Indiana ChickenStock 2011 ~ Mooresville, IN ~ CANCELED

Thanks for alerting us!
Maybe give us a reminder a few days before? This will get buried, and I don't want to forget!
Oh wow, just found this thread. I was thinking there was not going to be one this year. Count me in and my best friend and fellow chicken lover Peggy.
I better get my vacation changed now. it was not set in stone and now I have a good reason to set it in stone. lol Will check the food thread and the swap one as well. I just had 3 bantam cochin eggs hatch and maybe just maybe bring those chicks, not for sure yet. I kinda want to see what color they turn out first. The mama is a black mottled and the papa is a barred.
Sorry I havent updated or gotten back to anyone.. Just not feeling well in this heat.. ugg. I will update all the threads and reply to PM's in the next few days everyone
Thanks for bearring with me
Hiya Caitlin, Cickenstock is basically a way for all of us chicken lovers and owners to get together as a community. We swap, sell and talk all things chicken. We hope to see you there, it has always been a great time!

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