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The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
I know everyone has noticed the price of groceries climbing through the roof, and feed for the birds has gone from $6.99/50# to $12.95/50#. Today we put our horses up for sale because over a 6 week period the price of alfalfa hay has gone from $8.99 to $16.99 per bale. That is ridiculous!!!!!

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Whoa that's cheap!!! Regular gas is that price here, and diesel is $4.30. Ugh. Very small raises and everything is increasing in price. How are people who are already having a rough time supposed to make ends meet? We do ok, I am thinking about others who don't have dual incomes, etc.
While it does have an effect, at the moment it's a very minor one, secondary to the impact of the Federal Reserve. Inflation has been going on for a long time.
sonjab, I've always thought the Amish, Mennonites and their offshoots had the right idea! And there were times I was tempted to take up their lifestyle, but I am sooo dang fond of indoor plumbing for one thing that it put me off the idea.

Years ago (about 30 yrs) we lived in rural Missouri and there were people who still had dirt floors, for the longest time my DD wanted us to get dirt floors too! That all changed when we took our goat to the good Rev. Burns to be bred and she asked to use the restroom and was taken to the outhouse! On her way back from the outhouse she saw a bathtub with wheels on the back porch, during the warm weather that's where they bathed (it was a very isolated piece of property).

As costs continue to rise it gets tougher and tougher for many folks
and I think that is what upsets me the most about communities that won't allow people to have backyard chickens!
I do not live inside the city limits but I only have 1/2 acre of land. I have my chickens and we enlarged our garden this year to almost double size. I still live in rural MO not too far from the Amish people. I think they have indoor plumbing but electricity is out though. That would just be another bill you wouldnt have to worry about.
Whoa that's cheap!!! Regular gas is that price here, and diesel is $4.30. Ugh. Very small raises and everything is increasing in price. How are people who are already having a rough time supposed to make ends meet? We do ok, I am thinking about others who don't have dual incomes, etc.

I don't have dual income. I am a single mom. My daughter is past the age for child support, but I still support her. It sucks.
Inflation here is horrid. Cheapest bag of good layer feed here is $14.49 for a 50# bag. Groceries have gone way up...especially healthy veggies... Gas is $3.51 a gallon. We live in scary times folks.... We had chicken from our backyard for Sunday dinner today....
and everyone is begging in the streets....

Don't cats always get a bit dramatic?

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