Indiana & Surrounding BYC Meetup August 1st, 2009

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I know this was going to happen, im just not all that informed on how it's going to go down. Can anyone break it down for me? Will ALL of our birds go to this auction, or can we still walk around and barter/trade with everyone else??

Oh..and Schultz...i think i MAY be able to get a hold of a e-z up canopy. Would that be ok to set up for some shade??

No, I don't think we are having an auction at Schultz's, unless it is something that you bring specifically for an auction. We have a local weekly auction here were I live at, and I've got a ride. I have about 20 birds penned up to take with me, and this pretty EE roo is one of them. I don't want to get rid of him, but I really can't keep him either, unless I find some girls for him.
Here's a pic of him, have you ever seen an EE roo that was so pretty??
He's the one in front, the red and blue one.

ETA: I really like the all-white one too, but I know that it's really not possible to keep a whole bunch of EE roos.
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I will be making a big batch of Buffalo Chicken dip you can eat it on crackers or put some on a bun and make a sandwich with it! I never have had to take leftovers home. I'm sure we won't be there before 2pm since I got to work Friday night. The misses will drive so I can sleep on the way. Looking forward to meeting everyone
I know this was going to happen, im just not all that informed on how it's going to go down. Can anyone break it down for me? Will ALL of our birds go to this auction, or can we still walk around and barter/trade with everyone else??

Oh..and Schultz...i think i MAY be able to get a hold of a e-z up canopy. Would that be ok to set up for some shade??

Everyone is free to bring a canopy if they have one

As for an auction...well if you want to try auctioning your bird then go for it, have a ball.

Good morning everyone, it's the last day before...
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Good morning everyone! Cooler is getting packed up, things put into the car. We are driving our daughter's car cuz its easier on gas. I had to find a place to put the BYC bumper sticker! Maybe you'll see a chicken pinata in the back seat going down the highway! LOL
Well, the plan today involves much work. There is an area that still needs raked, I need to get kabobs ready, go to the store, we will try to set up tables. It's up to you really. I don't want to be so busy that I ignore someone, ya know!
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