Indiana Chicken People (list)

Help! I need a chicken sitter for a week!

It turns out the family who was going to care for our pet chicken Brigid while we are on vacation will be unable to do so. So now I am asking would anyone like to care for our small, friendly pet chicken while we are gone on vacation next week?

If you saw the little red hen I was carrying around on pet day (Not the crazy white ones I brought for embryology) that is the girl in question. Here is her picture:

Brigid is a very friendly and sweet bird. She has been living in the house with us and is very gentle and quiet. She is used to cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc. She wears a diaper in the house so is not messy. I need to find her a place to stay for the week because she is afraid of the rooster and every time he tries to mate with her she is traumatized. I mean, she rolls up in a ball in the corner and won't come out for hours! She also runs away when we leaver her in the yard with the other chickens.

Caring for Brigid is easy! She sleeps in a cat carrier at night and wears a diaper during the day. All you do is feed her and give her fresh water in the morning, put her diaper on, and change the towel in her carrier. Then at night you take off her diaper, top up her water, and put her to bed. In the meantime she wanders around, begs for food, and sometimes will sit in your lap and be petted, like any pet.

We need to drop her off on Saturday June 30 and pick her up on Monday July 9 or Tuesday July 10. I will pay for her care. I had thought $5 a day was a good price, but I am open to offers. I would also offer any eggs she laid, but she doesn't do eggs any more.

PLEASE contact me as soon as you can. My home number is 815-472-0078 and my cell is 815-573-6440.

Thanks for reading this.

Hello all I am in Lafayette we have several brreds but my love is the OEGB my girl friend like her barnevelders. We have had chickens for the last 6 yrs but just started hatching this yr have hatches 12 so far and have 5 in my homemade incubator (got the idea off of BYC) they are all 5 OEGB. This is the trial run for the bator hope all goes well
I joined a few weeks ago, I love it!! I am on here almost every evening.
I read for hours, have picked up so much information!
I raised meat birds several years ago, but the layers are totally new for me.
Looking for someone with Buff Orpington pullets and a cockerel close to home.
Really prefer chicks, want to have some friendly birds.
My wyandottes (6) were 4 weeks and wild when we got them, and the PPRs (4) were a year old.
The wyandottes, can barely handle them.
Out of the 6, only 2 is somewhat social, my young roo and one hen.
I have decided to rotate out the layers and go to BO, or lavender if i can find them, they sound wonderful.
Any recommendations are welcome.

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