Indiana Chicken People (list)

Hi. I'm in Indiana too. Muncie to be exact. Originally from Anderson though.
Hello from Shoals IN

I am a born and raised hoosier

I love this state!

I am a wife and mother of 4

step mom of 2

step grandma of 2

I have 40 chickens

2 mini eskies

1 parakeet
Fort Wayne Indiana, looking to find out what our local ordinances are and how we can change them so that we can raise hens in our backyard.
Yea, I thought that even in the city you could have them as long as they were contained, there wasn't an abundance of them, you're not cock-fighting, and they're not a nuisance to the neighbors (which is determined by the previously mentioned factors I believe).
Hello. I'm Lindsay from Parke Co., IN. I am a stay at home mom to three daughters ages 4, 3, and 1 1/2. My husband and I both worked construction and love anything that gets us outside. We are currently remodeling a 1908 or 1914 (records are a little off) farmhouse on 5 acres. Currently we just have 8 unknown breed chicks from Rural King, a beagle named Merle, and 5 deer (not pets, although they do let us get fairly close). We have had chickens in the past although this is the first try with chicks YIKES! However, it has now got me planning for the next big chicken adventure. I'm thinking 25 hens would make a nice addition to a very lonely chicken coop that hasn't had a chicken inside in years. I'm looking forward to gathering eggs again and having something new to add to the compost pile.

So here I am, new to BYC and asking for suggestions. I think that I want to get either Plymouth Rocks or Silver Laced Wyandottes. I'm partial to the black and white look I suppose, although I don't specifically have a preference between anything that has an interesting pattern and lays a lot of eggs. But with young children around that treat them like puppy dogs, they must be friendly and easily handled. So if anyone has any suggestions or anything for sale that matches what I'm looking for, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm not looking for show quality, just pets, and they don't have to be pretty. We were the home of the ugliest rooster in America I believe for quite a few years.
Hi Lindsay
Welcome to the big show! My first suggestion is, this forum is a wonderful recourse. Use it! Since you and hubby are construction people you might consider looking at the section on building your own incubator. Lots of fun, great learning opportunity for your little ones!

The breeds you talked about are good ones and you would be happy with either. If you hand raise them and give them lots of attention your girls will be friendly. Just get rid of any mean roosters! As far as buying chickens, I don't have any suggestions for you. I have never bought one. Chicken swapping and egg swapping is way more fun!

Oh by the way, if you want to identify the chicks you have now post pictures in the "What Breed Or Gender is This?" section. People here love to help.
Hi All
My name is Rhonda and although I am new to posting, I'm not new to BYC. I've been visiting, reading and learning for a couple of years now. We finally made the leap and have 6 chicks - 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes and 3 Buff Orpingtons.

We are in Southern Indiana, near Corydon and Georgetown.
Very happy to have my first chicks!

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