though yesterday they surprised me with 5!

:barnie That's so frustrating! I hope you find a perfect place for you and your family and animals to move to so you can have some peace and leave those nosy 'neighbors' behind! :tongue
Honestly am not sure yet! :caf
Hello all from good ol' Bluffton Indiana! Cool to see there's an Indiana thread here. I'm a new member and new chicken owner.
Anyone else close to Bluffton/Fort Wayne?
:welcome Welcome to our thread! :frow
There are a few folks near you.

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