Indoor Chickens

Personally I don't think keeping chickens indoors is a responsible choice if you buy them knowing you're not allowed to have them. For that matter, keeping them outdoors but hidden from your neighbors isn't responsible either since you're knowingly bringing them into an environment where they're not welcome. If they get discovered, you're either going to have to pay a big fine and get rid of them to maintain your housing, or you're going to get evicted. Either way, you're going to be faced with having to rehome your contraband chickens, which isn't fair to them. And I know some people don't see a problem with keeping chickens indoors, and I don't mean to be judgy, but I just don't think that's a good environment for a chicken. There's no bugs to eat, no grass to peck at, no sunshine to nap in, no opportunity to do all the things that make them so very happy. That's just my two cents though, and just an opinion. But at any rate, I would move to a place where you can have them openly and without repercussion rather than trying to keep them a secret.
Personally I don't think keeping chickens indoors is a responsible choice if you buy them knowing you're not allowed to have them. For that matter, keeping them outdoors but hidden from your neighbors isn't responsible either since you're knowingly bringing them into an environment where they're not welcome. If they get discovered, you're either going to have to pay a big fine and get rid of them to maintain your housing, or you're going to get evicted. Either way, you're going to be faced with having to rehome your contraband chickens, which isn't fair to them. And I know some people don't see a problem with keeping chickens indoors, and I don't mean to be judgy, but I just don't think that's a good environment for a chicken. There's no bugs to eat, no grass to peck at, no sunshine to nap in, no opportunity to do all the things that make them so very happy. That's just my two cents though, and just an opinion. But at any rate, I would move to a place where you can have them openly and without repercussion rather than trying to keep them a secret.

I live in Canada, there's only 7 cities allow chickens because of our stupid government. **** I hate Canada...
Its crazy. What is the difference between having a pet parrot or a chicken? They are both birds and chickens is much quieter than the average parrot!

Then need to change the law. I think in the past it was about farming chickens (which I agree in should not be allowed in the city). But keeping one or 2 as pets should be fine.

Its a 'free country'.....or is it?

The law says you can not have chickens, but does it say you can't have an ostrich? Maybe you should get a few of them lol.
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Its crazy.  What is the difference between having a pet parrot or a chicken?  They are both birds and chickens is much quieter than the average parrot!

Then need to change the law.  I think in the past it was about farming chickens (which I agree in should not be allowed in the city).  But keeping one or 2 as pets should be fine. 

Its a 'free country'.....or is it? 

The law says you can not have chickens, but does it say you can't have an ostrich?  Maybe you should get a few of them lol.

Lol funny thing is that the animal bylaw also says no elephants I'm not joking
I was in touch with Mary from the Chicken Run Rescue. She emailed me saying that chickens make excellent indoor pets. She has 1/4 inch screening around her windows (hopefully, just in a room reserved for the hens, I'm not sure).
I've recently gotten two skittish ex-battery hens, which are in a coop most of the day, but during heatwaves, they are placed in the bathtub with food and water to drink. Every two hours, I go in to wipe up the poop, as they step in it. (Apparently they are known for doing so). I can hardly wait for chicken diapers; that is essential in my books! I bought an expensive diaper harness from the US, and left it on a hen too long, so now she has a bare armpit. Now I know that I need to make a correction (tug on shock cord or lightly tap top of head) every time they peck at the harness. Now they are putting their feet through, trying to pull it off their chest, so I have to correct for that too. I have read people train their hens to defecate in a certain spot by rewarding them, so if you have an aptitude for training, that will reduce the amount of cleaning.
Mine are leghorn hens, came from a small town in eastern Ontario (and we are no where near communist, but the bylaws are crazy). There were 72,000 birds in the place. Their claws were 6 inches long, according to the rescuer who paid $1.25. They started laying 4 days ago, and I have 4 eggs, but I don't expect them to be high producers.
Check out clicker training for hens, too. I use my mouth as a clicker, as I don't always have a clicker on me. You will sound like a horse trainer, but your hens won't know the difference.
I think, if you really don't like how the birds are being treated, the best thing is not to buy eggs or eat chicken. In other words, vote with your wallet. Personally, I have found going vegan easier than cleaning up after my 2 hens for 2 weeks, although it has its moments. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of success.
PS - I like this forum, now I'm learning about quail, which I used to see running wild in Victoria, a beautiful city where bylaws have always permitted hens (and perhaps other livestock; I also think it allows horses, but I never met anyone with horses in their yards, even in the neighborhoods with large lots).
I keep my indoors now because of the heat and what I've done is get a HUGE box big enough for me to lay in both length wise and width wise. Very big and I put shavings in it. However this is just until the weather cools and they can go to there coop and run. But if you only get two females you can get them chicken diapers and it keeps them from pooping on the floor.get a small breed like a silkie.but they do desperately need outside time! It can be done inside I have a friend that keeps them inside all the time. But he also gives them exercise out doors.
LMFAO I too live in Canada, in London Ontario. My friend is gifting me one of her chicks for my birthday next month, when the chick will be about a month old. I'm planning to keep her (the chick, not my friend) in a large coop indoors, and spend as much time outdoors with her as possible in my backyard. I want her to live as natural a chicken-life as she can, eating grass, bugs & vegetables, and have access to the sunshine & fresh air. My neighours can kiss my ***, as can the no-chicken bylaws. We need to fight harder for the right to feed ourselves (eggs, not chicken meat)
I would like to dispel some myths regarding chickens in the house. I have chickens(hens/roosters) in my house at any given time due to either severe cold or severe heat and sometimes just b/c i enjoy their company,they DO NOT smell(any animal will smell if not cared for properly)nor do they scratch furniture or break things. Yes they do the egg song and yes my roosters will crow at the same time everyday,they know what time everyone should be up,and if they are not well my boy will just walk down to all the bedrooms and crow in your face until you get up,he often gets a pillow thrown at him on weekends,but my children have never been late for school since he decided to take up residence on the cat tree. My dogs/cats are way more noisy/destructive than any of my birds and IMO there is nothing more smelly than a cat box,which is cleaned daily just like my chickens room(converted into coop/run)is cleaned daily. They do go outside,but as i already stated come in during severe heat/cold.

I always find it odd how some state that chickens have to be outside and that you have to have more than one,parrots/budgies/etc are also flock animals and would probably prefer to spend their time outside also and would probably like flockmates,but the reality is they live inside and usually by themselves and are very happy with their lives. A couple of my birds actually spend more time with me than they do with their flock,this is their choice and they would be perfectly happy being the only bird. When inside they spend their day following me around,sunbathing in front of glass doors,chasing the cats,they are fascinated by the computer and washing machine. They are absolutely delightful animals and each know their own name.

So yes,it is possible to keep chickens inside and they are happy with their human flock.
hello! chickens make great indoor pets :) my friend makes custom diapers too! I had a hen who we recently lost :( but she loved being indoors with us she HATED chickens and HATED outside! we now have a young girl named Dyomi. shes wonderful! still getting used to us but shes super funny to watch and loves to be near us. check out more on her and the ones my frinds have on our fb page!!!!!

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